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Everything posted by bazz

  1. Once the drills and converter over heat and shut down are they then broken and useless? Mine are at 100% and stuck there?
  2. Downloading wanted something like this for ages. Can this be combined with a save game file to create a "universe" for a story? E.g. the KSS station has suffered a micro meteorite strike and is without power send up a rescue and repair mission with these objectives. Or... We have lost contact with our outpost on Duna send a mission to investigate, restore comms and investigate if necessary rescue the Duna outpost crew.
  3. Any chance we can get a version of the m230 or vulcan that is deployable and retractable? Love your mods so much!
  4. Cool glad you like my idea I will be giving your parts a test later and will be following this thread as these kind of base parts I have wanted for ages. Also as an alternative to legs perhaps a thin part with fillet cut out compartments with doors for mounting the stock medium landing legs? Would be easy enough to add the doors to the gear action group. That and could always be used for storage or solar panels etc.
  5. Have you considered a cargo bay with a folding loading ramp? So meant to be used with the opening on one side rather than top or bottom. Would make a cool base part and useful for KAS logistics and maybe even a rover garage.
  6. Cool craft i don't think you will find a mod to counteract the balance shift when you drop the rover. Unless you use infernal robotics to shift ballast or use fuel balancer or manually shift fuel about. I would build a craft where the COM stays in the same position laterally at least with or without the rover onboard. I have to say I am guilty of changing engine mass in the CFG just to make similar designs work.
  7. I have kinda just developed a feel over the years and tend to just clip a couple extra RTGs into a fuel tank somewhere to be on the safe side. However a mod that displayed ship energy requirements and current charge in and out of sunlight that would be amazing.
  8. Cool I can't wait to get this into my war ships save. Some evil alien ships for the Kerbals to battle with! Now all I need is an AI to send waves of aliens at me and all my kerbal dreams will come true.
  9. As soon as I saw this I knew what I had to build! Was TB2 inspiration for the cockpit? So far tricky and I have had to increase the wing span, when I get something that I am happy with and works I will post a few pics. Have you thought about giving the cockpit and hull pieces lift? The tail ramp piece yet to be textured is absolutely awesome. Could I also suggest VTOL hull sections with engines built into the sides. Awesome project keep up the good work!
  10. GameData\AxialAerospace\Parts\dreamer Folder structure should look like this stick the files in the dreamer folder.
  11. Hi I noticed a bug with SXT, tweak scale integration on the Kossak cockpit (nose door cockpit) tweak scale works fine in the SPH but when I launch the craft it reverts to its original size. The cargo hold sections are not affected. I only noticed as I am trying to build a 5m VTOL SSTO cargo ship with it. I hope that makes sense?
  12. Yay! This mod, proc fairings and tweak scale I cannot live without and all are updated this morning. Thanks can't wait for future updates with some new shapes.
  13. A Kreeper type of mod would be pretty cool, also if using BD Armoury mod it gives guard mode something to do!
  14. Are there any plans to build what I assume are landing pods that are attached to the main hulls in the Nasa concept art?
  15. On the OP you will see stock KSP version is coming soon and the current version is bundled with KSPI-Lite.
  16. Cool part mate downloaded to test it out. Constructive criticism would be the model is a bit simple especially the cockpit window but this is an early release and with a bit of love I can see this being part of my mod collection.
  17. Any plans in the future for other packable vehicles? An RCS powered space bike would be cool or a resource miner / tanker version of pack rat. Oh oh! What about a little fan boat?!?
  18. I second that yay! Deployable animated RCS blocks that tuck away for atmospheric flight would be cool.
  19. Makes sense for off Kerbin operations not exactly aerodynamic. Think it would make sense to build it off Kerbin or in orbit with EPL.
  20. Awesome on both counts thanks for the reply going to try and re texture LLL surface attach bridge to match in the mean time.
  21. This is so brilliant I have the KSC vehicle fleet ready to service my space program. I tried to heli-lift the koach after a few attempts I had enough power to hook the Koach but when I tried to winch it up it did no go to plan. I just winched the Kerbostar into the ground and took out the koach and my fule truck. I haven't laughed so much at a game in ages. I am off to build a chinook to try again.
  22. Is there a HX hull cockpit or bridge part? Going to have to kill some mods to install this haven't played with B9 for ages looking forward to playing with this new update.
  23. Great mod I have been building lots of Speeders and I have also used these for off rough off runway landings for my space planes heading for Duna. Are you planning to make the repulsors work on water in future updates? Edit: Nevermind! Sorry seen your post on previous page.
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