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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. Floor 681:Oh we got trouble fellas with that warning sign saying "Danger waterfall ahead" leap onto percy before it is to late!
  2. 74.do everything on 'how to get kicked out of walmart" thread
  3. Dogecoin yah it a real economy based on the doge.
  4. Granted your scared of humans. I wish that the island of sodor was real.
  5. Banned because you have confusion ,and delay ,and now none of my workers are being very useful!
  6. so far i got to the point where re affirm your a visitor or im gonna spy on you part ,and can not go any further.Though im puzzled on how it works i find that it can be useful.
  7. yah ,and i also made progress on chem accidentally when i got an event.
  8. Okay i help designer ,but as a way to prevent alliance wars we must agree on declaration of war against another nation of an alliance as while i was gone I received a commie on droz nation's actions from another member.So theres that ,and Kermany's war is due to him spying on another country so i got a commie that we should not be involved as it a conflict about spying.
  9. my live steam mallard prefers to stay on the rail thank you.
  10. sent you some funds ,and a invitation to the kerbal Union.
  11. lots of money ,Candy ,and a watch that does not really fit me as my wrist are small ,and bony.
  12. An screw it steam makes everything feel better
  13. Good comrade peace b it brought to our alliance.As of now i think we should get started on protecting ourselves from the worst ,and by all means i just mean raise tech level ,an do all things you need to do.Also, I wish if your in the same allaince with another one you could see there progress to the next tech level ,and progress to chemical weapons.Not to mention I did aciddently made progress in chemical weapons (Darn site not working properly on mobile devices.)
  14. oops i ment rasheed ,and okay Designer we won't send you aid once you get the alignment thing down.Also Dojo is open for peace at least this conflict is turning out like Designers conflict.
  15. Okay we will help out in your time in need nett.
  16. well sent the leader of WEC for help on the front ,by suppling you guys with troops ,and money Nettcod you now have complete authority to attack tekkitstan as there troops are at 50 ,and also my spying has so far distracted him very good.Also Designer I sent you 1K as thats all i can give right now.
  17. Floor 679: Umm... you wanna watch your step as you can see its a very large hole that leads to the first floor....Better hurry i can feel a strong breeze coming in.
  18. Well if things breakdown you got permission to do so ,and so far im just going to gather troops to send to both of you guys.
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