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Everything posted by BananaDealer

  1. Oh, the great re-downloading of mods, parts and do-hickeys has begun...
  2. Next version, actually our v1.01 (instead of v0.04) will be out... Soon (still waiting on some models for some of the parts). I'm working on making stuff compatible with the .20 loading system...
  3. Actually, all CBMs are compatible with stock (and perhaps other mods') docking ports...
  4. Cabana Corp doesn't really design wings or such... It might be something that gets looked into at some point, but currently we're content with using products of other companies...
  5. There're already quite a lot of mods that add different wing designs...
  6. That would be from the Nautilus pack... SpacePort is down so I can't link you to it, but there should be a thread in add-on development...
  7. How can we implement the supersonic air intake? Any changes I make to the intake speed in the cfg of any of the intakes results in... Nothing really... Air speed in the readout in-game is still the same... I'm guessing the supersonic combustion can be represented by a high specific impulse, rather than an all-out increase in thrust...
  8. Hmm... We shall test it and see what doesn't blow up!
  9. Gah... Not really into rendering myself... But yeah, sure... Hand me the unwrap and the renders, I'm sure I'll figure it out (not like I have much else to do today...). I assume there's a list of applications for developing KSP models on the Wiki, right? Anywho... I've been trying to figure out how to make the ballast tanks' ability to jettison the water have a cooling effect on engines... Any ideas for a fitting command line?
  10. As I said, a standard 50-50 burn would really suffice... Or even a 70-30... I was stuck having to use my overly unbalanced ORC-L MkI dropship design to get a crew to the Mun for my outpost there... I was required to have maximum burns of only about 33% thrust, anything higher and it would just start spinning. Calculating my burns to be something like 60-40 still gave me good accuracy, even with burns of 5-6 minutes... Granted, I started Mun transfer from 400 km because I had to meet up with my LKO station, but even on rendezvous manoeuvres it handled well on 30% thrust with 60-40 burns... I actually managed to get relative inclination to be NaN (both for plane matchup to Hades Station and Hohman transfer to Mun), which is a "divide by zero" error i.e- perfect, from the first go... Proudest I've been this year... I also managed to meetup with what is to become Artemis Fuel Depot (now, an unmanned Arachnid tug/skycrane), again- perfect inclination and everything... The rest of the mission kinda went haywire once I started my descent to the Munar surface, but anywho...
  11. Hmm... You are right, I should be taking weight in mind, even though in space it's no as relative... Yes, you don't necessary need to always be full throttle, but that only means you're using say 30% of the available thrust, which is effectively 1200 in this case. That does lead to longer burns and inherently inefficiency- power-to-thrust conversion wise... If I'm only gonna use 1/3 of the available thrust, I'd much rather have an engine that's more efficient at that thrust... Also, not to mention MechJeb likes to punch it on manoeuvres that require large amounts of delta-v, which in this case would lead to possible spin (due to the mixture of high isp and high thrust). Similar to my first Lynx variant. It had upwards of 2k thrust and 5000 Isp, which made the craft spin no matter how much it weighed (I've tried them on as much as 400 tonnes). I have still to try your nacelle on any actual craft, I'm just doing theoretical observations based on its' specs. Am gonna try it out today...
  12. I'd recommend low atmo Isp (I doubt it's meant for atmospheric use). You can keep Vacuum Isp the same, just tone down thrust to something like 500 or lower... Anything higher and you risk the craft spinning...
  13. Yeah... that has happened to me... My last landing went seriously haywire... Went smooth up to like 100m from the Mun surface... Then I don't know what happened but the damn craft just started spinning like a drunken fly... I think MechJeb's having a hard time landing things in pin-point proximity (real- less than 1000m)... Dunno why... I suggest automating the deorbit and correction burns and just doing the breaking burn yourself...
  14. I'd suggest lower thrust for such high Isp... 4k is... just... WOW! Otherwise nice modelling...
  15. Indeed, but it doesn't really... "Do" anything, the LS system at least... Up to my knowledge (I used to use Ioncross LS, before I had to re-install and just cut down some of the "luxury" stuff), it doesn't use up any resources unless the craft is actually loaded onto memory... If they implement some sort of real-time use for resources, then I may look into practical LS... You can have like a huge freighter-sized warehouse/container what would just use a "supplies" resource which can then be distributed to water, food, w/e. It would save up freighter size when it comes to part count... Personally, I'd be more interested in some sort of research system... Anyways... "My" engines... I assume you mean the Wraith turbojets, right? Also, as for your VASIMR- 5k, almost 6km/s delta-V is actually a lot, in my experience. Some quick calculations (which I'm not entirely certain are correct) lead to a burn time of around 6~7 minutes for a Mun transfer (from a 70km orbit). That might seem like a long burn, but considering the thrust of the actual engines, and efficiency, it's actually pretty ideal. Especially if you're doing a 50-50 burn... Also, what's the deal with the gigantic exhaust flame/plume thing? It shouldn't be as large... Anyways, more on my VASIMIR concept... I'm thinking of having them radially mounted, instead of stackable. If you've used the Ion/Hybrid parts pack, there's a radial battery there with a blue streak. That's kinda what I have in mind... Kinda... They can be stackable, probably should for ease of thrust calculation and distribution... I am a Trekie through and through, so I'm thinking something like the Enterprise nacelles from TOS, or the NX-01 (from "Enterprise")... The thrust will come "from the back" of the part, needless to say, but the idea is that the slit thing on the side is where the plasma or whatever gets vented out... I'm currently doing some pencil concept/blueprints so I can figure them out better in my head. I'll try and model them myself (cause I really need to learn this if I am to be taken seriously)...
  16. Isn't this kinda like the Ioncross Life Support? Granted, it includes modules for transferring goods and stuff, but you can easily put something together using the Ioncross mod... Not saying that I don't like the idea, but still... Personally, I don't use any life support system as of yet (maybe later) cause I do find the micro-management a bit too fidgety... Anyways... As I've said, I'm thinking of making a VASIMR engine with mid-range thrust of say 10-15 N (whatever the game equivalent is, lets say the same) and somewhere like 5000 Isp (basically a variant of the VF-200). I'm also planning it to be a real resource hog when it comes to electricity (something like 10~20 EC per second). Once the research features come in play, I'm thinking of making several variants, each more efficient in terms of power-to-thrust conversion. I'm also interested in a PPT-based (pulsed plasma thruster) attitude control system, but I'll leave that one for some later point... I'm currently using stock models as place holders for my testing and stuff... Would really appreciate a bright monkey with some modelling skills helping me out on a more dedicated basis... I can probably get around to teaching myself modelling for Unity, but as I said... 3D stuff has never been my strong suit... Anyways...
  17. Indeed, what I said... "Budget" solar panels, or for small probes not intended for higher orbits...
  18. It's tip pointing away from the craft, think ISV Venture Star... Only retractable. And probably slightly curved inwards so to allow for more aerodynamics during lift-off... That "foil" panel would actually seem practical. Like, maybe a low-budget alternative for when your program is still young and underfunded...
  19. @ Cryo, I'm not talking about a solar sail acting as a... sail, but a solar array, or panel. For electricity generating purposes, not thrust. Thrust can come from an impulse engine I've been thinking about (high-ish thrust, low ips; or maybe low/mid thrust, hiiiigh ips...)... Anyways, I'm thinking of a large triangular-shaped solar panel that would spread away from the body of the craft, like wings, rather than fold out from being collapsed. Though I'm thinking it would get damaged on lift-off... In any case, the engine was just me spitballing. 90° gimball is possible you say, but the torque of re-directing the thrust is too high... Hmm... I'd have to get mechanical on this one...
  20. Also this. If anyone can make deployable sail-like solar panels... ALL my internet bananas go to him!
  21. Hmm... Here's a question... I've been trying to design a viable dropship/lander for transport to my MunBase... Could a part be made that would act in the vectoring of thrust? Something like Damned Robotics' rotatron, but automated and bound to the W-S keys (forward and back), applying the needed rotation for the craft to hover... I'm not requesting anything, just a question of concept...
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