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Everything posted by Pontiac

  1. "Kill Bill" is a 2 part movie series. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266697/ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0378194/ IMHO, was a waste.
  2. They are a no-go because those aren't images you're linking to, but a web page. When pasting an image, it needs to end with .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, or whatever other graphic format browsers can work with.
  3. At very first fast glance, I thought the fuel tanks in the background were guns. I was heartbroken.
  4. Double-post. Sorry, I missed a chunk of this thread somehow. Not sure if you read my post back in the SAL days, but, the "real" fix is having your lifting stage with the root part as being a decoupler, or something with at least two nodes, and build out your lifter stage that way. Same with a payload. Decoupler as the root part, and build the rest of the payload as needed. When you go to save the assembly, you're saving the ship in its fully-parts-attached state so long you drag the ship FROM the root part which is the decoupler in my example. @Everyone: For a better understanding of what is happening and why things like fuel lines and struts are breaking; If we were to translate each part of a ship into a family member, being a parent to a child and child to a parent, your root part is the granddaddy that started it all. The granddaddy is the "parent" of all in a uni-gender world (Fitting for Kerbals so far, isn't it?) Every single part, other than the root part, have a child to parent relationship. Each child can only have one parent, but each parent can have one or more children. While in the VAB/SPH, the exception to the rule for stock parts happens to be the Fuel Line and Strut parts. Although these two parts do follow the parent/child relationship, they also have this growth added feature that allows them to attach to other parts. The part that SAL and SAM fail on is when you try to save something that isn't the root, the two parts forget who they're connected to after the fact. Unfortunately the parts are saved in this forgetful state. I don't think there is any function, code, or procedure that will tell a component to re-attach to the first thing it runs to after ALL the children are loaded. I've not found one yet at least.
  5. The work involved in doing so, and being 100% accurate is pretty close to being impossible, DEPENDING on whether one could pick which event is happening. Somewhere down the line of events starting from when the user clicks the Left Mouse Button (LMB) the game has to decide whether we're picking up a part off the vessel or from the parts list or a part hanging out in space, dropping a part out in space or in the trash or on the ship, etc. So then SAM has to decide when to act on the right behavior. So first assuming that this detection can be done at all, if we have determined that we're between the point of knowing we're picking up a part and its NOT the root part, and the point of actually physically removing the part and its children from the ship, we have to take a catalog every single part in its "attached state", denote a special name to it (Since putting the soon-to-be new structure could already be named something else), decide if it is a part that not only has a parent, but connects to another part somewhere else on the structure and REMEMBER that other parts new name if it has already been assigned one, and if the other part hasn't been named remember to come back and check for that new name when everything else has been cataloged, and THEN remember the entire state. *takes a deep breath after that run-on sentence*.... At this point, Unity can handle moving the parts we've selected, and move them all around. If the user wants to save the ship, because, you know, the computer CAN'T know that we want to save the structure when we pressed the LMB, so when the part is dragged to the save point, or, is released by joining to another part of the structure, or dragging to the trash, or whatever. If we're dragging to the save button, then draw the "SAVE AS" dialogs as usual, save the in-memory cataloged parts to the .craft file. After the second mouse button click, we then forget everything we did. Its just too difficult to do from a mod perspective due to the way KSP handles parts in a disconnected state. Couple of things you can do. - When you load your parts, drop them somewhere in the VAB/SPH disconnected. Then pick it up and attempt to attach. Rotate the parts if needed. - Start a new build with a decoupler as the root part. Load your craft and see if it will attach. If it does, something is up with your lifter.
  6. I use for flying and "something to do" purposes: MechJeb - Latest dev builds installed before I play - Mostly for the DV calculator, warp assist, launches (Because I can't be bothered to launch the same ship over and over again). I've given up on using it for descents because my rigs usually break the caulcations. Kethane - Majiir has done a more than fantastic job on this mod Kerbal Alarm Clock I use a few others that add flavor to the game, such as the truck wheels, station components, and such. I don't have anything that modifies fuel tanks or engines. Anything dealing with fuel propulsion is 100% stock.
  7. From a power to weight ratio, yes, always. From a kerbals engineering stand point, I'd have to ask two questions.... "Whachya talking about Willis?" and "What do you not understand about toke-toke-pass maaaannnn??"
  8. Right up until licenses aren't included and I have posts locked and removed from public viewing. {smirks and chuckles}
  9. @Dotower> You can't unless you have a web server available in your basement. Even then, you still have to provide us with a URL.
  10. What if you were to take the each cell and convert them into pie charts? Each resources is given a color. The resource is assigned a color either by user preferences, mod specific, or just at random (But Kethane always being Green). This would eliminate blending, and show a clear designation that a particular cell has more than one resource. I don't think you'd have to go as far as splitting it up on a percentile base (Like if one resources only has 10 units, but it takes a LONG time to pull that 10 units, where as Kethane is a second or two to yank 10 units, I don't think it'd be fair to show the entire cell as being Kethane).
  11. [Exception]: FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list. This happens as soon as I hit "SAVE".
  12. I like the flow. So far, the only issue I've seen is if I pick one part to save, you go through the entire routine of selecting the category you want, type in the name, BUT, it doesn't save.E Edit: The asparagus problem still isn't working. Greenvalv wrote a routine in the following thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37009-0-20-2-Subassembly-Support-Thread?p=477516&viewfull=1#post477516 -- I haven't tested. @onkelsiebdruck> First, where did you get that handle??? Second, make sure you put the PluginData directory in the main KSP directory, and overwrite. The directories used are different between Loader and Manager.
  13. @-RanZ- Check your computer language if you want to spout off. 32 bit applications can be multi-threaded. KSP doesn't use one core. It uses one thread. Threads can be migrated between CPU cores at the OS's discretion for reasons of temperature or existing load on that CPU thread. One thing does get done at a time as far as KSP is concerned, but that doesn't mean that an extra thread or two for disk access can be spawned and KSP gets put on hold until a reply comes back.
  14. I'm going to have to try this at home with my 570GTX. I THINK I have a pair of R&B glasses laying around. The thing is, I don't think my monitors support it, or, the card won't let me change into a 3D mode. *shrugs* Something to play with tonight after work I guess.
  15. Inferno, you're going to run into an issue where there is absolutely no objective to this game built in other than whatever goals you set for yourself. This game is still in its infancy, still being built, and still has a lot of features planned with some in the works, and some still on the drawing board, and some still on the paper napkin. For me, I've already got myself into orbit a few times, I've successfully landed small craft on Mun, got to Moho but kept running out of gas once I got into orbit. Now I'm playing with Kethane and designing rigs and ships that are so big, they're breaking some of the "should have" and "must have" tools. I've successfully landed a 107 tonne Kethane rig on the Mun, have had it traverse a few KM to get where I needed it, so on and so on. Did I mention that with the designing, and the testing on Kerbin alone has taken me three weeks of game time? I'm not talking 21 days, I'm talking 500+ HOURS of game time spent just on this one damned rig. Several revisions, and several new toys added to the package that warranted a redo, but the purpose, for me, was to get a rig on the Mun. The landing on the Mun alone was three solid DAYS to get working properly. Now I'm building, from scratch, a mobile gas tank. Already about 30 hours into that design. No other game has earned my attention as much as KSP in the few months I've had it.
  16. I EXPECT to start over every time a new release comes out. :] Not dig'n into Squad for it, by any means though.
  17. There is always a risk on any update that something will break, be it with KSP or mods. Basically, backup, backup, backup, and if you think you've backed up enough, backup again. There are two things you can do. Since you're playing stock, when you download the next release, extract the ZIP you download of KSP 0.21 to a directory that isn't your current KSP 0.20 directory. COPY your Saves directory from the 0.20 to 0.21 and try and see what happens. If it works, great. If not, well, you at least have your 0.20 to go back to.
  18. Probably, and anyone who's willing to do the work is more than welcome to do so using the ideas in this SS. I'm not proficient enough in C# to do such a thing yet.
  19. There seems to be a common theme in these particular forums that when someone actually posts an original idea, someone else has to post a very similar idea and call it their own. Then again, this particular post MIGHT have been an accidental "New Post" instead of a "Reply to Thread".... *shrugs*
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