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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. I have this space shuttle... I have not been able to get it to fly properly, with ever single flight ending in disaster. So I just press abort and BAM, the cockpit is ripped out of the craft! Of course, this is one of the few times that I can save my poor pilots... Blown up during launch... Ran out of fuel during landing... Rover driving off a cliff... Stranded in deep space... and so many other failures that really could have used one of these contraptions. So, how do YOU save your Kerbals from imminent doom? How do you rescue your Kerbals in the event of a mission failure? Or do you not care for the crew at all...
  2. 3 days after this thread is locked, plus 1 day for every release date thread, multiplied by the number of .22 discussion threads, subtracted by the number of active KSP Devs, and all of that is raised to the power of the amount of bugs discovered during testing.
  3. Um, the orange dish-shaped antenna seems to have been replaced by a new one... That may cause some problems, and a landing leg was also replaced.
  4. Hmm, that actually makes sense... But in that case, I hope the devs can add to different versions of the tech tree, the current one (as seen in the live streams) can be for new players, and a more realistic one for old players. Then there could be some sort of option is the main menu. I really don't want to have to land Kerbals on the Mun and Duna before probes are even invented... It would be nice if we could send a few probes to space before Jeb even thinks about getting in a rocket.
  5. That's... a lot... *faints* But I really hope that they make probes come first. Manned rockets from the get go makes no sense...
  6. Windows 7 (Desktop) Intel i5-2300 @ 2.80GHz ATI Radeon HD 5670 6 GB RAM I can run previous updates with no lag up to 500 parts! However .21 lags nonstop... and it threatens to crash at every moment... Oh goodie! .22 has 30% performance improvement? Well I guess that's at 50% decrease for me! *goes to cry in a corner*
  7. Jeb has just discovered a revolutionary way of getting planes airborne: MOAR Boosters!!!! ...and it works to!
  8. I'll just say this here: You will probably be able to convert your sandbox saves to career via a persistence file edit.
  9. CAREER MODE! Seriously guys, it has always been the most wanted feature, and it's finally happening!
  10. My current save is around 8 years old, dating back to the days of .19. There are over 50 flights in progress, however it is now being retired and I will start a career mode one in 0.22. Most of the stuff in my signature ribbon is due to this save.
  11. Your vertical speed should defiantly be no more than 5 m/s. Your surface speed should preferably be less than 80 m/s. Also, I'd recommend using the KSC runway, as it's perfectly flat, thus you wont have to deal with those tiny bumps resulting in a catastrophic failure.
  12. At a first glance, this may seem easy. But then you notice that there are no decouplers... This is going to be fun!
  13. Lol guys! That patcher has been there and working since like .19! And no .22 is NOT out.
  14. Umm, I kinda got that... However I'm still not sure why my other shuttle with pretty much the same design does not include any of this behavior. I've tried messing with the cargo bay, but I can't seem to narrow down exactly which section is at fault. Basically, I'd rather not do a complete redesign until I'm sure that this ship is completely wrecked. So, can anyone come up with a way to fix this?
  15. Um, does't discussing the release date just push it back another day???
  16. So, I was building this space shuttle: After I was able to get this thing to stop flipping during the flight tests (the usual), something weird happened. The plane takes off, and it flies level... Now here is were he problem starts: It quickly begins to drift from pro-grade, I try to correct, but it just doesn't listen. The orbiter continues to drifting off in random directions, as if the control surfaces aren't even there! The test fights always end in the whole thing pitching, rolling, and yawing out of control, followed by the poor pilots hammering the abort button; the cabin ejects, and the rest goes boom... (Sorry if this description isn't understandable, but that's why I'm providing a download link.) I have never seen this behavior in any other KSP aircrafts I have made, not even my previous shuttle of a very similar design. This is by far the most unstable contraption I have ever created... Does any one know what causes this? Here's the .CRAFT file if anyone is interested: http://www.filedropper.com/orionshuttlea-8-2 NOTE: This craft needs that big drop off at the end of the runway to achieve liftoff. (But that's fine, since this is a space shuttle and will only be required to land, not takeoff) EDIT: Whoops, the craft has Mechjeb 2, I'll fix that shortly... EDIT 2: Fixed!
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