Introducing our new product: The WTFJSSTRRFA! That's right folks, our brilliant engineers have been working nonstop for years on end, only stopping for snack breaks. The "What The FlakJacket Single Stage To Really Really Far Away" is far superior to to our last model, the "What the FlakJacket Single Stage To Only A Little Far Away" It now features a full 12 more horse power, and, for a limited time, CUP HOLDERS! Yes sir, you can cruise the Really Really Far away in style. With a thing that we don't know what it is giving out a whopping 22.92121 horse power, all of your friends will be shamed when you have to give them rides. Wait... it only seats one? Oh, good thing you don't have any friends! BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Buy now and you can buy two, FOR THE PRICE OF THREE! Look at that deal! And we're not done yet! Buy know and you'll get free snacks for a year! Wait, pause the camera. What? We're not giving out snacks? Good. More for me. Buy now for only three hundred easy payments of 100,000,000,000 SCIENCE! Call us at 123-456-78... Wait, wait, wait. What idiot came up with this phone number? What do mean I'm fired? I HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS! You WILL be hearing form my lawyer!