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Posts posted by Mokmo

  1. First of all...

    Which planet? There's a big diference between mining Kerbin or Minmus.

    Since you're landing on a Kethane deposit, you could consider putting a small converter somewhere on the ship. Converts while mining and if you leave it on converts as soon as fuel is burned.

    So here's what i used in 0.21 on Minmus


    -four 16k kethane tanks around a 3.75m LFO tank (this one is from KW),

    -plenty of large rtg modules (thus the little solars, but you can work however you want), There's 4 ASRG and 2 CSRG from RLA Power Generation, and the XXL RTG from Korda (found it on Spaceport, probably still works on 0.22 but not updated for tech tree) and they've got enough power to make 2 big drill work. The Converter is the one i forgot when making this, so with it battery drains about 2/3 of the way into the drilling cycle. There are better mods for power generation now, like Near Future that has a 250 Ec/s generator that could power 10 big drills...

    -enough RCS to dock this

    -way too many reaction wheels (you actually have to turn them off or it'll tear anyhing you dock it to apart).

    -2.5 m Orbital Berthas (NovaPunch) under the kethane tanks, and they give a ridiculously good TWR on Minmus (around 10 when the ship is all full)

    -And of ourse on top you see the mini converter.

    -The two drills take about 4 hours to fill her up, but could carry four if you can power them.

  2. Without mods that require them, yes, they're pretty useless after you had repeated the same tests over and over again and don't produce any more science.

    There are some mods, however, that require you to have multiple satellites in orbit. Those are like the ISA Map-sat plugin, Kethane, and I know there's a plugin with which you need a satellite link to KSC in order to control unmanned crafts.

    Remote Tech isthe last one, but the version is deprecated for 0.22 and there's a new one in the making by its new guy in charge. The old one had a control delay but this one will probably not, just needsto have the signal. And also needs the signal to beam back science to Kerbin.

  3. -That Kerbal must have a way back home

    -Limit at 300 parts, but it seems that with the texture reduction patches and general improvements in 0.22, i can bump it up a bit, maybe 325...

    -Seriously, return the Kerbal, even if a white suit

  4. Did you try the hotfix version? Apart for the Sub Assembly shenanigans (IE, you must unselect all filters to see the SA tab), it works fine for me! A few rare select parts don't show up for some of my mod, but it's only a few. (maybe 3-4 total)


    Hotfix... Where, went throught the pages since 0.22 came out and there's no mention of it...

  5. My miners run into the same issues, so here's what I did:

    -mechjeb likes to be able to turn quickly, reaction wheels help a lot, but be careful not turn on SAS when docked in orbit.

    -have you considered putting the 2 kethane tanks with two fuel tanks around a central core? The way you describe it seems like it's a bit long and that its center of mass might be a bit high for landing stability.

  6. Hello,

    Québécois avec études en génie, j'ai KSP depuis mai (juste après la catastrophe du forum d'avril de ce que j'ai compris) et j'ai fait pas mal toutes les planètes.

    Il y a quelque chose qui me chicote de laisser un Kerman sur une planète sans espoir de retour, alors certaines ont été laissées au soin des sondes...

  7. how do i use this mod when i do a docking with mechjeb?

    Usually i only use auto-docking when i'm really not in the mood to concentrate on such a maneuver.

    When i dock, here's how it works:

    I set a Custom window on MJ with speed and position relative to target target (it's all between the "Control From Here" part and the target dock) and then can check how everythin's doing more precisely.

    Also, set SmartA.S.S. to "PAR-" in the target section once you get into translation mode, saves you some work with the orange circle thingy.

  8. You have a choice: share the 4GB of memory KSP can use with other programs or let it play in its own little sandbox

    On my laptop, I went from 4 to 8 GB mostly because i couldn't even run Chrome with only the wiki on the planet i was orbiting. Now i can actually watch a 720p youtube video (or a Kerbal stream on Twitch!) while my games runs with B9, KW, Nova and Kosmos in it...

    But once you're past it, the CPU wil be the bottleneck, and maybe (if you run full res) your GPU since it's a laptop.

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