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Status Replies posted by Eskandare

  1. Will you ever consider revisiting Carrier Vessel Expansion, and if so, do you plan to add the Wasp and Essex as you wrote? I love that mod to bits.

    1. Eskandare


      Ok, I haven't posted recently because...




      a) I'm reworking the models and they are not simple parts models. b) As you can see i'm taking time to make this as awesome as possible. Angel-125 just wrote a module for me so the helicarrier can fly, nicely.

      The Essex and the Kuznetsov are kinds in pieces at the moment, but I should have something soon. Aslo I'm adding the Midway, Kittyhawk, and Queen Elizabeth classes to the list.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Hey friends and users of  SMI's many mods . A little PSA,

    Of late there've been a lot of straws dumped on this camel, and I'm tired and just a little fed up with the whole thing  . So I'm not doing any updates for 1.4.1 or 1.4.2 as 1.4.3 is definitely going to be a thing,  although if it's not I'll have to reconsider the whole position/future as the way it is today is not something I'm enjoying

    Once squad gives us a stable game that's not just bandaids , and not a graphical mess  I'll think about updates but until that happens not a chance.  ( and please don't come over all fanboy, i bought my first copy in 2012 and bought another steam copy for the beta access, so have seen it all)

    (rant removed as it'd only bring more straw)

    Please pass this along to any you see inquiring, as  filling the threads with " update for XXX now"  will not result in an update but will given my present mood result in locked threads

    Cheers gang



    1. Eskandare


      I'm still on 1.3.1 and staying there for a while. I won't be running the update to CVX for 1.4.x until all the dependencies are updated. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Can i update your nuclear turbines mod?

    1. Eskandare


      I'm actually in the middle of performing updates, if you had noticed I have a few new models and a few with a little rework done. I'm recreating a few so that I keep to a low poly count. 

  4. Just saw that you were interested in working on Fantom Works. is that still happening? i'd be really excited to see that mod work without messing with config files. anyways, I really appreciate what you do for ksp, i love KRX and CVX, just a suggestion, Cockpits for KRX, i feel that having to use either firespitter cockpits or one of a small passenger jet is not ideal. love your work, I dont expect anything but you can never be to hopeful, Right?

    1. Eskandare


      Actually I have a command pod model I was going to give @blackheart612.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Just saw that you were interested in working on Fantom Works. is that still happening? i'd be really excited to see that mod work without messing with config files. anyways, I really appreciate what you do for ksp, i love KRX and CVX, just a suggestion, Cockpits for KRX, i feel that having to use either firespitter cockpits or one of a small passenger jet is not ideal. love your work, I dont expect anything but you can never be to hopeful, Right?

    1. Eskandare


      I already have the go ahead with Fantomworks and working on it in my spare time. 

      For helicopter cockpits look into Airplane Plus, @blackheart612 and I do similar stuff and try not to trip over each other's toes. Although there are a few parts that are similar.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Do they not teach comprehension in schools now? It's all well and good being able to read - it's another matter actually bothering to read AND understand what you're reading.

    My parents said it and now I'm saying - kids these days that can't be bothered. Tsk.

    I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

    1. Eskandare


      It is mostly 'Millennials' being the problem. They have such a bad sense of entitlement and narcissism that it is causing a collapse in society. In fact i posted the prototype O'Neill Cylinder that I am working on on reddit, and someone posted "Sooo...You're making the citadel?" Really? That is all you know? I'm trying to simulate something that NASA had seriously considered and all you bring to the table is Mass Effect? I mean, yes, the Citadel is based off of the various designs proposed for space living, but just that remark rubs me up the wrong end.  ...and my girlfriend wonders why I wish for Daleks or a fleet of Vogon Destructor Ships. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Do they not teach comprehension in schools now? It's all well and good being able to read - it's another matter actually bothering to read AND understand what you're reading.

    My parents said it and now I'm saying - kids these days that can't be bothered. Tsk.

    I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

    1. Eskandare


      Time to build an O'Neal Cylinder in a Lagrange point. We can invite only the people we like. :D

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Dear CKAN team. Stop screwing up my mod. I've wasted a lot of time these last two days chasing after you.

    1. Eskandare


      I'm not sure if I managed to index mine right.

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