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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. Banned because it not ,and Luna said so.
  2. bunker buster incoming.
  3. 215.Re-act WWI with nerf guns ,and water ballons from the stock there selling.
  4. well i guess people need similes no? [mlp related]
  5. Firing the cannon again sir.
  6. By avoiding it How do i cook eggs?
  7. Granted ,but your are uncertain. I wish for a muffin.
  8. 328.We do more scientific progress in one mission than nasa.(Example:land ,and survey every planet)
  9. 211.sell lemon aid with the lemons ,and sugar there selling.
  10. When everyone starts to notice the Space junk problem years later....I need space insurance.
  11. 9/10 well you almost took it.
  12. Banned because the great leader Woona said so.
  13. Nope i do when there is a movie i want to wiki for ,or superstructures. The user below me wikied Maker fair.
  14. Wel friendship cannon fire!
  15. By try making negotion How do you slow time a bit.
  16. Granted ,but it filled with snake venom. I wish for a muffin.
  17. eh i rather have this than that.
  18. when there are people electing a cat for an official office.
  19. 5/10 for seeing you around about five times on this forum.
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