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Everything posted by Majorjim!

  1. O.W.L II STOCK CRAFT **EDIT** (Here is an update for the O.W.L lander. Just a few little tweaks here and there. Flies better, lands better, looks better. New pics below the craft file has been updated on Spaceport. here's the new link. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/o-w-l-lander/ Let me know how you get on with it. MJ
  2. Hello fellow Kerbonaughts. Here is my attempt at the Curiosity rover. I wanted it to be all stock, which it is aside from the camera. And to look as similar as possible to the real thing using stock parts. It is roughly the same size as the real one, assuming Kerbals are shorter than humans. The sky crane works a treat and it even has a working "arm"; read, Landing strut. Anyone think they can make a more realistic stock Curiosity, have at it!
  3. Pics wont upload and I dont know how to delete..
  4. Sorry Mods, i'm new here. I have reposted my pics as I clicked "quick reply" Can you delete this post? Thanks.
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