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Everything posted by FallingIntoBlack

  1. The funny thing is, I do quite a lot of your re-armoring.
  2. Size matters? You never said it had to be small, just stable and easy to fly.
  3. Do not forget to add my submission, the D-2 Wyvern. I added the Screenshot and .craft file before the deadline.
  4. Not so fast. The Gods of Chaos do not mind. Can you at least try mine out? @Xeldrak: Okay, I've fixed it.
  5. The D-2 Wyvern, referred to by its enemies as "The Ivory Drake," is complete with a set of 4 canards to aid in stability and pitch control, and is easily capable of performing a "kulbit." Slight upwards trim is recommended, but not necessary. Stable, maneuverable, fast, and agile enough to correct most mistakes at any altitude (within its performing boundaries. Also, mistakes that are most likely not correctable include but are not limited to: Performing a steep nose-dive at low altitude, attempting a "Split-S" maneuver at low altitude). NOTE: Zokesia Skunkworks and its affiliates are NOT responsible for any player-inflicted or bug/glitch-inflicted damage. Also good as a glider. Download the D-2 Wyvern here.
  6. Take a look at what happens on the first test-fire of a weapon I made after a slight missile redesign. I broke it.
  7. Wait, Spartwo, I thought you said you want to ally with Zokesia.
  8. I am the Foreign Ambassador of the Zokesian Empire. I handle diplomatic relations and such. If you have something to say about diplomacy with us, talk to either me or Emperor Zekes.
  9. If one side has one ship remaining at the end of the battle, and it is combat-capable, it is technically a win.
  10. Are you going to bring our flagship, the ZIS Anarchy, into this?
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