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Everything posted by Kialar

  1. Joa. Videos kann er. Schaut euch mal seine Tutorials an. Super für Einsteiger. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65900-Neues-Anf%C3%A4nger-Tutorial-f%C3%BCr-0-23-Career-Mode
  2. Freut mich. Und nun ran an die Sterne. *winkt*
  3. Sehe ich auch so. Die Logs sehen normal aus.
  4. Sehr schöne Mission. Eine Frage: Warum hast Du das LEM zurück nach Kerbin geschleppt? Wenn Du das Ding im Munorbit zurückgelassen hättest, dann hätte Dein LOX unter Umständen gereicht.
  5. Meine 2 Cent: ich glaube nicht dass KSP das eigentlich Problem ist. Das Verhalten deutet auf nen Grafikkarten-Hitze-Beinahetod hin. Frage 1: Passiert das nur bei KSP oder auch bei anderen PhysX-Spielen? - Blackouts nur bei KSP könnte an der Framerate liegen - ich hatte ein ähnliches Problem mit einer GTX580, hat sich bei einer FR-Begrenzung auf 60 aufgelöst. Frage 2: Wie sieht der Lüfter Deiner GraKa aus? - Falls da eine signifikante Menge Dreck drin hängt, schaltet sich Dein Rig aus - mit nem Druckkluftkompressor durchpusten hilft. In den letzten Tagen war es ja nun auch nicht so pralle kühl, da kann so ein Rechner schon mal nen Hitzschlag kriegen. Also: GPU-Temperatur messen, Framerate runtersetzen/Begrenzen und Rig saubermachen. Das wären so meine ersten Vorschläge.
  6. Leider muss ich den Oberbesserwisser raushängen lassen. Ich erreiche den Mond mit einer riesigen Rakete. Der Mond ist männlich, in dem Falle im Akkusativ, Präsens. Die Rakete ist weiblich (auch wenn man die Form anders interpretieren könnte). //Klugscheissmodus aus. ^^ //Und Necropost. Ich sollte aufs Datum schauen, ich Hasenhirn....
  7. I feel exactly the same. I did a mission to Vall, where I found myself staring at Jool on the horizon at least 20 minutes, just dreaming. Fernweh. Again.
  8. Hi there. I've been reading a lot about overpowered ARM engines these days. A lot has been written about TWRs and thrust in general. But honestly, I didn't feel like the new engines beeing not balanced. So I figured around with the numbers and wrote down some ideas about it. The basic question for was: What exactly is a good (comparable) definition of the strenght of an engine. I assume, most of us would agree, that TWR and ISP are quite good indications. From my point of view, those two numbers are not really usefull for a general comparison of the engine's efficiency. Point is, the higher the TWR, the better and the higher the ISP, the better - from a gamer's perspective, I am not a rocket engineer, thus I always wear the glasses of a gamer. So I thought, the product TWR*ISP gives a quite reasonable number to compare engines. As those numbers are not very readable, I did a normation on the product TWR*ISP of the Mainsail, what I defined as 1. From there I did a quick and dirty list of the liquid fuel thrusters. Putting this into a graph, one will get the following, let's call it efficiency indicator: After thinking about it, I would more easily say: the new thrusters are more an evolution. What is your opinion?
  9. In order of possible occurance... KSP Creeper World 3 Age of Wonders III Starbound Running with Rifles Farcry III Skyrim Terraria Space Empires V
  10. Mighty incredible unbelievable right badaboom?
  11. I successfully captured an A-Class Asteroid. It is now in LKO and suffering investigation by Bill and Neilkin Kerman. Then I decided to capture an E-Class Asteroid. With the same design that I used to capture the A-Class thingy. I have to say, that I really, really misunderestimated the mass of this E-Class monstrosity. The thing has 3000 or something tons. I barely managed to capture this beast in Kerbin SOI (24.000.000 x 82.000.000 km nearly polar orbit). Every movement results in a change from orbit to escape trajectory. And the whole operation was done while the ship and the Asteroid began swing around like a latin dancer every time I turned on the engines. That. Was. Not. Funny. And now Jeb and Bob are stuck there with not a single drop of fuel left. The vessel is totally dry. Getting this baby into a stable orbit will require some (for me) serious tinkering. I think, I have to return to the good old principle of adding more boosters. What have we learned so far? Big, heavy Asteriods are big and heavy.
  12. Kialar

    I Exist!

    I launch, therefore I am! And hello.
  13. /ignore this ON Sorry, BlazeFallow, I don't think your formula is correct. /ignore this OFF Hail to you, BlazeFallow, I think your formula might work. Y=X+(Z*S)+P+Fuel | Enter more Detail Y=X-TankEmpty+(Z*S)+P+Fuel+TankEmpty TankEmpty/(TankEmpty+Fuel)=Q 1/(TankEmpty+Fuel)=Q/TankEmpty TankEmpty/Q=(TankEmpty+Fuel) Y=X-TankEmpty+(Z*S)+P+TankEmpty/Q /ignore this ON As long as you don't take care of the empty Tank's mass, you will not get a valid solution. It may be, that the overall mass of the tank is small enough that your formular results in plausible numbers. But I think, it is not correct. And the bug is in the different calculation bases (craft for one set of numbers, fueltank for Q). /ignore this OFF Full weight of the vessel is Y substract Payload and Thrusters Y - P - (S*Z) gives. Full tanks Times Q (Y-P-(S*Z))*Q results in EmptyTank OMFG. This dollar fell down in cents....
  14. This is not trivial, sir. Because the tank and fuel weight are included in X and Y respectively, and Q is based on TankEmpty and (TankEmpty + Fuel), the whole thing gets quadratic. I am on it.
  15. Yes, sir, it makes sense. I am going for a nicotine drug stick and have a think.
  16. Ah. I see, where I missunderstood the basic concept. The definitions were given, but I didn't catch'em. X and Y are based on the CRAFT. Q is based on the FUEL TANK. I have to rethink.
  17. I would confirm this: Y = X * edV/Isp and this: Y = (1/TWR)*Z*T/9.82 Ok. I gonna try you second formula, wich seems bugged to me. Number of Engines times Enigne count. S*Z add Payload () just for convinience.... P+(S*Z) add dry mass X+P+(S*Z) Divide dry mass by tank ratio (X/Q)+P+(S*Z) equals wet mass. Y=(X/Q)+P+(S*Z) Algebra'd to X Y=(X/Q)+P+(S*Z) | -Y -(X/Q) -(X/Q)=P+(S*Z)-Y | * (-Q) X= -Q*(P+(S*Z)-Y) X= -PQ-(Q*S*Z)+(Q*Y) |rearange for convinience X= (Q*Y)-(P*Q)-(Q*S*Z)
  18. Can you provide, how you came to this: X = (Y - P - SZ)*Q + P + SZ ? I don't get it.
  19. Mmhh. I can only give an advise for this issue, regardless if there will be a hint implementation or not. Case 1: You are going (Hohmann style) to a target OUTWARD of your current orbit - your vessel will be slower than your target That means: if your intercept is towards the system center, you will end up prograde; if your intercept outwards the system center, you will end up retrograde. Case 2: You are going (Hohmann style) to a target INWARD of your current orbit - your vessel will be faster than your target That means: if your intercept is towards the system center, you will end up retrograde; if your intercept outwards the system center, you will end up prograde. Case 3: Regardless of going lower or higher (in orbital means) and your intercept is much above or below the ecliptic, you will end up in a more or less polar orbit, wich means lots of delta v to correct get the orbit fine. I hope this helps. -Kia
  20. Imagine the following: One does use solar energy to move electrons (what you effectively don't do, you generate a electromagnetic wave in the conduction band of the material, the electron instead moves very slowly itself) Then you break free the (very slowly moving) electron from the circuit and use it as reaction mass. The resulting energy would be quite low, as the electron in fact does not inherit a high kinetic energy. In the end, one charges the circuit positive, because it loses negative electrons. At this point the electron is pulled "backward" to the circiut (opposites attract, you get the point). With a net acceleration of zero for the whole system (if you ignore photon pressure and solar sail effects). The probabillity for an electron to "spawn" due quantum fluctuation withhin the circuit is neglible. So sorry, I doubt such an engine would work at all. But I might be wrong. Clever people said a Diesel-Motor would be impossible to build. Reallity proves the other way around. -Kia
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