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Everything posted by 255

  1. Hrm... using FAR, with just 3 stages I involuntarily escaped Kerbin... So is this not compatible with FAR? Or is it proably caused by another mod? I'll try with a vanilla installation. EDIT: confirmed that it's caused by FAR.
  2. I thought that with time KSP would have became something like BASPM (Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager) in 3D (although in a fictional world, with humour, etc). 1.0 is almost out and it looks like that's not the case at all. So my only option is a mod. Honestly I'm quite surprised both that Squad didn't do something like this before 1.0 and that no modder implemented this. But probably something like this, or more likely a subset of features of what I'm talking about already exists, in that case feel free to point me to those mods. General features would be: Researchers and engineers, with stats: you train them, and they will work on developing parts, work on technologies, etc. Parts reliability: the more engineers work on a part, the more its reliability increases; using it in a mission also increases it. Failures: there is Dang It!, but it's random. Failures will be determined by parts reliability. This is a perfect example where this big mod can be split: we already have Dang It!, so no need to reinvent the wheel, just create a mod for the part reliability and update Dang It! to work together with it. Space programs opening and management: instead of building rocket X and flying mission Y and then forgetting about that rocket or deleting it, you decide to open a specific space program and to invest resources/money to it. If you then don't do the planned missions, you'll loose reputation and money. Pending goals: If you don't meet certain goals within a few years, you loose the game or loose reputation. Obvious example: the president wants you to go to the Mun in year X. Other things inspired by BASPM, e.g. space race to the Mun against an AI. Things like upgrading buildings and funds are already there in KSP and can be adjusted to work with the mod. Somewhat similar/related topics: Not just flight crew managment but engineering staff too It's not about resources, it's about goals Ideas on career mode
  3. Oh, ok, thank you. ATM came with no documentation/readme file but I guess I could've just read its thread. ^^
  4. Hello, 0.90, vanilla, no other mod, installed this one. Loading takes minutes, probably would take one hour so I just gave up and killed the process. Tryied multiple times. I have ATM, last version. Could this because I have only 3GB of RAM? I don't think so though because I've indeed ATM and looking in the task manager I can see that it limits the RAM to 2 GB max.
  5. Yet another person that doesn't understand the difference between stock game and mods. LOL are you serious. Having to minimize the game window and read the timestamp before hitting F9 is nonsense. Well if the forum doesn't see the problem, well... no problem. The majority wins.
  6. Oh ok I see. Well, that's another exploit. So there's a lot of things wrong with satellites right now.
  7. Why should a contract give you science in the first place? Only if they actually give you an experiment module and say "hey put that into orbit and see what happens". There are mods for that IIRC, and it should actually be stock in the game. So you could implement the second "solution":
  8. Yes, this is what makes most sense. Exactly. Unless I'm wrong I think you can't do that, the game checks if the probe is a new one ("created" from the launch site and not already in space). Yes, or simply delete the satellite when the contract is completed.
  9. Those, at the start of the game, should be done with rockets I guess. The EVA surface ones instead with the planes.
  10. As I said you have to run KSP.exe, not the launcher. You can still set all your preferred options in the launcher, but then close it and start KSP.exe. Apparently that's how you start the 32-bit version if you have 64-bit Windows, although ridiculous.
  11. You can try to be funny but this is a serious problem that needs to be solved. You cannot always remember how old your quicksave is. If it happens to be way too old there is a serious risk that the next autosave (or the action of accidentally going back to the space center) erases hours of gameplay. Giving a warning it's not hard to do. It's like a text editor that doesn't give you a warning when you close the program. Sure it's the user fault if he loose hours of work, but it's also a fault by the software for not implementing a warning. KSP is a game with a goal of becoming a non-beta version, not a unix system where you can always say "oh, it's user's fault". What do you mean. Saving is automatic. This is exactly why in case you load something it's ridiculous to loose the main autosave, which in the case of KSP is the persistence file.
  12. You can deorbit and recover satellites that you've put in orbit for contracts. This makes no sense, since the satellite is not yours, the company needs it.
  13. Ok, unlocked the gear and did it. Took some tries to land on those terrains, but was doable. Then I returned home and I landed first try on the runaway eheh (good thing I upgraded it first). It was actually fun, after flying so many rockets the maneuverability of a jetplane was cool. Don't feel like doing another one of this contracts though. =_='
  14. Damn I still don't have the small gear bay ahah. Well, grinding some science I guess. Or pointing up and landing with the lander-type-gear lol. I wonder if it's possible with the jet engine.
  15. @ armagheddonsgw Thinking about it it makes sense. These contracts makes use of the planes which otherwise will be useless in the first stages of the game. Well, thanks, gonna try. Still, it makes no sense not having the mark in "Staging view".
  16. It's a weird bug on the 64bit version. You have to use the 32bit version ("KSP.exe") for now.
  17. I know but the navball is not enough, I still miss it because I'm talking about the ones that require you to land there. Flying over is easy but I don't know how to correctly land there. Thanks for the planes idea, although I'm not good at building planes.
  18. I also learnt it, don't you think? Still it's something that needs to be solved. You cannot ask the player to backup because the quicksave feature is bad designed. You are supposed to solve the problem. The thread is about that.
  19. How in the hell you do these? The ones you have to fly over are easy, but these are just impossible to me. The most weird thing is that you don't have a marker in the normal view (Staging view); WHY??; the marker for the location is only in the Orbit Map so I cannot pinpoint the place in the final phase, I just go blind and I miss. I could just correctly set my trajectory to land there, but the trajectory line is always wrong when inside the atmosphere. And the trajectory mod doesn't work in 0.90 yet. Any help?
  20. Number of players who lost its career progress due to the quicksave thing: +1 Main topic, closed: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81883-HorribleOversightInGameDesign-ALL-MY-STUFF-IS-GONE/ Hope some solution gets implemented (e.g. very old quicksaves gives a warning or don't overwrite the persistent file). Thanks.
  21. You are supposed to launch directly with the correct inclination. Only then, in very low orbit, you start to get the orbit bigger. Changing the inclination when your orbit is already big is a pain and it's the wrong way to do it.
  22. and Good point. So maybe we could have both ways of starting to gain science points: biomes AND satellites and more experiment-parts right from the start. I just don't think is good being forced to pick stuff from the ground when you want to do stuff in orbit. Picking up samples gives way more points than flying over places.
  23. The biome thing is cool but it shouldn't apply to Kerbin since it's your own planet, it just doesn't make sense, everything should be already discovered by ground exploration. In the first phase of the game you should gain points placing satellites and doing in-orbit experiments. Which leads to this request: having more experiments-part, probes, and solar panels, and having all this right from the start. Feel free to discuss, everyone.
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