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Everything posted by jfull

  1. I certainly wouldn't like to see it extended beyond what is safe... Obviously the station is a considerable investment, and we want to get the most out of it, but it does worry me somewhat.
  2. ...And you end up in the weird part of youtube full of pseudoscience about anti-gravity and theories about government cover-ups? anyone else run across any awful pseudoscience lately?
  3. That strut looks just right for putting some distance between my Kerbals and their ship's reactor
  4. Very nice I thought the orange looked just fine though
  5. Darn, stuff like this image makes it seem like we're closer than that:
  6. Have you considered approaching Nertea about including anything from his Near Future Propulsion pack? I understand that VASIMRs are potential candidates for propulsion on a Mars mission
  7. Also, which parts would be coming from B9? I've seen the RCS ports and the small lights, anything else? B9 has lots of useful and great looking small parts like that, but has much much more spaceplane stuff than is necessary for someone who primarily uses rockets
  8. Alright, I guess I was asking to try and figure out how compact this pack would be (I really don't like part bloat or performance loss), and it seems that you're making every effort to keep it compact. I will definitely be checking this out if and when there's an official release
  9. Will this contain all the parts from those constituent mods, or just a some of them?
  10. The first time I tried building a space station I had no idea how to do rendezvous or how to maneuver for docking. Eventually I just learned as I went, and now I'm a pro at docking.
  11. I'm no pro at KSP, but things went pretty smoothly on my mission to Moho The main problems are just getting an efficient transfer orbit, and the massive amounts of fuel needed for capture.
  12. But... but... the fields around the space center are just as flat, and there's no risk of missing them! Seriously though, I might, might try this eventually
  13. Well, I have 6 Kerbals in a (probably) self sustaining Kethane base on Minmus
  14. Why do people want the exchange rate server thing? I'm really not understanding the logic...
  15. Not really actually, just made sure to use lots of struts. (also, B9 adds a strut that's stiffer and stronger than the stock one)
  16. I disagree... quite a bit. KSP is a single player game, and even with the eventual addition of a Multiplayer mode, I think everything about a game/save/solar system should only ever be effected by the handful of players currently playing on it. No grand online market or exchange, this is not an MMO. That being said, I do think it would be neat to see some ability to trade with other players in Multiplayer, it would allow for everything from serious trading between big space programs, to helping out players who are in a jam, or even the ability to sell craft designs to other players. That is all just an idea, and might be beyond the scope of the Dev's plans
  17. This is... so much unlike anything tried before, I'm not sure what to think. My main thought is that it doesn't seem to have any place for an RTG or instruments to be mounted
  18. Apparently, there will be ways to convert one currency to another. Ex: spending excess money to increase reputation or science, or using reputation to bring in more funding. Source I think a big question is whether there will be some degree of loss when converting one to another (Meaning that conversion would yield less than the equivalent values of the currencies). Personally I think there should be loss in conversion, otherwise the separate currencies (and the separate means of obtaining them) would lose purpose. I suppose another interesting way to do it would be to introduce some kind of randomization and risk to the conversion mechanic. That would mean that, for example, spending money to increase reputation would yield a variable amount of reputation, possibly a big payoff, possibly only a small amount. What are your thoughts on currency conversion?
  19. Well, it certainly looks like something Kerbals would build for surface sampling
  20. Kash or Munnie are actually my favorites so far
  21. Well, it does cross Jool's orbit sometimes, so it shouldn't be too much colder than Jool's moons
  22. I can see what you mean, but it would just be very nice to see the pack divided by fuselage system or some other way. The parts are all great quality, its just that some might not be looking to install all of them.
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