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Rosco P. Coltrane

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Everything posted by Rosco P. Coltrane

  1. Hey, come on, you could still keep developing yours and out-feature mine. Not to mention the user base you already have. I have quite a lot of ideas that I don't know how to implement, so you might have an edge there. BTW, I had no idea you were working on deep scan and variable-aware completion. It's not like I went to do something trying to beat you.
  2. New version's up. Added a variable collision detection while you type, so when you're coding you know if any of the programs that you call has a variable with the same name. The packer now also has a "deep scan" for this, but instead of just looking inside programs you call, it will check in programs you call and programs called by those, and so on.
  3. Exactly. With procedural generation algorithms, you would only need a number to recreate the entire univers. Ever played FreeCell on Windows? Have you noticed the "game number"? Well, that's the seed. Same thing for KSP, a number between 1 and 16.777.916 it all you need (and not even that).
  4. MJ has Ap, Pe, An, and Dn. And I think that pretty much covers all the bases, I don't remember having the need to precisely put a node over any other point. And keep it up, your plugin is really cool!
  5. From my experience teaching people programming, I found arrays are quite easy for them to understand. First don't call them "arrays", call them "lists". Second avoid having to explain that an array has a predefined size and if you want it to grow, it's slow because it's a continuous piece of RAM and you have to move everything and... in other words, avoid explaining how it works under the hood. In this case, kOS could have a "list": you call Get, you call Add and you call Remove. Efficient, inefficient, don't care about that now, just use the list. Sorta like in any OOP language where you have a List class that you don't know how it works, but for beginners it's just fine.
  6. I take it it's a glitch they haven't come to fix yet. As one of the guys that suggested the snap-to feature, I second this. The only reason I still use MJ node editor once in a while.
  7. I haven't delved into the kOS code a lot: but what about some sort of "compiler directive"? So the default would be global variables and programs don't return any value, and if you want you can specify, say, "//KOS093" and it would cause the program to be interpreted with local variables and any new things the community might come up with. Yeah, I think we're counting the chicken before they hatch.
  8. a) Yes, Saturn can do things SolarLiner's app can't (for now at least). and I really suck at graphics. Tried three million designs but couldn't come up with one that looked nice. Any help is welcome!
  9. Hello fellow kerb... kerbgrammers? Prograbals? Anyhow, I present to you: Why you ask? Why can't we just use Notepad++ with a template? Well, because: - Saturn runs on Linux and Windows (Mac version is planned but I can't get my hands on a Mac for now). - It has a "packing" functionality that allows you to "deploy" your program to, for example, the Archive for a quick and perhaps explosive debug session. Current options are: strip comments, strip leading spaces, and remove code based on custom tags. - It sports it's own smart auto-completion that will present you with the options you want to see depending on what you are typing. It will even detect your variables and show you their stuff. - You don't have to bother configuring it and it doesn't require installation. Full list of features: - Smart auto-completion will detect system and user variables and declared parameters and present the relevant options and information about them. - Real-time syntax checking. - A packing utility where you can setup different profiles so you can export your code to the Archive for a quick testing run or a final stripped version to save space. Right now this includes: remove comments, trim spaces, and remove code based on your own custom tags, so for example you can mark code that is used to debug, but you don't want on your final program. - Fully customizable highlighter. - Handy shortcuts to open/save from the Archive. - Export your code to HTML or BB code to post on forums. - kOS-aware length displayed (as opposed to just character count). - Of course the usual editor stuff like comment chunks of code, indent/unindent code, normal/column selection, open file at cursor, and the like. - File monitoring for external changes. - Variable collision detection between your program and programs you call. Some screenies: Version history: 0.3 | 05-04-2014 - Updated to Erendrake's kOS v0.12. - Syntax checking, baby! 0.2.2 - Brought up to date for Erendrake's kOS. - Color themes import/export. - File monitoring. Now you know if the file you're working on has been changed externally. - Minor stuff: - The dot is now properly colored when there's a number just before it. - No more mixed colors between system variables and variable members. Like "liquidfuel" being both a system variable and part of ship:liquidfuel. Now each one is recognized and colored properly. - No more "stage" being always highlighted as a keyword. Now it will be colored as keyword or variable correctly. 0.2.1 - Fixed update of file length on the status bar. - Fixed: Program Packer issue where the file exported to the archive would be named "<EMPTY>". - Fixed: remember open files (thanks to John FX). - Highlighter: Added options character spacing, reset to factory, and checkbox to show only monospaced fonts on the font selection dialog. Fixed: line number on the sample text should start at 0. - Fixed font antialiasing not being applied after settings change. - Fixed: Linux build is now 64 bits and not 32 (thanks to r00t). 0.2 - Bookmarks. - New variable collision detection: a) A real time scan that will go through programs called by yours, and show you variables with the same name. An option in the Program Packer for a "deep scan" version of this, that will not only look at the programs you run, but also at programs run by the programs you run. - Fixed bug that prevented the context menu from showing up. - Added "*" next to the file name for modified files. A sort of a road map, or "what I do instead of counting sheep" (no promises!): 0.3.x : 1<=x<=inf - Bug fixing for 0.3. 0.4.0 - Semantic checker (mixed var types in ops; typos in var, functions and program names). - Switch variable detection to new faster schema. - Better auto-completion for variables used with for loops. 0.4.x : 1<=x<=inf - Bug fixing for 0.4. 0.5.0 - New messages window for packer output and others. - Get rid of variables panel in favor of markups in the code (like syntax and semantic checks) to denote collisions. - Search & replace take 2. - Programs and functions parameters hits. - Highlight & rename identifier under cursor. 0.5.x : 1<=x<=inf - Bug fixing for 0.5. 0.6 - Variables in autocompletion list shown only after the line they are declared / used for the first time. Also, figure out what to do with variable scope and autocompletion (i.e. vars in for loops). - ? 0.? - Jebnix support. DOWNLOADS (v0.2.2) Windows Linux Source code License: released under LGPL.
  10. I don't think so, no, kOS is an interpreter, not a compiler. It processes code "as it goes" so to speak. A compiler is a completely different beast. In other words, its kind of a proxy between your code, and the "real executable code". If it sees something like "set x to 4." it goes and creates an internal variable named x with value 4. It doesn't even generate any kind of compiled code as a JIT compiler would do (they compile and run the code as they go). EDIT: Ok, I reckon I suck at explaining this, but it's not easy to explain!
  11. Not a YT channel, but I highly recommend the Astronomy Cast. Specially because, being a podcast, you can listen to it and do something else at the same time.
  12. You guys should play the beta of Planetary Annihilation... Now that has "beta" written all over the place. KSP on the other hand is pretty enjoyable with the odd bug here and there, to the point that most of the time you just forget you're playing an alpha version.
  13. Ah, cierto. No me acordaba que la simetría alta venía de un mod. Editor Extensions se llama, y como bien dice Zaryulenko, te deja hacer creo que hasta 50x de simetría, muchos más ángulos y snap al centro vertical, que es de lo más utíl, y varias otras cosas más.
  14. Actually I made some tests, and I stand corrected. DO include SRBs in your design, as long as you include a lot of them. Enough to be left with a 1.2-2 TRW when they run out.
  15. What I mean is, considering that the thing is going to grow FAST, try to make the simplest design you can think of. You'll fail to do anything simple and pretty, but you won't end up with a 1000 parts monstrosity. And I maintain it, I don't see the point in boosters for heavy lifters. If you have a 1400 ton beast with a TRW of 0.9, and you add some boosters to get to, say 1.8, after the fist kilometer your boosters run out and you're done. You're better off rethinking the design and replacing the boosters with fuel tanks + engines.
  16. Some things that come to mind. a) Forget about boosters. When talking about heavy lifters, from the dV perspective you'll gain 100-300 m/s dV which is nothing. From a TWR perspective your rocket should be able to push a big payload all the way to the Ap so needing help at the beginning might indicate that your main stack lacks power. Asparagus is your friend and remember that there are higher symmetry values than 6x! c) Keep it simple. A heavy lifter gets very big, very complicated VERY easily. Keeping simplicity in mind helps mitigate that somehow. d) Better fat than tall. Build outwards and not upwards. After all, you'll have to put a payload on top.
  17. jajaja. Había un video de Dany2462 donde mostraba una avión que volaba aleteando las alas. Flor de bug.
  18. I was wondering what launch profile to use. I've been trying to put this 196 ton craft in an 80 Km orbit. I tried several altitudes for the gravity turn, different turning aggressiveness, etc. but I always come short on fuel...
  19. He aquí mi más preciado diseño, el Lag Master M11 (100% stock), sucesor espiritual del M20, el M10S1 y un montón de diseños fallidos que ni nombre tienen... El Lag Master M11 es capaz de entregar grandes cargas y gran cantidad de lag con la misma facilidad. De hecho controlarlo a mano se vuelve casi imposible. Acá subiendo unas 203 toneladas, la etapa de transferencia de mi nave a Laythe. Y acá listo para volver al planeta para no dejar basura en órbita... Otra misión cumplida, otro CPU sobre calentado. Archivo para al que le interese: acá.
  20. Ok, I know what happened. When I got to Laythe I discovered that, yes, I forgot the ladder... So screw it, I hacked gravity to board poor Jeb back in the ship. That apparently caused mayhem with the ship in orbit. For what I can understand, when you hack gravity, the speed of your ship (and apparently all vessels in orbit) is adjusted to it wont get to escape velocity (because gravity now is really weak). When you unhack, vessels will continue to have the post-hack speed and boom!
  21. Ok, so this is really weird. Yesterday I left my ship in an 100 Km orbit around Laythe. Today I loaded the game and I'm in a deep fall towards it! I'm at 100 Km but falling FAST, it's like a lost all my orbital velocity or something. Any idea how to solve it? (I guess none) or how to prevent this from happening again? Ok, ok. I panicked. I'll just hyperedit the thing back to a 100x100 orbitz... Still. What a bug!
  22. The Jool system is famous for giving you encounters you wanted... and encounters you didn't want. It's a matter of luck really. Sometimes you warp until your next Ap and next thing you know you're out of the system altogether because some moon got you and that sent you to another moon that got you and... I don't think there's any design decision involved, just a group of moons close to each other. PS: Next time land on them. It doesn't sake a whole lot of dV and the sience is in the thousands.
  23. What would you do with it in a space? If your answer is "look around" then I tell you, try to do a docking with your head tilted 90º up for 10 minutes and then tell me how it goes. Sorry but nope, -1 from me.
  24. I noticed the same as larsmaehlum. My tug, that worked perfectly in 0.20, has "rows" of three thrusters and it's drifting off axis all the time.
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