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Everything posted by MircoMars

  1. yeah my line of thought was: if the crashes weren't obvious before releasing 1.1.x because they didn't appear in QA and experimentals, perhaps the testing environment was "too stable" to see that problem. thus the existing testing environment might not be able to check whether the CTD issue is properly fixed or not. claw had a hard time to replicate the bug and could only replicate it in one particular failure mode. who knows what else lies buried in the uncountable lines of code that try to make unity do things no one ever expected it to do? only distributing hotfixes to all players who have the problem and checking back with them how stable the game is now can ensure to have it really fixed on the next official update. releasing an update that still crashes for no apparent reason would be annoying for us and another big hit on reputation for SQUAD...
  2. KSP like it is planned to be now but created in it's own custom made engine.
  3. hi there, why does RT spam the ksp.log while in VAB? [LOG 19:10:33.013] RemoteTech: ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave [LOG 19:10:33.014] RemoteTech: ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave if there is a good reason I'd like to know it, if not I'll try to report a bug...
  4. can you please post how you did that? I guess some of us are eager to check your results and be able to work around that bug until a fix is released. since this bug seems to be affecting many but not all players, is it possible to test that fix even if we are not members of the experimental team?? I mean if you can release the bugfix without the other features for the next official release.
  5. argh, I really go crazy over this issue! there seems to be no way to crash the game on purpose. the crashes seem to be connected to parts being detached from the vessel, both in VAB/SPH and atmo-flight. I don't remember a crash in vacuum, pls correct me if I'm wrong. but every time I try to repeat what crashed the game the last time it runs fine until it crashes at another point. last thing I tried was running ksp_x64.exe on all cores but core0 and I had 3 hours of crashfree playing each with a clean stock install and my modded install. both times I built a craft in VAB with lots of radial attaching, detaching and deleting (which I thought of as the crashiest activity) and I was able to fly the mission just fine... either I got to the core of the problem (badumtss) or this issue just doesn't want to be debugged.
  6. I did a short test in the modded install (see my earlier post) and set my cpu affinity to only one core. It was slow, but stable. I will go on testing this in a stock install tonight. perhaps some of you could try this, too. either set affinity after starting ksp via process-tab in taskmanager or use this description to edit the shotcut: http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/40339-cpu-affinity-shortcut-program-create-windows.html (I have no affiliation to this site, I just don't want to explain the binary stuff)
  7. Please delete this thread, a replacement has been created! thanks
  8. since a few versions the Flight Debug Stats disappear when the cheat-menu is closed. I find that pretty annoying because I like to check the game's speed in some situations to know if my weak computer or my sluggish design is at fault and adjust my control input accordingly. of course the cheat window can be put on the lower screen corner, but this is a suboptimal workaround for me. this is a replacement for my other thread regarding the same issue, now new with poll!
  9. yup, F5 & Alt-F4 : hello desktop if a game really got stuck the fasted way is ctrl-shift-esc to open taskmgr and then end process right now I need something to make the game quit slower because of massive CTD issues... but this is another topic
  10. I just tried running ksp_x64.exe as admin and it crashed on me in VAB while placing a pair of radial chutes... so this is not the solution, at least not for me. I run a modded install (see spoilers below) and crash regularly in VAB or while staging. I looked at the ksp.log from that last CTD and it's spammed with: [LOG 13:44:59.912] RemoteTech: ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave [LOG 13:44:59.913] RemoteTech: ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave [LOG 13:44:59.914] RemoteTech: ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave [LOG 13:44:59.916] RemoteTech: ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave Will do some testing with a fresh stock install tonight...
  11. from nothing comes nothing. where do fish go to pee?
  12. since a few versions the Flight Debug Stats disappear when the cheat-menu is closed. I find that pretty annoying because I like to check the game's speed in some situations to know if my weak computer or my sluggish design is at fault and adjust my control input accordingly. of course the cheat window can be put on the lower screen corner, but this is a suboptimal workaround for me.
  13. for me using mechjeb isn't cheating. I let it calculate TWR and delta-v, tweak or even create maneuvers with it and use the autopilot for long or boring or sequential burns... Alt-f12´ing myself out of a pickle the game served me won't be considered cheating, too. I consider something cheating if what I am doing is "wrong" and I know it. like giving another few m/s to my rocket when I misplanned or mispiloted a vessel. then I just whistle nonchalantly and am happy that I don't have to spend another few hours of my lifetime to rerun the mission or stage an overly complicated rescue. of course in challenges all of that is a no go and I would consider it foul play.
  14. from the top of my hat, being able to switch to debris is kinda useful in three situations. a) you left debris as a marker somewhere, b) you need to check something before rendezvousing with it, c) you want it deorbited "properly" while it's on an orbit that should degrade, but doesn't because it's on rails (chutes being deployed while still controllable, heat-shielded yaddayadda or just wanna see da boom). but especially in situations right after RUD it would be nice to be able to control whether you switch to debris or baled vessels. if I want to find out what has survived, I'm not interested in solar panels and decouplers, but in capsules... perhaps we could use the alt-key to tell the program if we want to switch to only controllable stuff or anything. with regard to "not being able to leave a flight while under acceleration" (I think that's the correct term), this is also to prevent anyone from "cheating" their way out of atmosphere related catastrophes by making the vessel go on rails. thus, the self-destruct from flight scene would be the "fair" solution.
  15. I also would have been fine with Kerbals being androgynous. but since we have almost no concept of instantaneously recognizable androgynous humanoid appearance and naming conventions, I guess modelling and naming female Kerbals was just the easier thing to do. and of course the suggestion that only male green beings are allowed to ride giant explosions in small metal cans would be just wrong. I don't know if adding Valentina et al. convinced more girls and women to play the game. could be worth a survey...
  16. coming back to this thread after a few days, I didn't read all your posts. so in case this was already suggested please see my post as a thumbs up to whoever mentioned it first. regarding the science and techtree dilemma, imagine this: to develop new tech kerbals need to be assigned to the R&D facility. scientists are used to progress through the tech tree. their work is dependent on their skills and experience levels and accumulated over time to unlock the nodes. engineers are used to "design and prototype" the resulting parts, also based on their skill and xp. so we'd have the downside of needing to unlock single parts, but the benefit of just unlocking what we need/want (don't need the ant-engine? don't waste your engie's time on it!) I don't really know what to do with the pilots, yet. if there's part reliability, they could be responsible for testing. or if the amount of active flights would be limited, they could be mission controllers, allowing you to have more ships in space or so. science points could either be used as the only way to level scientist or as joker currency or that other good idea that just slipped my mind... to quote a great philosopher of our time: I'll be back.
  17. I've played KSP for quite a while, so I learned intercepting and docking when this was still new. after rodeo-dockings with shaky, unbalanced ships or no RCS dockings I'm more exhausted and relieved than anything else. I think my first mun landing was on winglets... I faintly remember how thrilling that was for the first few dozen times. It still is in situations of near catastrophe or landing on mean slopes or so. what reliably leaves a feeling of greatness is landing a capsule close to KSC. most of the times I land in the ocean or the grasslands, but when my Kerbals could walk home from the landing site, I feel kinda proud.
  18. First of all. the devs deserved a long vacation! actually, everyone does. the last thing we I want for them is to be burned out and frustrated with their work (as I was once in my short working life). I think what annoys the playerbase most is when expectations are first raised by promises and then not fulfilled. I was never an active participant in QA, so I lack a good bit of insight, but to me it seems that the wheel problems and the spontaneous crashes should have been detected earlier and dealt with. In case they are unfixable and inherent of the current unity version, there should have been an announcement saying: "we are very sorry, but despite our best effords Unity 5 is not ready for what we need it to do, yet. we'll keep trying with every new update, here's the U5-dev-built for those who are willing to take the pains and risks. Meanwhile we work on assets, parts and general gameplay ideas that are not bound by the engine's version." and dear devs, you had have one of the nicest and most helpful communities outside "open"-projects. keep them close, be honest and they will understand and help you.
  19. egoego is right, they orient themselves to the rotational axis of kerbin, with feet south and head north. at least that's their first impulse when you activate EVA-RCS. you can turn them head over heels with the mouse but the reorient themselves as soon as they get the chance.
  20. the unity update justifies a jump from 0.2x to 0.3x. so, how about 0.30.2 for the recent version.
  21. the last I noticed, the tracking station was tier 2. but you're able to select own vessels in the TS' map view from tier 1.
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