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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. I thought he said something about he going to abandon it ,but that might have been wiped out in the big April derp. He also uploaded it for .18 compatibility ,but it doesn't completely work.
  2. Granted but contains cyinade. Ability to beam x-rays out of my body.
  3. Granted but seconds after the contest is over ,and you win you stomach burst spilling it's content all over the stand. I wish for a muffin made with atomic material.
  4. my laptop can save us. (yes i use a laptop to the left of me as my setup.)
  5. 2024 the international space treaty is breached by a shower curtain company claiming all the land on the moon ,and declaring itself independent from the world.
  6. Oh the clear blue skies
  7. Welcome to the crew Arrowhead119. Im also going to help promote peace ,and space programs .
  8. banned because it is the more civil wild west.
  9. We many have misunderstood the amount of fuel needed to get to the moon so now there going to be the first space station in orbit around the moon.
  10. 280."slip" around the electronic section breaking as many things as you can.
  11. Forth of july fireworks away.
  12. well woke up around 10Am skying some friends waiting for parents to back from the hospital since my grandmother is geting eye sugery. an on the forums.
  13. Floor 97: A great Bookfort that the greatest.
  14. Only when your not moving a single muscle. The ablitiy to have a party cannon that can decorate anything.
  15. Nope. User below is some were in the world.
  16. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/337/3/b/pinkie_pie__s_party_cannon_by_sandman_ivan-d4i2o32.png
  17. 234.sing MLP songs till they get annoyed ,and escort you out.
  18. The party cannon will make things better.
  19. NNope User below is playing ksp.
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