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Everything posted by jfull

  1. Why are they starting the reveal marathon in the dead of night?
  2. Are you aware that Squad is looking for a content designer?
  3. Wouldn't it be more feasible to use artificial wombs to produce genetically engineered colonists that mature and learn at an accelerated rate? I just can't imagine it would be feasible to print a human being.
  4. I feel like the only thing in the universe that could be considered a "bug", "glitch", or "error" would be black holes
  5. It bothers me when people call any kind of retro-futuristic style "steampunk".
  6. Thats a really good idea You could also rotate them 45 degrees or so It certainly would help to break up the repetitiveness of it.
  7. What would be the point of hiding FTL capability from the public? I mean, seriously, how and why would you keep that secret?
  8. Admittedly, they don't have much of a purpose if your only focus in Career mode is acquiring as much science as possible. However, there is a lot of fun to be had with building jets and SSTOs. Also an SSTO is the most efficient way to return from the surface of Laythe.
  9. How so? It looks fine to me, and more stock-alike than some of the other parts. If you don't like it, the KSPX version isn't going anywhere.
  10. Why is Asteroid spelt "Astroid" in that?
  11. I'm interested in getting this mod for my next campaign playthrough, but I'm worried that it will allow me to collect too much science and complete the tech tree too quickly
  12. Actually, that wasn't Porkjet, that was alexustas, the ALCOR capsule guy. at least I think it was.
  13. I think the acronym A.R.M. is still confusing some people. ARM refers to Asteroid Retrieval Mission, not a robotic arm. We are not getting an arm, we are getting a claw/clamp type device.
  14. I've flown giant rockets and SSTOs, I've built space stations and interplanetary craft. I even had a ground base on Minmus once. However, I wouldn't say that my "specialty" is a type of craft. The thing I usually pride myself on are my skills in rendezvous and docking.
  15. Technically, KSP doesn't need n-body physics. In Kerbal orbit, it only needs to account for the gravity of Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmus. In Jool orbit its a bit more complicated, but the principle is the same. You don't need n-body equations, you can do it with a few finite-number-body-equations.
  16. I feel like KSP should have upgradable spacesuits or at least different variants for different situations. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to be using the same spacesuit design that we used for our very first Mun landing while we're out exploring Laythe in campaign endgame.
  17. There's also one easter egg involving the Kraken, but I won't spoil the specifics
  18. It might also be neat to see it as a standalone, just as an aesthetic part to add some character to rover designs.
  19. Oh my gosh its perfect This is exactly the sort of thing I'd expect Kerbals to put on their rovers
  20. Hmmm... this guy (in the video) is not that great of a presenter...
  21. the Nacelles were always my least favorite part of the Voyager. They were so short and stubby for a supposedly "fast" ship. Also, the fact that they needed to move was strange to me as well. If they worked best in that raises position, why not build them that way?
  22. Alright, lets not completely scare him away AU$TIN, what exactly is your idea that needs a bunch of people to work on it, and is there anything significant you can contribute?
  23. No, you see, he's got ideas. He'll help them by giving them his ideas. /sarcasm
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