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Everything posted by J.Random

  1. "Continuous update" argument is irrelevant. It's the same production cycle, there are the same phases, they just repeat for every Update/Upgrade release. There's still alpha for the version 1.234.567, there's Beta (feature freeze), there's Release Candidate, there's Release. There's DA (Directed Availability, "Experimentals" for Squad) and GA (General Audience Availability) release substages. Instead of "product beta phase", there's "specific version beta phase". Even if Squad doesn't like terminology, they shouldn't use it incorrectly anyway. Again, "can't have your cake and eat it too". The comparison to "other products" is incorrect. This isn't [Arrogant Person] Olympics, after all. It's unfortunate that some companies can afford to claim an incomplete product as "finished" and get away with it but I hope it's not for long. Voting with a wallet is a legitimate answer to such practice, I see more and more examples of it in the last years, and I see a support for it from distribution platforms (Steam will only be the first, mark my words).
  2. I would really like people to stop labeling criticism (and well deserved, at that) and expression of frustration and disappointment as "hate". kthxby
  3. You can't have your cake and eat it too (I like russian version better: "climb the spruce without scratching your ass"). You can't just change the description of Alpha/Beta/Release stages as you wish when it suits you. You can't remove the EA label and expect customers to be as forgiving as when your product had it. If you're promoting the software product as "Released", I'm expecting a proper, "Release" quality. What, users should be satisfied with "Release" which is kinda "Beta" (feature complete, "what Harv wanted") but not finished yet? "We're still working on it" is not even an excuse, it's an insult.
  4. Losing ability to accelerate at top speed is OK. What's not OK is losing ability to decelerate using motor at top speed, when, by your (completely valid, afaik) logic, both motor and mechanical resistance should work together to stop the vehicle. As I understand it, the "mechanical resistance" part is nonexistant at the moment. If you reach top speed going downhill, you just lose torque and keep accelerating without control, unless you use brakes.
  5. HarvesteR, while you're working on wheels, can you disconnect torque from speed? The current wheel module doesn't allow low rpm, high torque motors or, say, fixed RPM motors, and the whole "lose torque when you're reaching top speed" thing isn't very good idea.
  6. I think it was when my orbital telescope maintenance mission ran out of fuel. I've had just enough to lower my spaceplane's orbit into maybe 300x50km with a single burn. Two atmospheric skips later, I've landed the bird safely. At the KSC! On first try (I think I even forgot to quicksave)! My hands were shaking during the landing.
  7. As I remember it, my polar RT relay installment blew up after update. Still, not the point. Even if something sank or spawned several meters above the surface, it was acceptable because the game was in Alpha. Breaking saves is rarely acceptable for a released product. Regarding the "procedural" part: guys, they are procedural, but still pregenerated. They aren't random either. There is no seed saved in the game files, they aren't generated every time you start the game.
  8. Save-breaking changes in a "released" product? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Because hey, it was so important to leave Beta ASAP!
  9. Nice job! Does it do anything in 3rd person view or it's just for the IVA? I was half-expecting reverse spanish "OMG I'm blind!!!" panic at the end of the video.
  10. Wait what??? Who said that? U5 was supposed to be 1.1, if not 1.2, wasn't it?
  11. Teaming with mobile trash developer? What can possibly go wrong? Next up: item $hop and microtran$action$.
  12. Define "sentience", "feelings" and "think".
  13. Initial EULA may just contain a paragraph allowing seller to change EULA whenever he wants.
  14. So, potus cuts it, then senate cuts it even further? Is it election year or something?
  15. I hope this "Deported BV" thing is for IP protection against a hostile takeover possibility. Tax avoidance I sincerely despise.
  16. PSA: this thread is kinda useless. Everyone will still call little green cosmonauts whatever they want to call them. Also, PSA: what's with the "PSA" thing lately? It seems like everything requires to be announced now, otherwise people will notice it's not important.
  17. Well, yes, technically they are. You know what I mean. Virgin builds an entertainment, with a slight possibility to make it into (not really) public transport in the distant future.
  18. I'd say, to get more frequent launches, you need more payloads, not another cabbie. I fail to see how suborbital Ferris wheel for rich people is related to the topic. Am I missing something?
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