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Everything posted by FallingIntoBlack

  1. She can be extremely devastating, that is, if she doesn't get destroyed before she can do any real damage.
  2. Here's a shot of a test fire of a Vindicator-Class Cruiser "variant." Apparently the Vindicator "variant" had a "problem" with its missiles. If you look closely at that picture, a gash can be seen in the hull...but the picture below shows the aftermath of the missile incident, as well as what's left of it after a plane crashed into the side of it. Before I flew an SR-49 Electric Eye into the side of it, there was a gash in the hull, as can be seen in the first picture...all the struts that I attached to it pulled it back together after the Electric Eye hit it and destroyed the missiles lodged in the gash in the hull. Oddly enough, everything except its missiles, which were fired all at once, along with its Helios Torpedoes, which were also fired, survived the incident.
  3. I only built the Vindicator-Class because I wanted to see if I could make a good combat ship. Also, you do realize that the Vindicator-Class is complete. Edits may be made to it in the future, but the ship itself is already built.
  4. I don't know if he's ever needed to use it in battle. I just finished my Vindicator-Class, and I finished my challenge too. My challenge was to make the Vindicator-Class in under 500 parts. I made 2 slightly different versions. The normal is 493, and the one I've nicknamed the Top Cover is 497. P.S. I will not be able to battle yet, as its armor, along with its weapons capability, have not been completely tested (the armor hasn't been tested yet, but the weapons capability has been somewhat tested). However, Zekes believes that the Vindicator-Class will make a formidable opponent against the E-Class.
  5. You can't kill it without the .craft file, so not releasing it is entirely the point. Killing it in battle is the only other way.
  6. It's the E-Class...I doubt he'll give the craft file away. The thing is nearly indestructible unkillable.
  7. If they tore a piece off, they didn't kill it...they just really pissed it off.
  8. Okay...It probably broke, but it was most likely still usable. That sort of thing happens when my missiles hit the E-Class.
  9. If you can destroy an E-Class, you have some powerful missiles, or you know its weak spot. My weapons are powerful, but not powerful enough to take out an E-Class in one shot. I get the feeling my Vindicators will be formidable opponents. Let's just say I'd hate to have my weapons pointed at me. I'd much prefer not to get into any battles until I'm used to my ships. I haven't even finished building them yet, let alone had time to "practice" with them.
  10. I have weapons you've never seen before, that only I use. My Helios Torpedoes, for example, will tear you to shreds.
  11. Oh, did you? My Vindicator-Class, when finished, will be a formidable opponent then.
  12. I've already patented those Lanced SRBs. Trust me, zekes is right when he said any other ship would've died.
  13. True. The user below me plays KSP.
  14. 2/10 Seen you here. Nowhere else.
  15. False. Already have. The user below me killed the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
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