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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. 375. build a steam powered shopping cart ,and drive around the store.
  2. 4/10 hmm.. Chemrocks does that mean i can fuse every single element in the periodic table to create a highly unstable element that is surely to break the universe if so then it would be 10/10 if not it stays 4/10.
  3. Nah, I my twitchy foot tells me that it is a bad idea. Press the button to take a tour of the island of sodor ,but with a 1% chance there will be confusion ,and delay.
  4. Error no entry to reply. User below me has heard Come for the ride.
  5. floor 638: "rocking railway rolling rolling on the railway" woo this is very catchy song playing on this floor. (if you don't know where this is from here )
  6. banned because the grand republic says so.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Kfi-DWUYM8 o-oh he wells fargo wagon is a coming
  8. Welp my nation is on the brink of collapse ,and growth is at 3 million.
  9. banned because you go on the wrong train to the scrapyard.
  10. umm... sure why not my clone will share the very.... destructive mind i have. Press this button ,and you get a free train ride ,but with a slight chance of your car's coupling to break causing you to crash into a pod.
  11. Floor 631- well there seems to be a runaway train coming by .... you should start running now. I really mean it RUN!
  12. 10/10 I love it even though it an equation i do not understand i can say it looks interesting.
  13. banned since your late for your train.
  14. The United States of Kerbin is back ,and has joined the KSP alliance.My goals now is to rebuild my economy ,and drill for oil.
  15. true User below remembers the original Thomas the tank engine theme song.
  16. banned because you caused confusion ,and delay.
  17. Granted ,but it doesn't make you flame retardant.... Having being powered by steam ,and being able to break through walls with my steel skeleton.
  18. if you seen it you must know whats the cargo ,other than soft cheese.You must ,you must know.
  19. banned since my blue tank engine can go as fast as any train here.
  20. hmm... my hand always touches the table ,and my mouse so i am not sure what will turn to diamond table or mouse.(matter a fact my hands always touch the table when i use the mouse or keyboard.)
  21. Sure don't care much. Press the button to get a blueberry muffin ,but you got 20% chance of getting a raisin muffin.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUDDiWtFtEM periodic table song go!
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