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Everything posted by J.Random

  1. Niches and attach nodes for docking ports, please? Building a large platform out of these crawlers on another planet should be fun. And another suggestion for the plugin: speed limiter of some sort so that rover won't accelerate indefinitely going down hill.
  2. Ah, less than two hours after I asked Nova's permission to publish standalone lightshifter from Alternis. But your implementation is really good. And as you volunteered to make it, suggestions: - two sliders: one for atmosphere, another one for space; - maybe you can do something with shadows as well? Soft shadows for atmosphere, hard shadows for space (or two more sliders), and probably higher shadow resolution (although I suspect it to be limited by Unity itself)?
  3. It does. Also, DRE isn't as scary for spaceplanes as I thought. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/VhoP3/embed"></iframe>
  4. As I understand it: The more massive planetary body is, and the closer you are to it, the higher your orbital velocity is. When you burn fuel, momentum conservation works, and it's linear. You always get the same dV for the same amount of fuel spent (not counting the loss of mass). But kinetic energy is proportional to velocity squared, so, the higher your velocity is already, the more kinetic energy you get for the same increment in velocity.
  5. While gravity simulation feels wrong, I certainly like the idea of a wind tunnel (with FAR integration... *drools*).
  6. Ah, that's what got me confused. If you type `print velocity.`, you will get only the first vector as output (in form of V(double,double,double), it seems), and you won't be able to do anything with it. velocity:{orbit,surface}:{x,y,z,mag} works, thanks. Well, from some early version I remember a bug when typing in terminal would stage vessel, kill throttle, etc. You can't block hooks installed by other mods from execution? If not - sorry, didn't know that.
  7. This mod needs an actual documentation and consistency. e.g., velocity is a vector. Why doesn't it have usual vector suffixes? Which suffixes does it have? In which reference frame do rotational vectors (R()) operate? Where are surface-related prograde/retrograde vectors - are there any at all? Terminal window input conflicts with HullCameraVDS controls (-/=/BS).
  8. Crap. My fault. Still, the problem of vessel's structural integrity and reliability remains.
  9. Tsiolkovski's equation. To get the same dV for larger final mass, your initial mass should rise exponentially. Two 10-ton launches will use less fuel than one 20-ton launch. Also, they will need less powerful engines and probably even lesser amount of parts and assemblies, which means fewer points of failure. On the Square-Cube law, vessel's mass and volume will rise as ^3, but connections between stages and space to mount engines will increase as ^2. At some point rocket will either crush under its own weight or you won't be able to mount enough engines to lift it even with side-mounted boosters.
  10. Landed this baby on Moho with 1.4 units of fuel (or some 30m/s dV) to spare.
  11. I'm pretty sure that original ECLSS tanks are 2.5m wide, and it's the rebalance mod which changes their scale into 1.25. Look into modulemanager config file for NH, you should see @rescaleFactor and @mass there.
  12. Yeah, only when Eyjafjallajokull was active, noone risked to send an airplane at that route. Because that's what happens when these turbines get into volcanic ash cloud: And there should be all kind of crap flying in Venus atmosphere because of 300km/h strong winds, which is stronger than most of Earth tornadoes.
  13. After trying to drive rover using only navcam in Take On Mars, with its camera at one side and science equipment at the other, I believe it's unintentional. It was always like that: come close enough to the rock, rotate so you can see it through the navcam, drive closer, rotate 180 so that you see your own tracks right in front of you, drive backwards to get into equipment range.
  14. Don't listen to them, it's totally OK to put hot electronic equipment into freezer. Also, you should try this:
  15. If this thing works, if it works fast enough, and/or if you manage to spread the processing load on multicore systems, I will want to pay for such mod. Because that's going to be an incredible, astonishing improvement for KSP, and it deserves the support.
  16. On landing: I didn't even try to land something on bodies without atmosphere. When RT2 becomes more polished, I'll try to. It will either imply doing some math beforehand, or waiting for kOS integration. m/s work. Only I don't recommend using large values there, especially for non-prograde or retrograde maneuvers. If you try to change inclination with some huge burn, you may get into situation where it not only overshoots but starts to circle around at one spot infinitely.
  17. I don't get the logic of this suggestion. The game loads too slow, so let's add some stupid minigame to waste resources and make the game load even slower?
  18. 1) instead of using dishes for close range communication, you 'd better lower your orbit or use 4+ satellites to get them in 5Mm omni range from each other. If you're going to build remote-controlled spaceplanes, you should have even more satellites in low orbit (300km or so), because you can't use anything but dipole (500km range) in the atmosphere. 1a) Use Active Vessel ONLY on the last mile. If you're planning to leave the relay sat with powerful dish on orbit and get down some automated lander with omni antenna, then it won't work after you switch to lander if your Kerbin satellites are pointing at Active Vessel. 2) Sats from Kerbin network should each have smallest dish pointed at Mun, relay sat (or lander itself if you're planning to land on Mun side visible from Kerbin) should have a smallest dish pointed at Kerbin.
  19. Maybe I'm bad at this, but I've actually looked for it the very first time I've heard about these supposedly Unity problems. Nope, couldn't find any. I've seen some 64-bit editor-related reports, and some for redistributable MS libraries (for which there was workaround, iirc), but nothing about engine itself.
  20. We all decide it for ourselves. You probably should do the same. Or ask your viewers, if your purpose is to entertain them regardless of your own predisposition. Both options are better than starting another meaningless "mods-no-mods" argument here (or trying to promote your channel in this subforum).
  21. Not exactly. There's GroundStations{} in RemoteTech_Settings.cfg where you may define your own control centers. If it makes you feel good, you may land some structure there, but it's not required.
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