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Everything posted by boxman

  1. If you have a pair of red/cyan glasses you can play it in real 3d using iz3d.. Only problem is that in KSP the ground terrain is for some reason not in 3d.
  2. I have been asking this for YEARS myself. They keep adding all these new prefab parts like bays and hangar doors, but the real parts that promotes creativity that can be used for all various different uses they have not added in ages. I want to build my own doors and also badly want something like lose hinges and ball bearings for other purposes. The funny thing is that they even have/had a hidden feature in 0.2x that let you make any part into a rotor or ball bearing through tweakables. Yargnit even showed this on the official ksptv channel and it was said that it was disabled by default due to a bug that causes it randomly crash the game on time warp but was expected to be added soon.. Since then it is like they completely forgot about it And I believe the dev that started on it has been replaced as well like so many other devs and community managers. Another thing I have been wishing for is something as simple as glass panels, so that i can make my OWN cockpits from scratch. This should be as simple as even using existing panels and adding some kind of alpha transparency to it instead of texture.
  3. Been bothering me alot as well.. Been like this since the beginning. So I really hope this was his own choice and not him being fired like every other community manager we have had in the past. It was really fun seeing him host squadcast especially back when Yargnit was co host as they had really great chemistry.
  4. I really hope this was your choice and that you have better things to move on to. I will definitely miss you so good luck!
  5. Ugh.. I hope it was his own decision and not squad deciding to replace him with "new blood" like they have done so many times in the past.
  6. Huh? Why is he quitting? And is anyone going to replace him?
  7. I read it more as the opposite. When they release updates that changes the game to the point where it breaks mods or save games, it would be better to space them out for more major updates, like what was originally planned for 1.1 before they decided to release 1.05. The problem is that when finally mods are working again there is yet another update that breaks them, while not really adding anything significant. And with all the bugs and optimizations issues, it would be better to focus on fixing bugs and optimizing it in between the larger game changing updates. If this was early access still this would all be fine, but with a game that has been officially released you dont expect it to break your mods and save games constantly. Why this game is not early access still or at very least beta it beyond my understanding. - - - Updated - - - Great logic.. Everyone who has a different opinion than you or does not white knight everything squad does is automatically a troll..
  8. I am sure the modders feel the same way as well having to redo the mods yet again to get it working and by the time they are finished unity 5 version is coming out breaking them yet again. On top of that current 32bit version is already using way too much ram and this will just lead to even less reliable and more crash prone KSP and will most likely add a bunch of new bugs as well. - - - Updated - - - More like more bugs added than they can fix... And the biggest problem right now is that there is NO ROOM left for any extra parts in the 32bit version. It is already seriously unstable because of this issue if you do alot of relaunching and if you have more than a few mods it is pretty damn near unplayable.
  9. As has been proven everywhere the memory leak on scene shift/relaunch is still there even though it has been around for years already. And this has been the major reason why stability keeps getting worse. The only leaks like you said they have fixed are the newly introduced ones, which is something that was much more simple since they knew what introduced it. If you look at new features/parts vs optimizations and bugfixing you really cannot deny that it has gotten worse performance and reliability wise.
  10. No it wont. It has been getting steadily worse with each update now due to squad adding more and more stuff without actually fixing the leaks or optimizing the code. How exactly will the new update where they add even more parts that will always be loaded into your ram solve anything?
  11. Would help if the game actually gave them a proper use that would make it worth it..
  12. I am not very much hyped for this.. They should have just waited until unity 5 port was done. All this will lead to is again break mods when we know it is all going to break soon again with 1.1 And since we are limited to 32bit this will lead to even more stability issues since even less ram will be available now.
  13. Or even better.. Let us add our own buildings and even let us decide where on the planet the space center should be.
  14. I have a phenom 2 945 x4 system as well and with older verisons it never ever was close to even FLASHING yellow at a part count that low. In fact you had to go 250-500 parts to even start seeing symptoms like the clock flickering to yellow and that was probably closer to 500 parts. Now I see people with high end modern systems suffering lag with a part count where my old ancient phenom 2 had smooth frame rates. This is something I started noticing even by watching KSPTV as with new versions they suddenly started having lag even with small ships. If you had compared 1.x with lets say 0.22 you would see what a huge difference it is. Even my crappy ancient dual core laptop could handle 100+ parts before suffering lag. Back then we were told they were optimizing the games as well as ram useage to make them peform better but in reality the exact opposite happened. My fear is that unity 5 is now barely going to make up for the performance loss created by the bloat added by the new versions. - - - Updated - - - They have even confirmed time and time again that physics simulation is and has been a bottleneck for a long time.
  15. I remember a time when people only started complaining about lag after reaching about 500-1000 parts or more... The new versions are horrible that way in that they slow down much more at a lower part limits. - - - Updated - - - The 750ti is not a bottleneck at all unless you run it at 4k or something like that. It is really all in the cpu as long as you have a mid range GPU. But still with older versions I had no issues pulling off decent frame rates even with 500+ parts on my old phenom 2 945.
  16. Kinda hard if you dont have a cpu with unlocked multiplier. For him the only choice would be to crank up the base clock. But still that should give him a decent overclock as long as he lowers things like memory clock and such so that memory is not running way overclocked.
  17. I would suggest reading up on overclocking with your specific mobo as well as cpu. It might be something as simple as the ram not handling much overclockng, so stepping down one notch on the ram frequency or even timing might get you way further. Also make sure that temperatures are fine when under load. The more you overclock the less temperature it can handle without giving you stability issues, so swapping out the stock cooler with a decent third party one can also do wonders.
  18. I have given up on mods, as every other version of KSP seems to break them and many of the mods I was using was also suddenly discontinued. Which is also something I wish were past now that it has been released officially. It also prevents you from being able to share your crafts as well. Like for example the mod i used for ball bearing was dependent on two mods and legally you cannot even include those with your craft files.
  19. Does not help that Squad is no longer releasing any new parts that actually spark new creativity. Instead of releasing simple unique parts like what docking ports did to the game, they are now going the other route and releasing entire cargo bays with doors. Imagine if they instead just gave us the hinges and separate parts for the cargo doors?? Then we could have used these parts for non intended purposes in a more creative way and that would also lead to more unique looking ships. This is exactly the reasoning squad used in past, but suddenly they changed their mind completely and released dumbed down parts that can only be used for the task they are intended for. A long time ago they also said they would release a tweakable rotor/ball bearing, which they even implemented but had to be activated by editing a config file. It was said that this would be enabled and included in stock game soon, as they just had to fix a bug that caused stability issues when time warping when using this rotor/ball bearing. But then of course now like a year has passed and no mention of it at all and the devs behind it are probably long gone as well, since they seem to hire modders as devs only to fire them few months later and hire a new one. It is really sad that nothing has been added to spark creativity with building since version .18. I want to make my own unique creations and not just use all prefab stuff that they keep adding now.
  20. To directly quote max it was 99.9% done and very CLOSE to quality assurance testing. All this will lead to is make the game even more unplayable as they will fix less bugs than that they will add, which is something they have proven again and again in the past. How come the ALPHA version runs better than RELEASE version?? How is that squad making good decisions? This update would have been fine if it was used to actually optimize the game and fix the countless bugs that has been in the game for ages, but instead they are adding more??
  21. What the heck is even 1.0.5 now??? I thought the next release was supposed to be 1.1 with unity 5 port?? Why cant they just make up their minds?? First they say they might be doing a unity 5 release separate from 1.1, then say that unity 5 is gettings close as port is 99.9% done and only need some quality assurance testing.. Then suddenly month(s) passes and now it is nowhere nearly QA with no explanation and it starts sounding like it wont be released separately afterall and now 1.05??? ...? Edit: Holy .... it aint even based on unity5... So much for the port being about done ages ago and so much for them releasing it early because it will take longer for the rest of 1.1 than the actual port itself since the port worked out so great.. Yet another release that will just make mods even worse.. The idea behind releasing unity 5 first was to get people to actually test it and maybe give modders time to prepare to the big changes and instead they are making it worse by releasing the content first??? As I have said before... They know how to make a good space sim, but they badly need some proper management. Squad is all over the place and never sticks to any proper schedule for anything. Even features that they started working on they suddenly moved away from jumping onto something new and never finishing it. And about this 1.05... There is no damn ram left for anything more. The game is already crashing left and right because of memory leaks and limits and yet they put more stuff into it without having a working 64bit version or at very least optimizing it? I might as well give up completely on this game and just play the old versions.. Ever since .25 it hardly even runs performance wise either and even with half the part count it now lags...
  22. Since this small studio with only recent experience is simple mobile games are now doing 3 ports at the very same time, it surely wont be this year... I really hope this is not why suddenly unity 5 port is apparently not even close to release when they stated long ago that it was 99.9% complete and was about to go into quality testing.
  23. And that is because they never believed in it in first place. Have you ever tried searching for archived videos?? It is near impossible. Even before they started deleting the archives their search engine would give you a bunch of results of non working videos. Even if you look directly under a twitch channel, you will have to browse through each page manually with no ability to search for a certain game/video. But still even then certain streamers get hundreds of views on their archived videos.
  24. Because twitch/amazon claims that no one wants to watch them ;\ This is why I prefer youtube streaming. Not only is it easy to find the archives, but they are not deleted after a few weeks and you can even rewind in middle of the stream itself.
  25. Looks like everyone bought it late ended up voting as well making this poll completely useless :\ I dont understand how anyone who played 1.0.x as well as older versions like .20~ would say that 1.0 perform better. People have shown again and again that 1.0.x slows down much quicker with high part count ships. I recall a time when I was able to launch ships with well over thousand parts even on my old phenom 2. Now people with even modern high end system start having huge frame rate drops already long before 500 part count. - - - Updated - - - It started before the new aerodynamics... It started slowing down already in the last .2x.xxx versions. I have a feeling alot of people forget or dont know that the game slows down over time when persistance file/save file start accumulating stuff and then when they install a new version and start from scratch they believe they get a boost, when in reality the only boost is because they started a fresh game. Even planting flags on other planets/moons will make the game run slower even though you are nowhere near even the planet they are on. - - - Updated - - - Even my ancient core 2 duo laptop was able to handle that in .19 with 25-30fps. Amazing how now modern high end system have issues with what even the lowest end systems could handle before. I hope they fix the underlying issue or else the multicore support is only going to make it play catch up to older versions and yet not reach same performance of older versions. I bet if you tried .19 you would be able to get about same performance with 600 parts ;\
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