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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. banned you where hit by luna's ban laser!It was super effective.
  2. Banned because you are not funny.


    those martian warriors from doctor who ,but that's an alien so then could it be a mighty machine?
  4. 8/10 them words seems so ... oh whats the word !?!
  5. your welcome ,but i do need funds to improve my economy it spirling downwards ,and who wants to create a new alliance?If so kethane nation is going to be the leading country.
  6. not really more of this user below has seen the show of the song I posted.
  7. 7/10 remember you from the bobcat ind.
  8. granted ,but it not chocolate nor coffee. I wish the island of sodor was real.
  9. Banned as New Lunar Republic operations on the mun have built the ban laser. *aims towards earths*
  10. 10/10 I say you look fabulous ,and i seen you around these parts.
  11. are you referring to the Aftermath series?if you are you are correct ,and the day night cycle would chang dramatically as 6 months of day ,and 6 months of nights.Not to mention a more predictable weather pattern mention in the episode.Also GPS would not function due to earth suddenly slowing down ,and air travel being scrapped due to this.Also would travel via water would be affect in a major way?
  12. Jebediah Kerman (@JebediahKerman) Going to test this new rocket #KSC
  13. 9/10 that mane looks purple I hate purple as well as pears.
  14. well your body can not produce the energy needed to operate ,and die in 10 seconds flat. Had the super power of speeding down the express line.
  15. doing a quick save above the mun at 1000 meters above the surface to land while going 2000 meters is a perfect way if you should fail the first time to land you restart./
  16. 377. play with the lighters ,and the massive amounts of hair spray.
  17. Granted there saying that your a steam powered humanoid ,and there little people that operate you ,and there screaming because you took the wrong coal ,and not your special coal you are screwed my good sir. I wish I was in the island of sodor.
  18. 9/10 seen you on the last thread
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