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pslytely psycho

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Everything posted by pslytely psycho

  1. Yeah, it still didn't work. The first time it downloaded 4 files, the second time it said all files were good. Still crashes on launch. I know I left a piece of something laying about that is causing it. A few beers and I didn't keep very good track of what I modified, nor did I keep incremental copies like I do for KSP, Skyrim and GTA IV. I got sloppy and now I pay for it. I have 9 copies of KSP, Life Support on 6, different part mods for different play styles on those six, the others are 15 minute crashers that I keep hoping will someday work together, 11 of GTA IV including one for each season, brighter colors in spring, darker greens and such for summer, autumn leaves and the Snow Mod for winter. Those eight (GTA IV and EFLC, so eight total seasonal ones) are stable and modded differently to the limits of the game. I have 6 Skyrims that are incrementals up to the civil war mod, that and 106 other mods seems to be my limit for stability. And of course, one copy of each of them is an unmodified vanilla file so I don't have to do this when I inevitably crash the game beyond all rescue. So, I know better, it's my own fault! [edit] What I did was scripthooked it to accept asi mods, added that native trainer, that all worked. I borked it trying to get it to work with both a nice steering wheel setup and an Xbox One controller simultaneously with a recently reworked emulator. I thought I removed everything and reset all the config files, but I must of missed something.
  2. Over two years, 118 posts, (not counting about 30 before the forum massacre, and about 6 on the Space lounge), I am definitely not going to catch Sal_Vager in this lifetime! Heck, I won't even catch you before I die! Congrats.
  3. I don't have the bandwith right now to watch it in its entirety,( see "I forgot KSPs most important lesson" in the Space Lounge:P) but I did skim through it. So, here are my thoughts at 3 in the morning. As to personality, be yourself. Trying to hard to be funny can end up being grating. To connect better with your audience, might I suggest a facecam in the corner? Unless you're being hunted by Interpol or something. (your current editing, and remember I could not watch it in its entirety, so I may be missing something here, it seemed more like a live playthrough) If you are going for a smoother, edited look, overlapping transitions scenes to edit out build errors and focus on the major steps of building the rocket. Again a facecam for at least part of the time might work here as well. With this though, I think you should on your voice overs be a bit more scripted, as IMO, that would fit the more edited look. If you're going more for a 'live' feel, warts and all, then I think you're ok the way it is for the most part. You're pleasant to listen to, but I feel you'll connect better if we see at least an occasional glimpse of you. An overall theme perhaps? Learning to be a rocketman, interplanetary missions, mining, satellite relay networks, spectacular failures, (my specialty!) or ? I liked the title of your video. I generally liked your video, but it does need some polish and direction. Sorry I couldn't watch it all the way through. There is a lot of competition, I hope you find your niche, best of luck. Oh, and I vote modded, at least with EVE, to give Kerbin that wonderful clouded look, maybe chatterer, which adds a bit of life to the game. Go with what you like to do in the game and play it the way you like to. The easiest way to be original is to be yourself. Nothing guarantees success, but personally I would rather be an original failure, (my short lived music 'career') than a copycat success.
  4. I never modded a game before KSP. Squad made it so easy that it gave me modding disease. I modded Skyrim to the hilt, Nexus made it nearly as easy as KSP. I modded GTA IV to the max as well, even to creating signs for the trucks and billboards. Just simple texture replacements, including a Boxville with a KSP logo after Spark IV showed me what was actually in the files. KSP was the catalyst for me to begin trying these things, and introduced me to the concept of improving the games I play. Modders I love you guys! I also learned many mods together can lead to instabilities, crashes and sometimes data corruption. So it taught me a lesson and I always, always, kept a back up vanilla after my first game corrupting mod forced me to re-download the entire game. What did I do? I modded my only copy of GTA V. I killed it. Dead. Now I have a 60 Gig download rolling, again. I have plenty of HDD space, plenty of time, and no excuses for not making a back up. I forgot the prime directive. Mod it till it crashes, but always keep a clean vanilla copy in reserve. And now I am paying for my sins.
  5. I have used these parts since (IIRC) they were called the Karmony station parts (or something like that) and I am very glad to see it still in development. I just never could do a command seat to Eeloo....or a capsule. These parts are great for making interplanetary ships and stations that look like they could actually be lived and worked in. Thanks for maintaining them. Downloading the Dev build now...hopefully I will actually get to play tonight, but since I am a mod freak I will probably crash my game multiple times before I get my mod balance right! (I'm the guy who posted the 360 degree shuttle photos when you were discussing iva textures quite a while back)
  6. This, so much this. This mod adds no parts (anymore, You used to have to install radios on any part that you wanted it to work with. Current implementation is much better.) It doesn't change gameplay. It doesn't add new perimeters to existing parts. It adds life to an otherwise static gameplay. It is absolutely essential!
  7. Have some rep.....I never noticed this. I don't have an old copy of KSP to see if this is new (which would make me feel better about not seeing it) or if it has been the case for a while (confirming that I am, indeed blind, and of dubious mental capacity). Great catch of a very subtle Easter Egg. :cool:
  8. Maybe put a descriptor in the title? Something perhaps along the lines of "Jebs Folly SSTO aero 1.02" or something? (I know, I really suck at descriptions) Just a thought....:cool:
  9. I love this update. Absolutely a home run. If spaceplanes were as easy in real life as they are in KSP, I would be booking a room in an orbital hotel next week instead of Seattle! Regex, are you gushing!?!?!?! :cool:
  10. Bought it October 2012, after playing the 0.13 demo for over 100 hours. It was version 0.17, about a week before 0.18 came out. I figured a game I put more hours into as a demo than some games I paid full price for deserved my money even if I never played it again. Since I migrated it to Steam when it first became available, I currently stand at 1032 hours. It has come a long way since that time. Best $17 I ever spent on a game. I gifted one copy that cost me $24, and it still feels like I massively underpaid for this game.
  11. Time to find out how to make custom Kerbal names. Leonard Nimoy, and Spock, must now be badass, super intelligent scientist Kerbals in my game. He did "Live long and prosper." Thanks for my childhood. I was 7 in 1966 when I watched the Original Series Originally air. The show was absolute magic in it's effects, which frequently rivaled movies of the time. And on a budget of IIRC, about $40K US per episode. Tiny for the amount of special effects. The characters were strait out of the westerns of the time, it was kind of a "Wagons Ho!" in space. They invented a lot of their special effects like the transporter being aluminum dust dropped through a flashlight beam. They were investigated by the Navy over the medical diagnostic table as it was close to something they were researching at the time. There was "the KISS!" Navel submarines use a similar bridge structure. I don't recall which influenced which. But it's an elegantly logical way to run a sub. Leonard and Star Trek are some of my fondest memories of childhood. They truly went where no man had gone before. Goodbye Spock. Goodbye Leonard. And remember to add more boosters to the rocket boots! YES! THIS! I just KNOW someone in our outstanding modding community is right now, vulcanizing a Kerbal. I hope Polynesia adds a Spock coin to this upcoming set. I badly want these. http://www.space.com/28581-star-trek-commemorative-coin.html
  12. :cool:Well, first KSP took my free time, now with 3D printed rockets I will die divorced, destitute, homeless, but man, will I have a cool collection of model rockets.......
  13. My wife and I are both excellent cooks, so we rarely dine out unless it is in conjunction with a movie or such. We like a lot of spice and grow a number of peppers and tomatoes on our balcony. We eat breakfast a couple times a week but mostly have brunch and dinner. We make nearly everything from scratch except bread, we tend to buy the grainiest 'hippy bread' we can find, we make bread occasionally, but more for the novelty as it's just not as much 'fun.' We do a nice dinner about three times a week, then maybe one or two super simple things like soup or sandwiches and leftovers the rest of the time. Some nights it's you're on your own night. Some of our highlights this last month were: Shepherds Pie Chili and Cornbread Marinated and grilled Sirloin steaks with steamed veggies and Cherry pie. Chili Relenos with homemade green and red salsa BBQ burgers and sausages, with grilled corn on the cob and potato salad Stuffed Crust pizza with wings Potato Soup and salad Crock pot stuffed pork chops cooked with a menagerie of veggies Roast and chicken cooked in the same manner as the pork chops and of course beef stew (we LOVE our crock pot!) Huaraches There were a couple of specialty dishes my wife whipped up after watching Rachael Ray or The Chew....an incredible meatball dish and a crock pot cake come to mind....mmmm! and of course....leftovers. Unless my youngest son comes to visit, then all the leftovers mysteriously vanish....
  14. Pslytely Psycho is my moniker on Steam, and in most places. (newsgroups, game forums, tech forums, CB handle, if you see it, it's likely me!)
  15. I rather figured something like that. I have used the Karmony modules since I got the game in 0.19. I absolutely love them. And heck, those panoramics are just cool to look at. Drooling over what the IVAs will look like based on the current layouts on the placeholders. Thank you!
  16. I don't think it has been updated since 0.23.5, (version currently on Curse) but it worked in 0.24.2 and ATM isn't working at the moment so I'm still playing my last stable install waiting for updates to complete.
  17. We're chill man. Someone proposed something interesting that was worth a shot. Oddly enough, mine started the first time but not since updating the few that were ready. Got up at 03:00 to watch the Lunar eclipse and saw the post. Nothing better to do. (Lunar eclipses be slooooooow!) I always save the last version to actually play for the first week or two as things update anyway. Started in 0.18 and 0.19 taught me real rapidly to save the last stable setup before an update! So we be chillin' mon..... [Edit] I'm running slow, I just realized who you are. Just want to say thanks for all the incredible work, you guys and gals all rock! You modders have inspired me to try to learn modeling. In another life I painted and drew a lot, so this has piqued my interest! Thanks!
  18. That's an interesting thought. Right after the 0.25 update I started it with my usual mods, I got like 8 warnings of incompatible mods but started a new sandbox save anyway as I just wanted to see the destructible buildings with Whack-a-Kerbal. I then updated MM, DRE, FAR, and a couple others. Now it memory crashes on startup and ATM doesn't appear to be running at all as it was at 3.5 GB when it crashed and usually runs about 2.9. I will try my MM from 0.24.5 (I saved a backup last week) and report back what happens. [Edit] Nope, tried MM 2.3.3 and it zoomed above 3.5 GB and went KaBOOm! I have no idea why it started with the same mods when it first updated. It hasn't started since without deleting a bunch of mods. It was worth a shot though. Not like I had something better to do.
  19. I love this mod. So when I ran across these (link below) interactive, 360 degree panoramics of the space shuttle flight deck and lower deck. I was a bit amazed that I actually understood a fair portion of what I was looking at due to using RPM. Your mod adds so much to gameplay. Combined with Kerbquake and better atmospheric sounds, re-entry can be downright terrifying! Thank you. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95659-Beautiful-interactive-pictures-of-the-space-shuttle-flight-and-lower-decks ^^^^^^^ shameless self-promotion ^^^^^^^^^
  20. This is one of my favorite mods. I use it for anything outside of Kerbins SOI. I figure with a 4 person crew, comms, a science module and cupola, that they have enough living space to keep from killing each other on the way to Jool. (Jeb can be a bit uh, abrasive over time...) It also gives me a functional, mobile space station for as long as supplies hold out. I usually outfit one with multiple satellites and a lander. This link is to some hi res, interactive panoramics of the space shuttle flight deck and lower deck on a thread I started. I am posting it here simply for artistic inspiration for your IVAs as to how space was used and appearances etc. I know it's not a space station, but the tech is the same and they may give you ideas for storage, restrooms, sleeping. Or they may be totally pointless. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95659-Beautiful-interactive-pictures-of-the-space-shuttle-flight-and-lower-decks Looking forward to it's completion, but patiently. Peace out!
  21. A photographer with the handle Fulgurites on Kinja gave me permission to link to these marvelous hi resolution photos he made for NASA in 2001. They were in the comments of this article: http://gizmodo.com/how-cramped-is-it-inside-a-space-shuttle-1641247710/all Here they are, they are a full 360 degree interactive and give you a real feel for how incredibly small the space inside actually was. (although in comparison to Apollo, it was an RV, as another poster mentioned!) ________________________________________________ Fulgurites If you really want a good feel for it... You can check out these 50 mega-pixel images I shot for NASA back in 2001. They are about a 20 meg download each. http://www.panoscan.com/ShuttleFlightDeck/... http://www.panoscan.com/ShuttleLowerDeck/... Thanks for permission to link to them! (I don't know if I actually needed permission, but hey, can't hurt to ask now can it?) After playing KSP with RPM for so long, I find I actually understand SOME of what I am looking at!
  22. Hmmm. Maybe an 'open letter' style of email where we post a support poll or something to show them our community support? I wouldn't wish to spam their inbox with a lot of individual requests. It would be the ultimate piece of cool to the community as well as the ultimate piece of advertising for Squad as well, even trumping the ARM collaboration as it would be more visible to those outside of the KSP community.
  23. SUCCESS!!!! I rolled back the driver for my keyboard. Everything works perfectly again. I then re-updated the driver. Everything still works. My conclusion is that the keyboard driver became corrupted. Hope I didn't waste anyone's time too badly. Fortunately advice I got long ago helped with this problem. The advice? Simple. "Pull out beard first, it grows back." Can this thread be marked solved please.
  24. Output log KSP log Real Log [Edit] Oddly enough, KSP does 'see' the directional keys, as I was able to re-assign all the keys to stock individually as well as create an 'alternate' set that mirrors it. I thought it might be my KB, but it does the same switching to my wife's identical keyboard. (had to try that for my own peace of mind) [Edit2] I tried it in 64 bit and then tried both 32 bit and 64 bit as administrator just to exhaust all of my ideas. There was no change. [Edit3] Made sure sticky keys was turned off, it is. (a suggestion to a thread about shift key not working, figured couldn't hurt to check) [Edit4] Alt+F2 in the VAB shows no errors and says no input locks in effect, (I was going to post a screenshot but Imgur is over capacity at this time.) [Edit5] With 150+ views, I'm guessing nothing is jumping out at anyone. It doesn't crash, doesn't seem to be throwing errors and after 2 complete wipes and re-installs it is still unplayable as there is no control for parts or flight. So, I am doing a massive backup to my HDD, once finished tomorrow afternoon I will attempt to refresh my OS, this should be relatively simple as I have a legit disk. If that fails for some reason I may just do a destructive re-install, (hence the massive manual backup) and see if maybe it is a Windows or a third party problem. Although sfc/scannow came up clean, as does my anti-virus and anti-malware, and I have not installed anything in the period from it working to not working, it seems to be my final option. I will check the forums before I take such a drastic step just in case a solution presents itself. It is such a bizzare problem that it may be a single case scenario. I will report back if I do take this final step and close out the thread as solved if it works. Thanks though, as many read it, I know if anyone had a clue they would of posted even a guess. Perhaps it is a unique problem originating in an undetected corruption in the OS. [Edit6] Just tried to re-map the keys to IKJLUO combination that translation uses, and that doesn't work either. Even more odd, the U key (before I remapped) turned on the lights, but remapping U to left roll the key doesn't work for roll. I then tried to remap to the numpad, that doesn't work either. Perplexing that the game sees these keys but they if they control orientation or flight control they will not work. Very perplexing.
  25. KSP no longer recognizes the WASDQE commands (likely everywhere, but I didn't notice it until I entered the VAB and then tried to change the orientation of a part.) In the VAB I could not change orientation but could effect things like symmetry and angle snap. I could select and assemble parts using my trackball, so I made a basic rocket and launched it. In flight I had no control at all, but could switch between IVA/EVA and switch SAS, Gear, etc. Just no directional control. It was working perfectly last night with many mods (32bit) so after it happened, I tried with the mods uninstalled with the same result. I then deleted the game and re-installed it as a fresh vanilla install. (Including a system restart, just to be sure) The problem persists. Only the directional keys appear to be effected (WASDQE as the other keys work, for example X and C) I checked key bindings and even re-did them with the same keys. When reassigning them stock failed to do anything I then assigned the same keys as alternates . Still no result. Logitech M520 wireless trackball works perfectly with freshly recharged batteries. KB is a wireless MS keyboard with freshly charged batteries. (I am using it right now to type this) My system: AMD FX8320 3.5 GHz (OC'ed to 4.4)** Sapphire R9 270x 2GB DDR5 Gskills Ripjaws 8GB @ 1800 Win 8.1 64bit (less than six months old homebrew) OS and all drivers current. KSP current Over 900 hrs on this game, over two separate computers and OS's and I have never run across anything like this, a forum search and internet search turned up nothing. I am stymied. If you need me to post files, just let me know. Thanks in advance, Ronn 'Pslytely Psycho' Kelley **I also tried one final time with no overclocking, but it made no difference. [Edit] Ran sfc/scannow from the administrator command line. It showed no errors. [Edit2] I am unsure how to put the KSP.log file up to view.
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