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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. well there about 2,000 nuclear missles... also i think EMP missiles are still in development ,but you could set of a nuke above earth in orbit ,but that might be a bad idea.there are plans though to fight of an alien invader.It is basically doing small attacks like damage cargo ,or other small things that i think you all know what im trying to say.
  2. wut ,and also they added territory which you gain from an offensive attack against a nation that is attacking you ,and growth is loss as you get more territory. Edit:so far i feel that our alliance needs more corporation like trading oil, money, territory ,and troops not criticizing ,but i think we should communicate with each other more often.Also look on the bloc forums things are going to become really hard ,since nations are going to want territory to help there economies.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzWnjuZrgEY
  4. well when declaring war with a nations reputation thats red will increase ,but if their's are grey or green it decreases.
  5. I dropped a really big heavy book on my foot when in was seven.I had a large bruise then when i was 10 i fell down off a old chair trying to put some papers on top of a high shelf.Resulted me getting to big cuts on my foot because of the staples that held the chair were sticking out. Just not to long ago i cut a big area on my foot of skin exposing the insides ,and lots of bleeding when i went camping.Suffered so much pan because my parents had to disinfect it with hydrogen peroxide 3 times ,and rub out all the dirt ,and small little rocks inside there the whole day.Also put a sock on as a band aid was a bad idea (we had no disinfectant sheets ,or band aids).Also did not scab which resulted in the 3 times of disinfecting ,and all this happened because of walking up a rocky slope bring some water from the river so we could wash dishes (not to mention i was wearing sandals.)
  6. I Very skilled somewhat being an engi at hammering ,and a somewhat good at fire the guns.I really suck at flying ships ,but i have improved a bit. Im "The Derpy Gamer" with out the quotations on steam ,and i believe the same in the game.
  7. well for now it seems i can't reply to anyone in the game.So anyone that asked me it okay i will repay you guys once i get things fixed.
  8. Update:jekins of the AU has commented about the war I'm in with there own.
  9. This is the United States of Kerbin we are under attack by the African Union.I need a some troops ,and ecomic help please i will pay you later.
  10. once your GDP is up at 115 you can buy oil which i heard help increase you growth.Also growth i how you GDP increases overtime.the more the bigger GDP ,or faster your GDP grows if im correct.
  11. I drew this on paper one day ,and decided i should try somethings I learned last year in paint.net.Then, again tracing in paint.net is different in ways to Photoshop or illustrator.
  12. don't worry the leader is clearly busy with other things ,so be patient.
  13. what about some sort of sonar that penetrate the surface ,and goes through the dense ore slowly ,and bounce up to the dish.this might be for rovers/probes landed on planet's surfaces.
  14. well im not sure ,but i think it is that we we promote peace ,and help out each other ,since it is the kerbal way.
  15. I landed on my head ,and got a concussion from jumping ,and landing head first into hardwood floor when i was small.My parents told me about it a few years later ,since i could never remember that day completely.
  16. Lunar Republic wants to join streamline (sorry for late response a bit busy)
  17. I say mondas since it a ship that is huge ,and has a gravity feild that could be used to slam into the flag ship. Cybermen's space fleet vs. Starfleet's space fleet (Star Trek)
  18. Tardis since if it blows up i think most of us know what happens to the universe. Dalek ship vs, U.s.s. Enterprise.
  19. Tardis since it has shield technically bigger than Sputnik. Also can manoever around. Nuclear missile vs. Sputnik
  20. 8/10 not sure what it is ,but i like!
  21. 10/10 great on the shading ,and looks wonderfa!
  22. the galactic[insert the rest] because it sound big ,and scary. The Composer (from Halo 4) vs. U.S.S Enterprise
  23. this is much better.
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