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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. Nope. User below me went to see "White house down"
  2. 7:35 pm here in the state of California.
  3. Death star since when it explodes it does it a nice fashion I say! Imperial star destroyer vs. Cybermen's starships.
  4. 345 because we don't cancel a mission due to not normal vibrations on the spacecraft.
  5. Granted but since it is not corruptible the universe breaks causing this thread to exist ,and lots of people not being born. wish of muffin.
  6. Granted that only for 3 dimensions. The ability to be a cyberman.
  7. yes since you said nothing. a great and powerful admin will respond.
  8. .The great and powerful
  9. 232.Tell them that you from the future ,and that walmart will take over the world.
  10. 9/10 you tried to end a thread story.
  11. well i take that as you expected me so yes. Genralrarity.
  12. Granted but it only last for 5 minutes every time you go under. The ability to be a machine.
  13. Nope. The user below me has heard of the Maker camp.
  14. Granted they burn you house down! I wish for a muffin.
  15. banned because there is going to be a fixed point in time were you are banned ,and it is this moment in time.Good day.
  16. Granted you blow up. I wish for a muffin as always.
  17. doctor! (Tran Alteration Ripping Device International Social)
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