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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. The United States of Kerbin is at war with nation ,and is dire need in some help in rebuilding.The attacker is sorry as he did not mean to declare war on us (he is part of an alliance) I hope we can resolve this ,and hope this does not escalate into a real conflict.
  2. Factions system that works similar to March of War so you can go against faction in space race to see who can land on the mun first.Also, the when asteroid collide into the mun the impact would look like the impacts you get with the upcoming Sandbox Universe 3.
  3. I would show him the nearest launch pad which would be some 300 miles away in Texas I think ,and also walk away with the kerbal as nothing happened since i don't have a backyard so there be a house on fire.
  4. For some reason Cybernetic reminds me of a cybernetic race villain from a show.
  5. And thats why you don't declare war on a nation that has a higher reputation it lower yours.Also, Won't be able to update the thread on alliance on bloc unable to log on after they updated the servers.
  6. Try to land on the mun with mecheb.(I can get to the mun ,and orbit without)
  7. congrats on that ,for me i been spying on a country called skittles.I been improving my quality of life since it does lower over time.
  8. you can buy oil when your gdp is over 115 the dev made it that so no one can mess make tons of money instantly.
  9. 1) drive a steam powered car like a boss around town ,and throwing apples at the sidewalk in a formal manner. 2)do everything in the 100 ways to get kicked from walmart thread 3)live to see the first power supply that some one can physically eat with out ,and death occurring so i can create an electric muffin 4)make several thousand muffins ,and open a bakery that will give them all out free of charge. 5)Fly an airplane then attempt to land it on top of another airborne air craft bigger than the plane i would be flying.
  10. I could ,but it seems that im getting a 404 error
  11. so if you failed to prospect for oil you can't do it again ,and the only way is to buy oil from the market.
  12. There 10k troops from the States why do you need them for anyways?
  13. what i do is get every file i don't need or use ,and put it in a single folder then zip then place that zip file in a folder as an archive of my desktop.
  14. Growth slowly increases you GDP if it goes negative your GDP goes down so it good to have lots of growth. Edit: now I need to add two more nations to the list on our bloc alliance thread.
  15. declaring war against a country with a green rep lowers your rep ,or doing actions like smuggling drugs to the US or blood diamonds.Raise it by doing humanitarian aid funding ,and building schools might work. For Hotmailcompany you need to foucs first on your economy ,then start spending on schools that will improve quality of life ,and might generate some growth.then focus on your military it takes a few clicks on buying lee-enfields to get world war 1 surplus 40 for WWII.
  16. when doing really crazy things in ksp I listen to this.
  17. just focus on increasing growth ,and watch out for the Goons ,and Facepunch alliance there are a very powerful alliance. Edit:I would do something with that reputation as that can make nations attack you ,or if you get axis of evil well your pretty much screwed.
  18. glad to anounce that my country the U.S.K is improving ,and buying lots of oil to meet demands ,and create growth.(I might be the one nation that is buying so much oil prices rises) Just com me on bloc if you need some troops ,or some money.
  19. 353.We have the ability to make abstract rockets fly.
  20. by a 20 cents worth of paper.(that be to pieces of paper) total 1997000
  21. The spaceshuttle with Adhat Kerman inside swerved past the control tower.the bill's pie went all over the windshield.
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