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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. *gets in buker with you* pass me my loud speaker.The Axis lost at the maker fair when trying to destroy cargo ships before 12 miniutes.(The cargo ship captains were inexperienced people)So you can say the had a bad aim.
  2. I notice that we haven't had a chobbit encounter in a long time on this thread....I have a feeling that may just happen.
  3. I was banned from a MC server for not knowing North ...
  4. Yah but we will also stretch since you really don't have that much gravity compressing you ,and not to mention you can be killed in one punch by a human that can from earth in less than 6 mins.(This hypothetical)
  5. Rage you know what will make you better is get a cup of the yellow liquid around you ,and drink it.I run on Apple cider strange? no?
  6. I say that we can throw mouse into the environment of mars and watch it.
  7. O i got a good one we can make sand castles around the colony when we are kids. Dear rage:*Dies due to mass amounts of data chips are destroyed when head has contacted the desk*
  8. starting FlimFlamINC.exe removing all files linked to APPLEACRE.exe FlimFlamINC.exe ran into a problem with APPLEACRE.exe
  9. we be sing "I was on mars one day..." dear rage:Well there aren't war machines ,but machines that make an orderly chaos.Oh the how wonderful chaos is.Just there fearless tall figure creates chaos among them though they do you radioactive isotopes to heat the water.
  10. 123.start a mini-world war I in the food section with some friends ,and wear replica military helmets of that time.
  11. We be taller. TO rage:Umm......If i could remeber after all my harddrive skips out to much might be 1...2..3.......10 not sure.
  12. 121. Tell everyone that a person made a bomb in the food section ,and point at a random person.
  13. True the user below me hate a show that has the word magic is.
  14. Umm...I don't like number designation ,but if there are numbers on it i scratch it off then pace a Q ,or A
  15. there under the order of SPR-QE*D*W******* the others are part of a new written language i made up in geography a month ago.
  16. Granted you die of electrocution I wish that the age of steampunk happens right now.
  17. Btw did the songcookie have nuts because i'm allergic to digital nuts.The steam rage bots have taken California ,and occupying china ,and most of Eastern Russian.
  18. Well,you screwed earth's balance in the iron core (not to mention you stopped the core spinning) I wish I had the ability to make machines in the image of what thought by standing near metal.
  19. NOPE.Rather be this one: or (yay for portal)
  20. Some were between sea level ,and the mountains so about 100 meters above sea level.
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