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Everything posted by BananaDealer

  1. Well... It now lets me load ships... Reasons? Honey badgers and whimsical whims! Also... Damn you... Just as Cabana Corp is working on it's own F119-looking engines... Also, the VTOL engines don't appear to be attaching properly when in symmetry... One deploys right way up, the other is reversed...
  2. Crashes whenever I try to load ships with B9 parts to the runway for launch...
  3. Ban-Anad here! Cabana Corp. and it's divisions are proud to welcome Cryocasm as our new Head of All Things Design! He'll be working extra close with our monkey staff to ensure the visual quality of our products! Please give him the welcome he deserves! Well, I think that is all for now... Ban-Anad Out!
  4. Your knowledge of aircraft and aerodynamics keeps astounding me, dear Cryo... And I actually didn't know that about the B-2... Astrophysics has always been something of a draw on me, really... Along with orbital mechanics... Lagrange points do stumble me, bright as I am, though...
  5. Aero-brakes come in forms of wing flaps and slats, though they don't "increase" drag, rather push the weight of the aircraft down towards it's rear gears...
  6. Actually, there's quite a lot of aircraft designs that use thrust reversal of some variety... It could be a panel that deploys behind the engines' exhaust, like I suggested, the so-called clam-shell design. Probably the most notable being the Fokker 70, which used the Rolls Royce RB.183 Tay, and the Boeing 737, which had the P&W JT8D. Both of those used a clamshell. Along with the Tornado's T-U RB199, which is I think maybe the only fighter craft to implement reverse thrust of that design (as far as I know)... Or more commonly found on commercial airliners- a deployable gap in the engine body that closes off the backward exhaust, leading thrust forwards. Most modern-day airliners use that design- from the A320 and Boeing 777, to the A380...
  7. Your understanding of how real-life aero-braking and powered descent works is absolutely correct, and the deployable panel is actually what I'm referring to... Flaps and slats would also be implementable in the same sense as a spoiler or drogue- just have it as a module that generates drag... The way KSP models it's aerodynamics and mass allocation, I guess it'd be hard to "relocate" the weight to the bottom of the craft- in particular the wheels...
  8. As I said- chutes work fine during vertical falls, but in horizontal flight, once you deploy the thing- the craft just flips downward due to the breaking force of drag... The idea of a reverse-thrust flap would be to deploy it just as you hit the runway (along with regular aero-brakes, the resulting drag from the engines' exhaust should be sufficient to shorten your breaking distance by at least half...
  9. And the importance of there being a US aircraft implementing this concept is relevant because? Anyways, MR4Y- How would one implement drogues successfully on a spaceplane/regular jet plane? I've tried it and they simply flip over... Aero-brakes are one thing, to be implemented on wings and such, but reverse-thrust flaps on engines would also be a nice thing to have...
  10. Hmmm... That gives me an idea... Reverse thrusters! A flap (or two- one below and another above the engine) that would extend behind the engines' exhaust in order to provide extra drag for V/STOL aircraft, particularly during the short landing part (where reverse thrust is needed). During flight, they would also provide protection from damage to the engines and from heat to other nearby parts (their Max. Temp. value would be higher than normal)... Would that be possible? I mean... It should- just make them a module that would reverse the thrusting vector...
  11. Ban-Anad here, CEO and sole proprietor of Cabana Corp.! It appears some of our employees might have trapped themselves into recent shipments of crates with our parts, while trying to nail the sides together. If any of our customers happen to find a stray Cabana Corp. employee in their shipment, they are encouraged to send them back to Cabana Corp. HQ, we'll take care of any mailing charges. Though they are entirely free to do with them as they please. Cabana Corp. employees actually make perfect test subjects due to their --... ... Oh? What? Ahemph... HR wants me to read this... "Cabana Corp. and it's various divisions value the livelihood and skill set of each individual employee, yes apparently even Garry, and wants to assure it's workers that it by no means thinks of them as "expendable". The assurance of quality work environment is a top priority in Cabana Corp.!" Ahem... That seems to be all... Ban-Anad OUT! ... Yes, now you can turn it off... OFF! It's the damn button that says "OFF" on it! *End of transmission*
  12. They did say they were changing the loading method and file structure... I would've liked an input on how that would have changed, so modders could prepare... But hey... It's all good...
  13. You do know that's beyond the limitations of the game, right?
  14. You're more than welcome to come work with me, you know...
  15. Searching for "0.20" gives results that include anything and everything that has "0.20" in it's title, short or long description, so it doesn't show accurate results... Plus, SpacePort is still... weird and doesn't seem to have updated some names right...
  16. It's really what it says on the tin... I've been having a rather chaotic time rummaging through the forums and SpacePort trying to figure out which mod is already compatible with the new 0.20 version... And I was thinking... "Oh, if only there was a thread or other place I could go to and have these things all sorted out..." So why don't we? SpacePort is useful enough, but it doesn't really have a "version" filter, which would really serve the same purpose... Only not all mods/packs are on SpacePort. Take mine for instance- the bloody thing is still cordoning me from uploading the C-Corp. Pack successfully... So why not have some sort of indexed thread to keep it all ordered? There can be the "Up-to-Date" section, the "Almost Up-to-Date"- for packs/mods that are a version behind; and the "Not Up-to-Date"- for those that have fallen off but are still usable. And why stop there? There could also be sections for mods or packs that offer different things- plugin-only/utility mods, parts-only packs... The works! So, any fine-mannered Kerbal round here wanna help me sort all these out? I am willing to put in the work, though I doubt I'd have the time to do all of it...
  17. 0.20 compatibility has been added, though not fully. I still need to distribute the parts accordingly to sub-folders, but it all works fine. Also added some bits and bobs here and there, check the change log. Will add details for the "Pegasus"-type to the OP later (need to work now)...
  18. I'll be uploading more pics of C-Corp's Hades Station, along with the beginnings of Olympus Space Dock and Artemis Orbital Observation & Refuelling Post... Once I... Get all this .20 stuff tick right with all them mods...
  19. Lol... Hmm... Any idea if I would need to start a new save, or whether pre-.20 craft with mod parts can be loaded properly?
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