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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. Did a Apollo 11 Münar Landing for the 44th Anerversiry. Kerbal Style. Posted Picture in the link below. No need to spam every place with it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/40627-No-one-doing-a-44th-Anniv-Re-enactment-Let-s-all-land-on-the-Mun-this-weekend!?p=530164#post530164
  2. Well here is my ode to Apollo 11's Lunar landing which happened today 44 years ago. Kompletely in Kerbal Fashion to I might add. Needless to say. They had to leave behind the laning part in sooner then epected (ran out of fuel) and had to use the top to land. Sadly the snacks where on the lower half and Bill was impatient. Sadly not enough fuel to make orbit. Bob did try to abandonship. Sadly he was a bit to late as well.
  3. I have ignored KSP for a few days to get trading cards for steam. Thus I can sell them and get all the nice Kerbal cards later on. Anyways. Thinking of how I want to proced with my Kerbal Slaying Program when 0.21 does finally come out.
  4. Yeah. IT is a shame it went poof. As I wanted to go there and have a Kerbal play whack the rock with a sledge hammer. Then take he bitz and see if I can make a magical space ship.
  5. Jeb, Bill and Bob are the orange suited Kerbals.
  6. Well try out the new parts and get said craft into orbit and do all the other baby steps I did before again.
  7. Yeah. Remember to add parachutes to all parts where Kerbals will live. Even on space stations that will never de-orbit. =^.^=
  8. Nah. That is called laziness and the teachers did not whip them hard enough to make them try and do it right in the first place. You missed the word "MIGHT" in my post as well as the jest about the way people are posting on this forum. Also if you whre to look at kids in Special Ed you would notice such more often. Also Kids that are in special Ed don't take SAT if I remember right or would not surprise me if those kids where left out intetionally too. Anyways. Regardless of how one plays this game. As long as they find it fun with low stress. Who cares what they doto make it fun.
  9. I think Kethane isa composit matterial? Er... Think that is the term used? Simliar to what H2O represents if any of you remember your chemistry. And those who have yet to take it. Go ahead and find out.
  10. Also to remember with parachutes. Remember to put them on the lowest crew modual as well as to avoid this:
  11. Actually that might indicate how well a person does in math. More Spelling errors + grammer problems = higher chance to understand math.
  12. Evil Star Citizen Chattroll and Steam.
  13. A perversion of the "Lords of The Rings" eye. Intresting to say the least.
  14. Still not really thinking about it. At least seriously. Might try "Kerbal International Ship Porn". But, Donno how well it would be recieved by the Kerbals.
  15. Played BioShock Infinity to get trading cards to trader for Kerbal trading cards. As well as killed a few more Kerbals.
  16. I need Bob, Mechanics, Recruit and Von Kermin. But, happy enough to wait.
  17. Could be said I don't have much choice. Since I don't want to risk lag. Otherwise I would be happy to leave it in. At least for a little while.
  18. Bought it this April. Played the demo for about 2 weeks. Till I heard that Squad, due to their miss communications, where letting those that buy the game aquire free expansions and what ever else was in their miss communications. Then bought it on 28th of April about. Talk about insentives Squad was giving.
  19. Yeah. That is the problem with the Mün. It gets even better on Minmus, Gilly and Eeloo.
  20. Wpould also like to blame Squad for their mess up too for the buy before April (2013) ends and get free expansions.
  21. Killing Kerbals again. But, in 3s. =^.^= All in the name of getting the largest shuttle looking command pod up as a SSTO space plane.
  22. Also Scott Manly think thatis how his name is spelled has some excellent YouTubes on the subject as well on just about everything else.
  23. Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8. Only because I don't have to buy something newer.
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