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Everything posted by jfull

  1. I think I've found the textures in question using the Assets Explorer, but they're not in a format that I can open... I know I could just search what I need to open them or convert them to something I can open... but I'm kinda just lazy.
  2. Where can I find the stock space suit textures? (so I can make a new version) I actually can't find where the game keeps any of the Kerbal textures or models.
  3. Chapter 12: Duna Exploration Arriving at Duna Toward the end of their long transfer to Duna, the crew aboard the Lady in Red was getting restless. While they still had plenty of air and snacks, they had run through their movie library faster than expected. They had tried passing the time with friendly poker games, but those stopped quickly when they realized that Jeb almost always won. Things got even worse when Sherrey started asking "are we there yet?" at random intervals, but just when it seemed that they couldn't take anymore, they arrived at Duna. Meanwhile, back on Kerbin, the media exploded with coverage of the landing. This was the most significant event in Kerbal history (at least since the invention of the snack wrapper) Getting settled in on the Red Planet Ike Investigations Next, it was time for the Duna Expedition's secondary mission, a manned landing to investigate the surface of Ike. Ike was not expected to be very different in composition from the Mun, but analysis of samples from its surface could still prove informative to the scientific community. Truly, these brave (or not so brave) pioneers are advancing the frontiers of Kerbal-kind and scientific knowledge. Stay tuned to find out whether definitive traces of water (and life) can be found on Duna. Yay, finally got this all uploaded and captioned. I decided to add more Kerbalnaut dialogue and personality this time, which I feel is something that has been missing from the start. Also, let me know if I should keep writing the chapters like I have been, or if I should document entire missions from start to finish.
  4. What exactly makes this unfair? Do you think biology needs to evenly distribute everything to everyone? Also, men are pretty much universally more privileged than women, so I'd say its actually quite fair that they can live longer than men.
  5. Actually, I'm pretty sure men and women will die of old age at about the same time. However, men are more likely to die young, which brings down the life-span average for men.
  6. I think that what sets this apart from B9 is that its much smaller and cleaner. B9 has a lot of great stuff for planes, but it's waaaay too big
  7. I actually have 2 theories about why Kerbals have such small bodies and short limbs, but I can't decide which one I like more. The first is the common theory about them living underground in confined spaces, and thus natural selection favored short Kerbals. The second is that Kerbals are surface dwellers, and that their green color actually comes from symbiotic algae living in their skin. Chemicals from the algae is also make them quite toxic to most other creatures on Kerbin. Without the threat of predators trying to eat them, Kerbals have lost all other natural defenses (kinda like Dodo Birds).
  8. Thanks. I wanted to do give Kerbals something that didn't closely correspond to the usual Roman/Greek Pantheon. Also, in my mind, Kerbals don't understand violence and wouldn't have a god of war (Plus, their blood isn't red so they wouldn't associate a red planet with anything bad). The centrifuge can be found here: Porkjet's Habs its a wonderful set stock-a-like parts for housing your Kerbals. Also, if you like the Nautilus-X, you should probably take a look at the version Nertea made using his Near Future Propulsion and Porkjet's stuff, its actually pretty amazing. Anyway, thank you, its good to know that people are getting invested in this.
  9. Mod list is on the first page, though it might be missing some of the smaller part mods I use. I will make it more complete at some point. Also, the next chapter will be delayed slightly. I haven't had much time to play between other games and, more importantly, starting my new job.
  10. I don't know too much, but I do know that the IVA and the exterior are completely separate models. However, you might want to work on them together in order to make sure the IVA fits inside the exterior and the windows line up.
  11. have you considered putting more than one component in orbit at once and then launching them to Duna during the same transfer window? Alternately, you could put more than one part of the base on each rocket.
  12. Honestly, the MK3 form factor is badly shaped all around, and considering there's so few stock parts for it anyway, it seems like it might be a better idea to ignore it and make a better large spaceplane form factor. Then again... Porkjet is pretty talented, so it isn't impossible that he could make MK3 parts that actually look good.
  13. Edit: NVM, I've found your release thread
  14. Well, I don't have B9 and I'm already using active texture management. I don't feel like parting with the mods I do have, so I guess I'm out of luck.
  15. I've tried installing your pack but the game stops responding while trying to load the "duna1" texture I am using the default resolution textures
  16. Chapter 11: Launching the Duna Expedition Fleet It had been months since the EDEE rover had set down on the surface of Duna, and it had not made any significant finding since its initial survey of the environment. Most scientists had reached the conclusion that even if there was water on Duna in the past, it was long gone, and it had taken any chance for life with it. That conclusion was about to be challenged however. While the rover passing through some terrain it had already surveyed, one of the interns in charge of watching the incoming images noticed that the side of a hill had collapsed since the rover had last been there. The erosion looked like it had been caused by water that had welled up from underground! The rover was brought in for a closer look and found that the soil in the area did indeed contain faint traces of water, but mostly in the form of ice. This discovery seemed to reopen the possiblity of life on the planet Duna, but many were still skeptical. The rover's limited instruments made it impossible to confirm the cause of the erosion. Everywhere, the call was going up for a new mission to Duna to be launched. The mystery of water on Duna would require manned exploration to solve. An Atomic Wagon Train to the Stars Like the Eve Initiative before this, Kerbco would not be able to mount such an ambitious mission alone. Together with their aerospace partners, they set about designing the craft that would carry the first Kerbals to the red planet. The design they arrived at consisted of 4 separate vehicles and would require 7 rocket launches. All of the vehicles were dependent on a revolutionary new technology, the Nuclear Thermal Rocket, designed by Kerbco's own Elley Kerman. Since Kerbals are, by their nature, nonviolent creatures with no use for weapons, nuclear research had been progressing slowly. But Kerbal engineers are, if nothing else, ingenious and resourceful, and it was Elley who determined that the integration of a compact nuclear reactor could produce an engine with a fuel efficiency that had never been seen before. The crew of the Lady in Red got settled in their new home for the next few months. The spinning centrifuge would prevent their muscles from fatiguing. It would be important for them to keep from going stir crazy or becoming anti-social during the trip, so they had been provided with a large media library and regular movie and board game nights had been scheduled for them. On the morning of the second day of their trip, Bill and Jeb sat down in the little galley to share coffee and snacks. Bill: "mornin' Jeb, sleep well?" Jeb: "definitely, the bunks in the centrifuge are way more comfortable than the bags they had us sleeping in before." Bill: "Yeah... you know, I still can't believe how long we're going to be away from Kerbin this time..." Jeb: "Oh come on Bill, don't tell me you're getting homesick already" Bill: "Well, no, its not that..." Jeb: "Ooooh, I see how it is. You've got someone special back home!" Bill: "what? no... nooo, that's nonsense." But it was true, Bill had started dating Halzon, another astronaut he had met back in Kerbco's early days. They both knew that this sort of situation could arise, but the interplanetary distances between them would be sure to put a strain on their relationship. Still, everyone, including Bill, was facing the voyage ahead of them with optimism. They were explorers pushing the boundaries of Kerbal knowledge, and they sailed on through the void without fear. A little update on Tom the Destroyer You may remember Tom, the sizable asteroid that Jeb, Seerie, and Ronie diverted from its collision course with Kerbin and placed into a highly elliptical orbit. Kerbco had hoped that it might be possible to build an asteroid base on it and mine its resources. Well, it seems that Tom crossed paths with the Mun while nobody was paying attention and got a sizable gravity assist. Now, the big dumb rock is out orbit around the sun, in between the orbits of Kerbin and Duna. Projections indicate it will most likely never re-enter Kerbin's SOI... The next update will obviously be outcome of the Duna mission, so stay tuned. My thanks to those reading this. Please leave a comment!
  17. Maybe the green in their skin isn't from photosynthesis in their own cells, but from symbiotic algae cells that live in their skin?
  18. Thats because radiation (light) carries the heat from the sun, not particles. He's right about the temperature. Air molecules in the thermosphere do move at very high velocities (they're basically on sub-orbital trajectories). Therefore, each individual particle would be extremely "hot" but due to the low low density the thermosphere wouldn't transfer much thermal energy to an object at that altitude.
  19. Anyone here ever see Outland? It was a fairly realistic space movie (set on a mining base on Io) except for the fact that it seemed to be in love with the idea that the human body would completely explode into a bloody paste if exposed to vacuum for even a second. It was completely ludicrous but it happened to a ton of characters in the movie.
  20. Some Aerodynamics should be implemented but not to the same level of realism as FAR. Just something simple to detect whether a craft is sleek-shaped or built like a brick. I think the biggest thing that needs to be expanded on is the selection of aircraft parts. Many of the ones currently in the game just don't have the same design quality and texture detail as the parts that have been added to the game more recently.
  21. Yeah this is a pretty big bump, but I might as well bring it back (rather than start a new thread) because I have a few more ideas -Kerbals don't actually have mealtimes like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They simply consume snacks whenever they feel like it. -Kerbals have little-to-no violent instincts, and acts of violence are extremely foreign concepts to them. They wouldn't understand the motivations behind war if you tried to explain it to them. -Almost all Kerbal engineers believe gremlins exist, and blame them when the craft they build fail.
  22. I'm gonna go ahead and call this one answered. Thank you everyone who did offer some suggestions
  23. I may or may not try that, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with getting into the persistence file, but that edit doesn't seem like it could mess anything up.
  24. Yeah, I've flown tons of long-duration missions and needed to load quicksaves durring the course of them, and I can't recall any time that it reset the timer.
  25. So, every craft has a clock that counts the amount of time that has elapsed since launch, or since it was separated from another craft. But is there a way to set that clock back to zero? If this isn't possible to do, I think it would be a useful feature for the Devs or a Modder to add. Lets say I launched a craft into Kerbin orbit way before the transfer window I intended to use to send it to another planet. It would be nice to reset the time on the craft so that it only counts the time since the mission actually began, instead of the time it spend waiting. Or, if I had a craft that I brought back home from a mission and refueled in orbit and wanted to use for another mission (and another after that, and so on), I would want to reset the clock at the start of each mission so I know how long its been away from home, not how old the craft is.
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