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Everything posted by ngianoplus

  1. Hey Porkjet, I don't know if you would want to but do you think SQUAD would like to incorporate your habitat pack as well? Love it to death and KSP is in serious need of some bases building parts/systems.
  2. This is crucial for Kerbal skills to work properly, realistically, and be fun/non-grindy.
  3. I want to see how the contracts are going to work... I know we are going to have X manufacturer request us to test Y part in Z conditions. The game tracks your progress (First orbit, first mun landing) and will use that to generate appropriate destinations for testing (i.e not Eeloo when you haven't landed on the mun yet) Will we have contracts that want us to put a craft in precise orbits? Will there be a contract for "Construct a space station with 2 Hitchhikers, 4 Gigantor XL solar panels, and 5000 units of batter change"? To add to that... Compound contracts- X contract says to make a space station, Y contract says to crew them, X contract (at a latter date) de-crew 2 kerbals? Basically, will we have sophisticated contracts? Also, craft based contracts? (Meaning craft type matters) One last thing... Reputation requirements? Companies will not offer you more/any contracts till you have proven yourself to be a reliable partnership will "lesser" manufactures. (Launch a weather satellite, before being offered to send a crew into space)
  4. So do we have gears that will allow faster top speeds, but less initial torque?
  5. Are we getting an asteroid belt? That's all I want to know.
  6. How's it coming along? Can't wait for the different gears! Also, I just saw my friends Land Rover with on the fly adjustable suspension, so I'm all for tweakable suspension in-flight.
  7. I want to use FAR with out being cheaty due to the reduced delta-v required for Kerbin orbit. Using just FAR and KIDS, what setting should I use to achieve stocklike delta-v requirments with FAR installed? (No RSS) Also, thanks for being such a cool modder. You always respond to peoples' questions.
  8. Here is a mod that adds more functionality to wheels. (No new parts) Tweakable Wheels
  9. And hopefully vise versa, I really want to make fast Duna dune buggies So, if I could trade off torque for a higher top end speed, I would be ecstatic. Also, the extra torque will really help with large exploration vehicles.
  10. I love the tweakable steering! Would it be possible to have the torque tweak go up to 1.5 or 2?
  11. Glad to here you are willing to try! There is this in the wheel code.. torqueCurve { key = 0 170 0 0 key = 2.5 100 0 0 key = 12 0 0 0 } I don't know if you could use this at all to mess with the torque curve on the fly. Howvever, I don't even know how the game uses this code (very limited coding knowledge).
  12. I love this! Thank you very much. I do have a few ideas... Adjustable Power- I wish I could squeeze more juice into these wheels (mainly the medium wheels) to increase acceleration and top speed. Adjustable Torque- I need to climb that steep hill, or not flip over. This could be interesting to balance torque vs. electrical horsepower.
  13. I want to see the Funds and Reputation system implemented first. I think that we should be able to put cameras on rover and such, kind of like Curiosity, to spark interest in the program. In return our Reputation would go up. One thing that NEEDS to be addressed is the importance of different crafts. We need incentives and bonuses for sending different craft types to places. -This can be achieved by putting limitations on certain things. Such as life support for manned missions will change how we handle the manned vs. unmanned choice. -Rovers need to have value in space exploration (I'm not sure how to tackle this) -Bases and Space Stations need continues experiments and long term science. The Reputation system and Contracts will be a great step in this direction, as "Kerbal-Kind" will want you to put a rover on Duna, this will in return increase your reputation more than landing a probe.
  14. Tweakable tweakables No, tweakable solar panels, I was a little confused why those weren't in game already...
  15. I know it wouldn't be the greatest compromise, but it would work, no? I don't care too much about having them be persistent, but I get your point.
  16. If we could compromise... have the tracks fade out after ~50 meters like with smoke trails.
  17. I dug this out of the depths of my hdd because I love you guys If I recall correctly this was from a Reddit post... Actually I searched it for you http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/18ji1k/ Search for the word "Maaayybee" (It will take you straight to his post) And for the picture: Note: This was not an in-game test, so don't get too excited Also, we lost so much since Novasilisko "left"
  18. Alright, here I go... So I had an idea (and I'm sure others have had similar thoughts) about the tech tree. Specifically, Parts and Upgrades. I, personally love games that have you upgrade things to make them better. Here is an example with my system/interpretation of part upgrades... Each Stage would cost Science and Funds (I am not sure about how much, feel free to put in your 2 cents on it) There are five stages, ranging one to five, one being the worst and five being the best. LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor Stage 5 (Our Engineers have put every bit of scientific knowledge to squeeze the last bit of performance increases out of this moter) Cost 1500 Total Mass 2.05 t Drag 0.2 Max. Temp. 4000 K Impact Tolerance 12 m/s Maximum thrust 80.00 kN Isp (1 atm) 240 s (vacuum) 920 s Thrust Vectoring 0.5 ° - Maximum Thrust (Increased by 5%) - Maximum ISP (Increased by 5%) - Minimum Weight (Decreased by 5%) - Minimum Cost (Decreased by 10%) - This stage is generally a very small upgrade to get the most out of it Stage 4 (New breakthroughs have enabled us to vastly increase the performance of this rocket) Cost 1700 Total Mass 2.15 t Drag 0.2 Max. Temp. 4000 K Impact Tolerance 12 m/s Maximum thrust 75.00 kN Isp (1 atm) 240 s (vacuum) 880 s Thrust Vectoring 0.5 ° - Higher Thrust (Increased by 25%) - Higher ISP (Increased by 10%) - Reduced Weight (Decreased by 5%) - This stage would normally be the biggest increase in performance Stage 3 (This is were the part is now, version .22) Cost 1700 Total Mass 2.25 t Drag 0.2 Max. Temp. 4000 K Impact Tolerance 12 m/s Maximum thrust 60.00 kN Isp (1 atm) 220 s (vacuum) 800 s Thrust Vectoring 0.5 ° - Reduced Cost (Decreased by 15%) - Reduced Weight (Decreased by 10%) - Higher Thrust (Increased by 10%) - Higher ISP (Increased by 10%) Stage 2 (Improvements have been made to make this a reliable rocket) Cost 2000 Total Mass 2.5 t Drag 0.2 Max. Temp. 4000 K Impact Tolerance 12 m/s Maximum thrust 55.00 kN Isp (1 atm) 220 s (vacuum) 770 s Thrust Vectoring 0.5 ° - Higher Thrust (Increased by 10%) - Higher ISP (Increased by 10%) Stage 1 (New technology has yet to be fully captured) Cost 2000 Total Mass 2.5 t Drag 0.2 Max. Temp. 4000 K Impact Tolerance 12 m/s Maximum thrust 50.00 kN Isp (1 atm) 200 s (vacuum) 700 s Thrust Vectoring 0.5° - More Expensive (New technology) - Heavier (Unrefined Technology) - Less Thrust/ISP (Unrefined Technology) Let me know what you think... Is it worth the development time? This is just one example, a Mainsail engine might not need a lot of ISP upgrades, but have more Thrust upgrades. Mainly because it is an atmospheric heavy weight booster, not an efficient interplanetary stage. A battery can have less weight, hold more charge, and cost reduction General Parts can have weight and cost reductions So on and so forth... Note: A few of the calculations are rounded to the nearest tenth and sometimes to the nearest whole number
  19. I think .12 (Before Spaceplanes and the Tracking Station, but after the Mun was added). An insignificant 15 years old and have been playing the game for about 1 year and ~3 months
  20. I believe Harvester said it wasn't feasible at the moment. Another thing that Unity doesn't support is axil tilt. I don't know why but don't expect it coming soon.
  21. If you have already unlocked a node in the tech tree, Then add a mod part to career mode, you have to go to the nodes with little red number indicators and click on the part. A dialogue message should say "Do you want to research this part?"
  22. People have already suggested that you call it "data" I agree that this is the best name. Other suggestions: Knowledge Information Intelligence Even call it "Research" As for Skylab experiments I suggest: Kerbal Health/Mentality (How they are changing while in space) Chemistry (How certain things react in space) Physics Test (Test how certain things behave in their normal state in space)
  23. Keep it up! I love your mod pack and want to see it grow big.
  24. You will not All you have to do is put the files (Ltech Folder) in the GameData folder.
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