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Everything posted by BananaDealer

  1. I wish my station was anything as massive as that thing... But it is still in the making... And I haven't even started lifting all the experiment modules, habitation modules...
  2. Based on the amount of windows per side and assuming there's a window on every row of seats, as well as only two seats per side on each row, that would mean a maximum of 12 Kerbals per passenger compartment. Looking at the actual size of the compartment next to a standard command pod however, I'd say it's more like a single seat per side on each row, making it only 6 Kerbals per compartment... A bunch of that space would also go to equipment and other stuff...
  3. @ Sarbian, Yo dawg, I heard you liked payloads, so here's a payload inside a payload inside a cargo bay! This is awesome! Hey, if you don't mind, can you maybe make a cargo bay with a little more room? I'm trying to fin in a medium-sized rover and it's starting to clip... Or just move to attachment point on the connector cap a bit further out... Also, I'd suggest trimming down the transport capacity of the modules with cargo bays to say 10 or 12, from 16... Sounds more believable seeing how much of the Munox has been cut off...
  4. Yay payload capability! I've actually been looking for something like this (a lopsided part that would allow for payloads to be mounted on my O.R.C on launch)...
  5. No "strangeness" when docking... I docked the Research module for my station to the same port on the station and it docked OK (a bit fidgety with the RCS and it took its' sweet time to "mate", but I tally that to MechJeb)... I don't intend to undock it to find out if it's gonna work this time round...
  6. Version 0.03 is out! Sorry for the long delay... Finals and such...
  7. Fusty, they were the "standard" CMBs- 2.5 meters, both Active (btw- what's the difference?)...
  8. I managed to fix the issue... I undocked the module the tug was attached to, then it allowed me to undock the tug... I then re-docked the module... All's well now, I even managed to de-orbit and land the tug successfully!
  9. No... Part clipping's not enabled... And the docking port worked before, I've been using the tug to assemble the thing for awhile now...
  10. I've been having this issue with your Common Berthing Mechanism, the Active variety. I've been using your docks for my station-building and upon trying to exchange a tug docked to a CBM (both had the same dock- the 2.5m ones) with another module... Well, it simply doesn't undock... I click the button and nothing happens... There are no struts in the way, so I'm like... WTF?! Any help?
  11. That's pretty much the point... I am working on balancing out some stuff, like the ISPs of the engines and am thinking of getting rid of the large Lynx prototype, and I might even tone down the thrust of the Mongoose... The Fuel Scoop was never meant for balance. More like a novelty item... It kinda came from relative necessity because I really wanted to get something huge in space but didn't want to use infinite fuel. It's meant to go on lifters and not the actual craft... At least that's how I use it... The Hydrogen/Xenon intakes aren't unbalanced, at least the way I see them... Unless you use a ton of them on each craft (i.e- airhogging), you can still expend your MonoProp and Xenon resources during long voyages/burns/manoeuvres... And the fuel/air multi-intake is meant for atmospheric use and won't function in space. And as long as you don't use the Fuel Scoop with it, you can still run out of fuel...
  12. Damn you dropbox... Hmm... Doesn't show any problems when I try it... File now up on Mediafire
  13. Yeah, it's still showing me the 404 when I try to access directly from KSP's main page... So I'd put it "the forums are down"... Anyways, some screens are now up, more to come. I'll upload 0.03 when I get some more spare time...
  14. Sorry for the delay on the images guys... The forum didn't want to let me in... Anyways, I'll upload them in a bit... P.S: Also- Version 0.03!
  15. Of course I was facing my "front" at the node... The correct engines were set on- the bloody thing had only a single set of my Squirrel ION engines... And the estimated burn was of about 300m/s spread over 19/26 seconds (it fluctuated)... So yeah...
  16. There seems to be something wrong with Jeb's planning capabilities... When I try to rendezvous with a target, or at all use the Manoeuvre Planner, it will effectively make the wrong mode. As in the burn required will be opposite to where the node crosshair points to on the navball. The autopilot will also start burns waaaay before the node, like as long as 30 minutes (that's the longest I've seen it make a node for with this bug)... It will also start thrusting up whenever I activate engines with the autopilot on. It will also miss burns on nodes (with autopilot on)... I've been having this issue for like only a day, so I'm inclined to assume it was only Jeb's version of opposite day, but hey... Anyways, that thing aside... I have a little suggestion. Can you maybe include a "keep with target" feature in the A.S.S, or an option in the rendezvous autopilot/planner to select a distance which will be kept after the manoeuvre is complete. With Jeb 2.0.7, it sometimes lands the rendezvous at 20 meters, but oft times it ends up at about 100 meters. Something like "Target +", but also keeping a set distance and not letting you or the target drift off. That would be a nice feature to have during rescues or retrieval, as currently I can't seem to manage to keep my distance manually while operating something like Romfarer's CanadArm2...
  17. Yes... Because glass structures can clearly withstand the stress of ascent...
  18. There will be in a couple hours! Most pics will however include other parts from other mods. As will included craft designs... I'm sorry for not keeping it stock, but it's for maximum aesthetic pleasure... Each image will have a note of what parts it depicts, as well as a list of additional mods to run the craft it depicts. Also, I plan to add a ballast tank to the pack... I've found it useful for asymmetrical vehicles as centre of mass is crucial during launch... It will be filled with Water (I'll make a resource file) instead of Fuel and feature a button to jettison contents for when you need the mass to shift. Would it be possible to use the exhaust streak animation from jet engines to represent the water? Another thing- with v0.03 I plan to make the Wraith solely an airbreathing engine with more thrust than the stock Turbo Fan... I'll work on the hybrid once I get more experience with the code...
  19. Version 0.02 is now available! I'll be uploading the fabled screenshots later on today! (Cabana Corp R&D Sweet Graphics Division is taking it's time with the patented watermark...) You know... It wouldn't hurt for a post or two that aren't mine... This thread is starting to feel like my head...
  20. That satellite turned Orbital ICBM Launcher from Space Cowboys comes to mind...
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