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Everything posted by KerBlammo!

  1. Ha, no wonder I thought that I had the latest version - the version number was not updated in the title of the mod on the SpacePort and it was released just 2 days after the last one (I'm guessing my problem may have been a reason for that) so the month/year date in the file name was the same: The Readme in the 3.01 zip still says 3.0 and the changelog therein makes no mention of a 3.01 iteration (and thus no mention of changes in that version). Guessing it was just a quick fix for my very issue, but wouldn't have been hard to change these little things in order not to confuse the heck out of a few people
  2. I noticed your version was 3.01, where mine was 3.0. Thought I had the latest one (checked just last night), but must've missed that digit. Guessing that is the difference - might have been something fixed previously (sorry, NavyFish!). With any luck my post helps anyone who may have done the same thing and had the same troubles, though. I really wish there was an updater for mods the same as the portable apps updater (i.e. you get a button to check your mods at startup and any mod with a new version shows up in a check list, then any checked mods get replaced with their current version - would be much easier than comparing a bunch of file names against dates and version number in SpacePort). Portable apps are all just copied files (no formal "install" process with reg entries and stuff) and so are mods, so it would work in exactly the same way. Check 'em out here if you have no idea what I'm talking about.
  3. Sorry if this has been mentioned (and I'd be immensely surprised if it hasn't), but this mod, as downloaded from the SpacePort, breaks the game (major problems with window text and some other bugs). It took me a while to narrow it down to this mod, since I have 18 mods and the problem was preventing the tool bar mod from showing text in the window that warns you of an incorrect install. After removing all my mods, starting the game and then placing all the mods back again, I could now (for some reason) see the text and it told me the problem was NavyFish's mod having the toolbar.dll placed in its plugin folder. No idea why it was there, and I checked the original download zip which also had it there, but deleting it fixes the problem. So NavyFish, you might want to remove that errant file from the SpacePort download zip, if you haven't already, so others don't have to go through what I did. Anyone else with weird disappearing text problems - that's probably what your problem is (just delete Toolbar.dll from GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\ to fix).
  4. Thanks for the idea, but I don't think that is likely to be the problem and I want my part to be able to work with Editor Extensions. If the stock parts work with it, the problem is obviously my part and not the extensions. I've also seen this problem before in one of the Infernal Robotics hinges, which has been really annoying when trying to use it. If I could fix this then I might be able to suggest a fix to MSI dude. If I don't get any more suggestions I'll try centering the origin and see if that helps and also try some different file formats (I was exporting to Unity as .fbx, but having some issues with this part so tried .obj instead).
  5. Hi all, I've stumbled my way through all the info here and managed to construct a couple of parts that load in game and have their textures and the correct orientation and node alignment, but I've hit a snag with my second part. It's a wheel arch/mud guard for the medium wheel (TR-2L). It has a thin mount that copies the shape of the wheel mount and then has a few horizontal arms that holds a half-cylinder above the wheel that acts as the guard, as can be seen here with it attached to the first part I made, a simple custom chassis for rovers: As the pic shows the symmetry isn't working right - the mirror part is rotated 180° on the y axis (upside down). I'm thinking this may have something to do with the origin being centred on the flat surface of the mount, rather than near the centre of mass of the whole model, although that's the point I want it to pivot around and it seems like the stock wheel does the same thing. Also, in panning the camera around the model at different angles some panels disappear and then reappear as others disappear. It's most noticeable with the arms that join the guard to the mounting plate - first an edge to the arms will look like it's missing then as I zoom in and alter the pov for a better look it'll reappear and one of the other faces will disappear. I haven't had this problem with my first pat, but it's collider is just a simple box collider, so I'm wondering if this problem is associated with the collider. I've made the collider concave because it looks a lot better than the convex option, although I've read in a few places that convex are preferable (in which case I's have to wonder if a convex collider would interfere with the wheel that will be placed inside it). Any help much appreciated, thanks.
  6. This happened to me as well, with my part being 100x smaller than it should have been based on Blender metric units. Having a poke around Unity I clicked on the model I had imported and noticed that the inspector showed import settings that included, right at the top, a scale setting that was set at 0.01 (no idea why) which I promptly set to 1, which fixed the problem: http://bit.ly/1hJjCAr Perhaps we want to set this to 1.25 if Blender doesn't match up to KSP, to compensate (not sure if that's a good or bad idea).
  7. Right, so there was nothing I was doing wrong, it was the instructions that were written incorrectly: Thanks for all the info, Tiberion. I don't think I'm anywhere near using it yet, though, because I've just downloaded the programs involved, having never used them before, and am trying to simply get an object (Blender's default cube) into KSP as the bare minimum first step
  8. I can't see a convex option (if I'd seen one I would've assumed that was what was meant). What subsection of the inspector is it supposed to lie under? This is what I'm looking at: http://bit.ly/194rgzC. What I don't understand is why we can't use the original model/mesh as the collider mesh when most of the time that is what you will want to do. I don't know what convex and concave mean in this context, either, even if I could find them Thanks for your help, btw.
  9. You can't just drag the .blend file into the Unity scene as stated, you need to save export as a .FBX file from Blender. It's a problem on Blender's side, apparently. Having figure that out, I'm now struggling to find this "concave" option in Unity, now that I have the model imported. Not that I'm not thankful, but if you're going to write something like this, screen caps are really useful. I recommend using Sharex to capture, edit (i.e. add arrows and text for emphasis, etc), upload, URL shorten and copy shortened URL into clipboard memory ready for pasting, all in one command: http://getsharex.com/
  10. I'm interested in FPV, though am only in the info-gathering stage (probably should quit dicking around and just go buy something). I've watched a lot of Flite Test vids on Youtube and the small "swappable" planes they sell and recommend for new flyers might be what you're after (although perhaps you're already past that stage from what you've said): http://bit.ly/18OnoID Those are just the airframes and use the electronics you already have buy some to suit. Don't know a lot about this hobby (yet), but these just popped into my mind when reading your post as possibly the type of thing you're after.
  11. That's all rather gob-smacking, thanks for posting! Those real-time changes just seem like voodoo, to me.
  12. Sorry I didn't reply earlier, did not realise you had replied. The symmetry problem is that in SPH construction in 2x symmetry (so basically mirror symmetry) the opposite component is not properly flipped. It's most noticeable with hinges which will open in the opposite direction than they are supposed to, forcing you to manually place them and hope they are in the same position. With the group names, it seems that crafts don't save their own own group setup, that there is one global group setup that persists between crafts so that you have to make new groups and rename and rearrange them all the time. Anyone who has made more then one craft with two different group lists will have noticed this, I'm sure. Load one craft and organise the groups how you like, then create a new one and change the groups. When you go back to the first craft, the groups will still be arranged as in the second craft.
  13. Was just driving around and checking out the new buildings. Walked right up to the flag pole out the front and... OMG... you can climb it! Probably other people have discovered this by now, but I had no clue until I did it in game just then, just like when I first tried to repair a wheel and was able to (which is how I prefer to discover things - sorry if I spoiled the flag climbing for anyone!). So anyway, I climbed up that pole and took a screenie of my flag with Jeb hanging off the side of it and then came to the forums to see where it might be appropriate to post, and here it is: Here is my design on it's own (I used GIMP and found the explosives warning label with a Google image search):
  14. w00t, update! Thank you, I love these lights and think they should become stock. The white ones make great headlights for little buggy-style rovers, likewise the red ones for tail lights.
  15. This mod plus KAS simply make KSP for me and should be incorporated into the game. I rarely build anything without them. Thanks, sirkut, and thanks to previous devs involved! It would be great if one day the symmetry problem and the issue with the persistent group names could be fixed, but even as it is the mod is highly appreciated.
  16. Pure geek fun. Don't forget snacks! Tweak, test, repeat.
  17. They also have to have a 24 bit colour depth. I made mine in GIMP and exported as a PNG, but it was a 32 bit PNG. Had no idea how to change it, tried messing with palettes and such, and then used another program (ACDSee, which I've used for years as an image display and quick photo-editing software) to resave it and it was automatically saved as a 24 bit file with no obvious loss of quality (bonus!). If you are using GIMP and having this problem, I'm not sure if other image editors would do the same, but you can try it. Maybe even MS Paint would do it as a quick conversion tool.
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