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Everything posted by ShimmyTheJJ

  1. For any large rocket launch it has to be: Gustav Holst - The Planets - Mars, the Bringer of War Especially the part at 4:24
  2. Besides almost running into spent stages that I had detached from minutes previous... (Me not paying attention to what's in front of my craft) I once saw jettisoned fairings from the same craft fly past each other at maybe 10 meters distance at significant speed. This happened half an orbit after they were jettisoned. I guess it would make sense that would have happened, orbital mechanics and all...
  3. I wanted to take the time to say how awesome this mod is. It really has helped me create a structure to my space program, since the pure sandbox environment of vanilla KSP hadn't been driving me to anything specific lately. So to you and the original mod maker: Thanks for making such an awesome mod. I do have another question though, which I wasn't able to find. How does the clientControlled parameter work when defined in a mission. Does it take away your ability to control the vessel when you finish the mission? I don't particularly understand what the documentation means when it states the client will take over. What I have in mind for a mission is one that when you complete, you will be prevented from completing any other missions in the future. Is this currently possible at all?
  4. Here is what I am seeing, I am seeing a 60 percent reduction in recycle value in the tracking station. for example, it says it's going to give me back 25,940, and the recycle window says it gave back 25,940, but looking at the current budget I only received 15,564. This only happens on HardCoreMode and not Normal Flight Mode. Imgur album with example, the descriptions below provide more information.
  5. I don't know if this is a bug or not, however I quickly scanned the thread and didn't find an answer. When in hardcore mode, should the recycle costs be cut 40%? If so, is that also supposed to include the insurance payback also? I'm only getting part of the initial insurance cost when I recover a vessel.
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