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Everything posted by J.Random

  1. Long unmodded ship won't lock because, again, it's a single point mass. KAS doesn't change anything here, except that it gives you means to have two vessels (two point masses) connected to each other by long tether (without docking and merging two point masses into one). It doesn't change orbital physics.
  2. Actually, it is. It just doesn't work with point mass. If you try to reenact tether experiment with two satellites connected by KAS tether (undocked mode), it will work (until you timewarp, of course).
  3. Shouldn't it be outward/inward radial instead of prograde/retrograde, because of tidal forces?
  4. When you're building a large base or space station consisting of different docked modules, camera focused on the CoM isn't very comfortable. Especially with KAS, when different modules may be dozens of meters away from each other and connected with pipes. MMB "look around" isn't very helpful either. It would be nice to have an option to switch camera focus from CoM to different command pods and probe cores, like [ and ] keys, only for a single vessel.
  5. That's our long tradition to give names only when the craft is ready for mass production. Same with tanks or jets. They're often called "object", "product" or "prospective something-something system/complex" while in design phase. PAK FA, for example, is also T-50, or "product 701" and in production it will probably be Su-with-index-number "Not Necessarily Scary/Badass Name". Same with PPTS - giving a name before it's finished is considered as kind of a bad omen, I guess. Google Radioastron, for example. What Roscosmos is lacking in is PR, not science.
  6. I hope this mod is alive. PS habitat has two bunks in it but one of them is already taken by someone (kerbal blow-up doll?), so, only one spot left for actual crew member. IVA is definitely not creepy.
  7. I'm OK with that, as long as this feature is optional. Otherwise I will simply firewall it.
  8. My guess: it's starting with loss of thrust on one of engines (check it with Alt-RMB next time) and then asymmetric drag kicks in. Try putting intakes closer to the rear end of your plane.
  9. Oh, I didn't know there's new release. That's with EVE 7-2. I'll check it with 7-3, thanks.
  10. First, let me say that this mod for mod is beautiful. But second, "Houston, we have a problem": Any workaround/fix for this? There's also an issue with repeating cloud pattern (seen in the lower right corner), any chance of making it less obvious? It's a V3.
  11. You get the same dV from the same amount of fuel. You're just using it more effectively.
  12. Cloud lighting/coloring needs some love for border conditions: at the terminator and especially on poles.
  13. I play KSP with this music in the background.
  14. "Mom, I've just shot myself in the leg. Please cut off my hands so that I couldn't do it again."
  15. ...and horror. Except Jeb, of course.
  16. Gyroscopic inertial drives don't work. Russians have tested it. We were stupid enough to launch an actual satellite with this thing on board.
  17. Volumetric clouds are great! Say, if I want to melt my PC, how can I increase the distance at which clouds disappear?
  18. It seems I'll have to restart, as my heavily modded (Interstellar, DRE, FAR and 20+ more mods) setup has got new parts after update but locked the research facility (in career!) and hasn't got any asteroids. Still, great update!
  19. To clarify, I didn't mean that the person who proposed the idea is an idiot, only that the idea itself is stupid. You can't insult an idea or proposition.
  20. I don't think it's the time to add more of the same content we already have. Atmospheric model needs to be redone first. Even Jool doesn't seem to look/work properly right now (pressure damage, anyone?).
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