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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. I think it's either a troll or they pressed the wrong button, and then tried to cancel it why the release was in progress, and now some people have a partial/broken version.
  2. I don't have the steam version, and I don't use 64 bit, this is not fair. And it it also a major accident. I think the Hype Train just warped a little too far.
  3. Waitwaitwait, SCRATCHPAD? Usually that's a final check for release, which means they are done already? We could even get the update tomorrow! Or Tuesday so they can skip devnotes. ._.
  4. According to Scott's video the tier 3 R&D has a tiny bridge with a clearance of not even 3 meters, oh dear.
  5. The F3 log is very inaccurate for gees. Might want to use the stock Seismic Accelerometer part instead.
  6. The stock cargo bays are indeed useless, you can only launch probes, which are also useless. However .90 with the huge cargo bays and Fine Print this should be better.
  7. You know you can already just rotate the part with WASDQE to make the clamp swing sideways instead of down, right?
  8. All updates .14 and above are paid versions of the game, and thus cannot be shared. So there really isn't a way for you to downgrade until Squad creates a way to download any version.
  9. Very true, I don't believe I have ever even done a 20 minute burn without mechjeb pointing at the maneuver node.
  10. An Eve SSTO is literally mathematically impossible without cheated / mod parts.
  11. Just an observation, in max's video you can see the old Mk3 cockpit is still there, looks like we will have to deal with them a little while longer. And of course, media vids this weekend! So it could technically happen any moment now, hype!
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