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Everything posted by ngianoplus

  1. It would be cool to give it a try, because I rather the money go there then to something stupid. If it works, awesome. If it doesn't then... it was still a cool idea.
  2. My guess is that when nuclear fuel is added for LV-N'a we could see a reactor that also uses the fuel solely for energy production. Perhaps, you could throttle down like with an engine to produce more/less power.
  3. I experienced KSP without a SPH and runway or a Tracking Station. I also witnessed the discovery of Minmus.
  4. I would LOVE to see this in game. Now, I don't expect it now because if they take this route, there would be less of a need to develop more parts (specifically engines). Say the mainsail started worse than the current stats (no gimbal, more weight, less thrust and isp). Then you upgrade to make it have gimbal and more weight/thrust. Then you upgrade to more isp and thrust (at this point the mainsail is at its current stats), then you upgrade the thrust further and reduce the weight. Now you could do this perhaps 5 levels. 1= terrible, 2=better, 3=same as current states, 4=even better, 5=best. Now take it even further, you could do an upgrade path sort of deal. Once you get to the current stats (level 3), you can choose to upgrade the thrust, isp, reduce the weight, or further gimbal. You could have combinations of, say isp and weight. Now this may not be a good choice, it could be simplified to where upgrades 4 and 5 increase all stats a little bit. Now imagine that the texture changes with the level... it would be quite the amount of work to implement but it would make R&D so much better.
  5. I want to see the same resources, but I think the chemical processors will replace the compressors, blutonium enrichers, etc. I am fine with that. I just want the chart to be the same, but with less converters.
  6. Maybe when spaceplanes get updated, squad can put a stock aircraft in one of the hangers as a Memorial. Like the old rocket parts. Just an idea.
  7. If .22 has revamped aerodynamics I will jump with joy! I thought back in .19 that the aero update would be .22, so let's see if that is the case!
  8. Pretty things? The redone Space Center? Now I am just as upset that they are not adding stuff like tweakables, redone drag, etc. But, the new Space Center uses LESS resources! The reason you must pay is because they need funding, I assume. Now I can't be certain, but they will not make a game that cannot be run by supercomputers
  9. Before I get upset, are you saying this about .21 or all of the updates?
  10. No problem, I'll try to dig up other stuff that I have too
  11. Could you possible give a source? Thank you for adding some useful information to the .22 update. I appreciate it alot
  12. Also, what things did you do badly on? Did it have something to do with the other developers or is this coming from yourself?
  13. I want him back! However, a detailed explanation of the whole situation would be great! Edit: Nova, everytime I see a post by you on the forums I just have to read it. I hope you are okay and that you will be back on the team soon.
  14. He is and here is a comment from him (as I did not know what it mean either) Here is the thread- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/42686-Just-a-Question-about-the-current-KSP-Staff
  15. This is a post from NovaSilisko on 12th June, 2013. Quote: NovaSilisko - Eeloo: Relocated to orbit GP2, now with large geysers that can knock your ship around (prototyped several weeks ago, they function quite well) So I guess when the second gas giant is implemented we will get to see Eeloo's geysers? Furthermore, perhaps dynamic planet features are not too hard, so we will see lava too!
  16. This! This is what I mean. If we could walk around a base or be in the same ship it would be so cool.
  17. I understand, I just wanted to throw it out there because I guess it would be more feasible than 100+ people multiplayer.
  18. I looked around on the forums and I did not see a thread on co-op... so here I go. I know that multiplayer is not an option right now, I also know that it has been discussed to death. Co-op is not the same as multiplayer. In KSP, I mean co-op as having multiple people in one ship. I would love to have my buddy go with me to Duna and get out with his own kerbal and we can walk around on the surface together. In a sense, it is multiplayer but on a very small scale (2-however many kerbal are on your ship). This may seem pointless or it may be too difficult to implement. I just want to talk about it. Perhaps a modder could implement it? I apologize if the moderators consider this a "multiplayer" thread and I understand that this thread may be locked.
  19. While I don't agree with your negativity, I will say that you are correct. I am a little confused why everyone thinks resources will come in the next update. I remember the dev team said that resources would likely we after career mode was finished. I have hopes that "Enhanced IVA's", "New Aerodynamics and reentry", and "Tweakables" at least have a chance of being implemented sooner rather than later. However, i have no experiance with code writing or game development so I could be completely wrong.
  20. This is how I feel. I bet once Career mode is finished we will see all of the goodies that SQUAD has shown us and talked about. I think the .25 update will be the beginning of major feature adding. The next updates will be career mode and some content and after that we will have updates with pure content additions such as resources, aerodynamics/reentry heat/clouds/weather, more planets/solar systems, and other features such as tweakables.
  21. I can't wait for revamped aerodynamics. It will change the game completely and it will allow reentry heat and clouds, such as these... Kerbin From Space- Kerbin From an EVA kerbal- Disclaimer: These are pre .20 pictures
  22. So I went back to look at the .20 update news http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content.php/164-Update-on-the-0-20-Update and I looked at this- * The Kerbal Knowledge Base This is the first iteration of a new game system that'll be a big thing later on. The Knowledge Base will show all known information about anything you can focus on the map. Be it celestial bodies, ships, or Kerbals floating around. So I guess we will see more work involving the Knowledge Base.
  23. So I went back to look at the .21 update news http://http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content.php/184-KSP-0-21-Update-News and I looked at this- * Player Progress Tracking System Another step forward into Career Mode, this is an internal game system that will be used to track players as they progress towards advancing Kerbalkind to being a proper space-faring civilization. This is a core system, so don't expect much in terms of new content from this... It will pave the way towards some very cool new features down the road though. So I guess we will see more work involving the progress tracking system.
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