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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. Well yestarday. Flew around Kerbin collecting science points with a basic Jet plane. Maxed out a fair portion of the tech Tree with just staying within Kerbin with only a few going out of the atmoshpere.
  2. Do disagree with 1. One way probes can be used to mark out where biodomes are and with the reputation system in the works. That will help re-enforce it. And for Places like Eve. One way probes work just as well as manned missions. 2) Sort of iffy. Part of the reason why I like returning my probes or at least trying to is. The data you gain is only part of the science. The rest come from did it work to checking out the part back at Kerbin to see what type of stresses where placed upon it during its travels. 3) Do agree something like this would be useful. There is a mod that makes anything with an antenna act like a comm sat as well as TAC mod that adds life support. 4) The game is almost there with that. The Science lab does a simple cheat of making parts work again with just the use of evergy. Just needs to be expanded to include matterials for the goo container and SC-9001 Science Jr part. And there is a mod that adds Life Support for our Kerbals. 5) I see what you're saying. But, disagree with you slightly on needing a mobile base. The new science lab could easily stay in one place as then the rover will be lighter due to needing less wheels, batteries, solar panels and other supports which means for those on older pcs they will have less lag and less chance to brake it.. 6) Seems to be a bit silly. In another sense I can see that it could make the replay value of the game a bit better. But, not likely will happen as it is not in Squad's vision. They want everyone to have the exact same experiance. Over all. Some good ideas. Only I would have added rover wheels should have been aquired sooner since in the VAH(?) we see them driving around. And to have thermometer & barometer sooner as well. Since Earth has had them both since the mid 1600's. Plus it would give more reason to explore Kerbin sooner instead of a lot later to never.
  3. I would have to say my KSP this would be for mine. Just subsitute some of the words for space.
  4. Yeah. IT is amazing what people toss up. Untill recently I could not have a part count higher then 215 without causing some serious low FPS.
  5. That you can make rocket / jet powered rovers easier now that their wheels can rotate. =^.^= Like this baby:
  6. Geofwise Kerman was not as dead as everyone thought yestarday. But, had fun playing around with rovers and basic jets engines. Will try to fly this later today:
  7. Rover are not completely useless. Just one can make them useless. For myself. I'm planning on designing probes for one way trips to hopefully mark out the biodomes. Which then I will build and land Kerbal controlled Rovers to go to each area and collect the data as well as dirt samples. Other then that. I will only use rovers since I have a very difficult time landing in the same spot on a planet or moon. As that has been the only way I can rescue my stranded Kerbals that cannot get back into orbit. Eve being the exception. -makes cross- What I would not mind doing on planets is setting them up for colonization which in turn can then build rockets there one day, have a bit of Minecraft in space minus the creatures that pick up blocks and or try to kill you, as well as finding more easter eggs of sorts.
  8. Well yestarday with my new career start. I had fun just getting all my science done just on and within Kerbin's atmosphere. With enough points to build first a rocket powered Rover then soon after a Basic Jet Powered one that can climb steep hills: Needless to say we will be holding Geofwise Kermans Funeral today as they finally recovered his body as there is enough light to see by.
  9. When close enough right click. There is an option to either store and or take.
  10. Or take out the experiments with a Kerbal and Just recover the Kerbal.
  11. Well would edit my post. But, let us just say I'm very happy right now. Landed a SSTO space plane on uneven ground at night time all with out the need of parachutes. And in this picture you can see I had almost no fuel left too:
  12. Economy and contracts and Kerbal reputation hits for every dead Kerbal. -mounts Kerbal Skulls to the wall-
  13. I flew this into orbit last night: And today I'll try to find the smallest I'm comfortable with in size and mass.
  14. A little thing I have found out or at least noticed is that the new engines will use the Jet fuel tank. So if one wanted to just use jet fuel the jet aspect (not like anyone would want to), one can. Or if you did like I have done in this picture: Then one can have it so they don't need to worry about having excess Oxi fuel. Edit: This ship can make it to orbit with plenty of rocket fuel to spare.
  15. Found out if you do a return / recover with a craft you never need to do it again. No more having to have multiple CoM Just to get the max points. =^.^= Also encountered a bug where my Kerbals suffer from sudden decompression while EVA'ing in space and are flung at an amazing rate from the craft. Luckly I know how to do EVA and have yet to run out of fuel. Nice cool feature is we can see how much they have left and currently still have unlimited amounts as long as we return to the craft. As the monopropelent does not seem to go down. At least that I could tell. Working my way up the tech tree again and saw that the new lab is bigger then the hitchhicker modual. To bad I cannot fly it up right now. Well I could try. But, it would be part heavy. No RAPIER engine part in sight yet.
  16. Depends if I need them or not.
  17. Back in the day. They where used as landing gears for the Mün. I have used those as a way to keep the small SRB from exploding from over heating. But, for me the poodle is the least used. As there are better engines for pushing then that. At least for myself.
  18. Make the smalles SSTO plane I can. Start Carreer over as I want to test out the new ways we get science since my current carreer I have expanded it all.
  19. Resources: Mainly for the way it will likely change the way we build our crafts as well as give those planets more worth then a way to expand out tech tree. Not against MP. But, it is not something I would be using even if they had said we could do so well before I bought this game. As like others have mentioned it will eat up developement time of the existing features they have started.
  20. Outside of. Because we can, challange, looks and RP. For myself I look at it as a way to shield yourself from debries (if you have it turned on). As the planets and moons make decent shields till the part drops right down on top or rolls over it. As well as a start for when ever reasourses finally get worked in. As it takes some skill to get pin point landings. More so with planets with atmosphere.
  21. It seems the OP is asking for a Mod tool to create and add custom fuel tanks in-game. While I don't blame the OP for wanting such and find it would be cool to have... The problem I'm seeing is we don't know what kind of space/volume rocket fuel and oxidiser takes up as well as the mass. As it stands we could have wierd volume preportions of 100:1 ratio (just an example on how it could be extreamly diffrent) or a ratio closer to being equal (which I realize is more likely the case). The current tweakables is a good start though and hopefully they will be able to expand upon it as well as standardize the fuel sizes.
  22. Name then funny little quote along with science value.
  23. Agree we don't need to spam. The pics made it feel like we would have to just spam them to get off the ground. But, I do realise it is likely just to show at high altitudes. Then again it could have been done with just 2 since it should be just showing how it works. Would have been greate if the intakes used electricity to suck in more air so we would not have to add moer intakes to make up for the loss of them. @Murph: The only unrealistic part at least for me is the intake spamming in one spot. Spreading them out so they have to have a clear airflow as well as realistic support for the part means I will be adding a lot of mass to my craft that is unnessary for space travel. So while it is easier to leave Kerbin atmosphere. It makes it harder when traveling in space.
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