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Everything posted by FallingIntoBlack

  1. By the looks of it, if the Helios can take off the barrel armor, the Vindicator can disable the Drek Mk XIV.
  2. Now you'd best hope its not the most familiar shape in the universe, because it has MY weapons, and you'd best hope that they're not pointed at you.
  3. Everyone: The Drekevak Mk XIII, which holds 2 of my Helios Bolts/Torpedoes.
  4. The Judgement Cannon vs. the Helios and the Kingslayer. That'll be...interesting.
  5. I would've pioneered them if you hadn't already. I trademarked AND patented some though...I did pioneer the lanced missile though.
  6. Guided missiles are built specifically to fly into the enemy.
  7. The fact that every new fighter has different agility, mobility, stability, strength, speed and armament than the last.
  8. The only reason it's deadlier than ever is because you're using MY missiles. Weapons Officer and Armor Officer are MY specialties.
  9. The interesting thing about my missiles is that they're armor-piercers.
  10. Yeah...I built pretty freaking big. The Vindicator is pretty much a Battlecruiser.
  11. I may not battle, because my computer might explode/melt. Although, apparently, the Vindicator's weapons are quite good at long range.
  12. Okay, a 370 meter shot like that seems a bit more realistic. You probably got lucky with that guided shot from 2 km.
  13. Cool. Anyways, the only reasons why you killed an E-Class in the first place is that you were at 2 km away, and the only way dumbfire missiles would hit from that distance is if you used MechJeb to aim or got super lucky. Also, apparently, the Vindicator is a long-range powerhouse.
  14. I'm the only person I know of who could make a Cruiser that's 500 parts and ~180 tons. EDIT: zekes was helping to test my Vindicator's armor and weapons. The Vindicator broke the E-Class in half several times.
  15. ...Hopefully my computer doesn't explode/melt in battle (it probably will). Plus, zekes tells me you're actually really good.
  16. Oh come on, you'd win. Even if I have superior firepower, you're a veteran. I've never fought. If and when I get more experience, maybe we'll battle.
  17. Well, it'll be over 500 now that I had to add on to it. It is a nightmare to build. I'd say that about a quarter of the parts is armament alone.
  18. Not quite yet. It's in testing phase. It should be soon.
  19. My Vindicator-Class has 2 Helios Torpedoes and 6 Kingslayer dumbfire SRB missiles. I think mine is somewhat overkill.
  20. I may not need Mainsail-powered missiles because of the Helios Torpedo.
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