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Everything posted by FallingIntoBlack

  1. I'd join this challenge, but I've never had the patience to circumnavigate Kerbin. I'm pretty sure my planes are capable of it though.
  2. You're using my missiles? Yeah, you could probably deorbit a ship with a Helios Torpedo.
  3. I modified a Zokesian missile truck, the Weaver SPG, to fire my Kingslayer missile. The Ravager Mk III, a Weaver SPG with a Kingslayer, is proven to be able to fire over 11 km. No doubt if the Kingslayer hits its target, it'll do some damage, judging by the fact that it can go several hundred m/s (Highest recorded speed: 476.7 m/s). I can prove it with screenshots if I have to. Fastest recorded impact speed: 296.9 m/s. I would not want to get hit by one.
  4. A) Thank you for testing that. That was a prototype of a Behemoth that had an outer shell of armor. I still have the original Behemoth. C) I may actually scrap the Vindicator's design and remake it from scratch. It's too big and too easy to split the barrel off of.
  5. I get really competitive, even when it's just for fun. The reason is I like to win.
  6. I have...well, I guess you could say I have a missile truck, a couple spaceships, really cool weaponry, and a crap ton of spy planes. Or the Florida-Georgia rivalry.
  7. If you'd like to use some of my weapons tech, feel free to ask.
  8. You've only been playing with zekes' armoring method...you haven't seen mine yet. If my armoring method on top of zekes' armoring method makes the Behemoth Mk II stronger than the Behemoth (which is the Salvation Mk II with Helios Bolts/Torpedoes), then my armor will be stronger than most to all of yours. Lanced missiles, armor never-before-seen by anyone other than its creator...I think Damage, Inc. is coming along quite nicely.
  9. Speaking of testing things...the Behemoth Mk II's armor still needs to be tested. EDIT: Let's see if my armoring method + zekes' armoring method strengthens the armor in any way. zekes thinks it won't.
  10. It is also dependent upon the distance of the shot and strength of the armor (sometimes).
  11. It all depends on the orbit of the capitol ship. If you miss, you may run out of fuel.
  12. 10/10 Always see you on the Forums. See you in...the Kerbol System.
  13. Just your friendly neighborhood mercenaries..."To Live Is To Die"
  14. You know you play KSP too much when Jebediah teleports onto your desk and starts dancing on your keyboafnjdfshuidhighufhgfhdiskghgffgjlkkjldkjjrejhfgoiuoioiu
  15. In this thread, I sometimes feel as if I have to Be Aggressive, B-E Aggressive, B-E A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E!
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