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Everything posted by Eskandare

  1. I absolutely love this mod. Combined with my TNE mod make for some awesome space planes.
  2. The Murasama is having a few teething problems still, but it's coming soon, so I released the 'Short M' early instead of releasing it with the Murasama. Testing the Murasama...
  3. I'm having an issue with getting my rotor disc to work right. Everything else works fine, hubs turn, props turn, but the rotor disc wants to spin on a different axis then the parent transform. Everything spins on Z but the disc wants to spin on X. Any way to fix this? EDIT: I keep tinkering with the hierarchy, but the mesh for the prop blur keeps rotating around a different axis other then Z.
  4. Yes, it has .1 more fuel consumption then the Stock NERVA, this was intended so these engines did not over shadow the stock nuke. I thought having, basically, a RAPIER with no fuel consumption in atmosphere but a nuke engine in space a bit powerful, I had to give it a slight disadvantage. Edit: but now I think of it .9 is just fine because engine output is higher anyway. I'll add that tweak to my next update.
  5. I think it is a legacy naming issue. RoverDudes' MKS uses MetallicOre. (personally I renamed MetalOre to MetallicOre)
  6. Hey Keptin, I just stumbled across this. Perfect and straight to the point. I had to write a wall of text explaining basic aerodynamics on reddit. Kinda wish I had seen this page sooner, so I could just say, do what Keptin says. oh and... Exploding wheel borrow!
  7. Anyone have this problem? I switched to docking mode, then attempted to switch to linear translation. Instead it staged my capsule off of the service module. Not sure what is causing this because I'm getting no errors on the output_log.txt or debug.
  8. Nope I built it just for that reason, but it will have much less power. It wasn't too much a struggle to get into space with one engine, but it sill was a bit tricky. Also I'm working on a .625 version too, so you can really go minimalist. Also working on a community tech tree set up so that the different unlocks in career will make you feel like there had been advancement in engine research. Ahhhh... the Thunderbolt II, such a beautiful plane.
  9. No, just that there is no option to open it. There looks like meshes and geometry set up for a cargo ramp but no animation. The wings are from OPT.
  10. Huh... Odd it would be a simple animation with convex meshes on floating geometry, wouldn't it? (Search me...) A couple of pics from me testing the adjustments to my Thermal Nuclear engines using a mostly OPT SSTO.
  11. We should have a community star systems mod, combining all the planets and star systems created in the community. Make something like a massive multi-star star system like the Verse out of Firefly.
  12. Hey buddy, not sure when you're updating this, but I borrowed your propeller blades for my mod. Yes, I made sure you got put in the credits. Anyway hope you're well. ~Esk
  13. We an put a shuttle on a 747 but not a 747 on the shuttle... let me guess, because it is KSP, you're going to try doing that...
  14. I may do an adjustment, or make a less powerful shorter/smaller nozzled engine... I originally figured since the Masamune was more complected it would take up more space and mass. I'll work with the CoM. But then again you can't put a GE90 on a commuter jet... (GE90s are used on the Boing 777)
  15. The Engines have a CoM adjustment to move the mass forward to help balance the craft, thus spreading the weight across the air frame. Also it is there to simulate gutting out parts to make room for ducts, compressors, diffusers, and the reactor. Remember the engine does weigh 4.25 tons. Just because a nozzle gets put on the craft doesn't mean it is the whole engine. The R.A.P.I.E.R. does the same thing.
  16. I love your alternate colours, perhaps you should convert all textures to *.dds and use fs_texture switch, or at least make it an option.
  17. That's interesting, I haven't heard any problems yet. It could be caused by the configs, or it could be caused by the fact the engines can run forever? (Except in space) This is certainly the first I've heard about this.
  18. 3D modeling isn't something that happens overnight, it takes time to learn the tools and practice. I consider myself, no way of an expert and I am constantly learning new things. Edit: But it is very rewarding when you create your fist thing, import it into a game, or even make a game and get to say, "that is my thing! I made that! Isn't it cool!?"
  19. Ahhhh. I see, yeh, I only recommend updating mods manually.
  20. Do you have Module Manager and Community Resource Pack installed? It comes in the download, also included is a patch that adds the IntakeAtm resource to all intakes, which requires Module Manager to be installed. Also make sure you have the current version. 0.1.3a All you have to do is drop GameData into Kerbal Space Program folder and over write anything it asks you to over write. All dependencies are included in the download.
  21. No worries, CRP = Community Resource Pack, MM = Module Manager. I released 0.1.3a which should fix previous problems. Just be sure to maintain the folder structure that is in the download.
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