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Everything posted by J.Random

  1. I'm kinda amazed both by this thread and comments on original article. What's patented: creating an area of hot ionized air to reduce the concussive capabilities of the blast wave (the BOOM part of the explosion, only it moves faster than the BOOM you hear and may make you into a jelly). What people think is patented: magic shield stopping bullets, rockets, lazers, nuclear radiation, solar flares and asteroids.
  2. Looks like a load of bull to me. They may just as well sprinkle water into explosion's general direction. I don't see how ionized (over very brief period between close explosion detection and wave hitting the vehicle) air may counter that much energy. Or simply use shaped charges to create counter-propagating shock wave.
  3. That's probably because gamers weren't tired of hasted, riddled with bugs and of poor quality overall releases at the time. You may thank industry's AAA fat cats for this change of consumers' minds.
  4. I recall Maxmaps asking when did Squad ever failed to deliver on what was promised. Now the very same Maxmaps is asking players if Squad should drop something from the 1.0 release, while players have no idea what 1.0 actually looks like right now, apart from a couple of screenshots. If you're asking this question - you're not ready for 1.0, and there may be only one answer: stay in Beta. What the hell is going on, guys? Open up.
  5. I wonder what TotalBiscuit The Cynical Brit will say about (pre)release version.
  6. Are you asking for a loading screen instead of launch/landing sequence in KSP?
  7. The last one is completely unreadable, but that's not a problem with the icon itself, just Arsonide's weird choice of marker colors, I guess. oops, missed No idea. XRD? - obvious RPWS is obvious - DAN - 2xMagnetometer and telescope, I guess.
  8. I remember exactly opposite: the game is supposed to be released with Unity 4, and after the game release, if it's possible, if it's stable, it may be updated to Unity 5.
  9. Don't know what to do? Blame russians. Or chinese. My bet is on micro debris. Or short-circuited batteries.
  10. Does that mean that Japan invades everyone else's territory with humanoid robots from time to time?
  11. I don't think it's a good plan. To be 100% successful, too many puzzle pieces should fall into right places: Vostochny cosmodrome should be fully operational, PTK-NP should fly already, new modules (OKA-T, inflatable habitat, NEM, etc) should be finished in time. Anything taken from ISS requires quite a change in orbit, afaik. And yet, seeing as US politicians and space program managers don't want to play with russians, even if scientists and engineers do, that's our only plan to keep our presence in orbit.
  12. That's the bug with TR's realtime reflections. You may either use TR 2.2.3 (which breaks other things trying to render reflections, namely makes EVA hatches unclickable and messes with colliders and surface attachment) or switch to static reflections or even disable them completely.
  13. To balance outsourced R&D, I would propose making it more like aggressive negotiations (kind of). Lore-wise, external contractors may demand royalties for their help with the research. As in, strategy gives you an X% discount on R&D purchases, but for every R&D purchase made while strategy is active either next Y crafts launched cost Z% more, or Y contracts return Z% less funds, or maybe even both. Penalties may also be tied to unlocked (while the strategy is active) parts instead of crafts, adding to the cost of unlocked part itself. Aggressive negotiations strategy may need balancing as well (probably also switching to % penalties for reputation), it's way too punishing now.
  14. Draw fairings with a mouse? Thanks, but no, thanks. I would prefer either fixed sizes (KW) or proper Tweakables, with proper UI (KSPAPIExtensions).
  15. Has anyone mentioned Daniel Wilson's Robopocalypse/Robogenesis and Amped yet?
  16. Why not simply use the Romfarer's LazorCam/DockingCam? If your hitch is a docking port, it will work as is (and I'm not sure, but it may work with RPM).
  17. People want Saturn asteroid belts, I guess. Or maybe just Urrectum planet.
  18. Well, next step (actually, it should have been the very first step): show the output_log.txt from KSP_Data folder.
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