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Everything posted by Klajan

  1. The ant. If it was radial maybe I would use it, but as it is right now I don´t. Once I started to build huge lifters I quite like the 55. I had to use it once my twr dropped below 0.5 for my last stage, so I slapped 18 of them onto my last stage and volia, i had 0.9 twr. Sadly my lifter is unusable, unless you can bear with an 30 min ascend due to lagg.
  2. After a long time using the default flags, I decided to create my own. Every larger Operation will get their own mission Flag, like for my Munbase. The text is suprisingly good to read on the Flags ingame, so I decided to keep it that way.
  3. Oh if I would be able to do this... Right now I have around 10 pages Stuctural Parts and my games takes 10! minutes to load... Talk about a lot of mods.
  4. Multiplayer can be fun. For now there is this. Some kind of import flight function, so you can exchange flights across saves, could make this a more Multiplayer experience.
  5. I usualy build something realy insane and try to get it work. Like my Rocket design to bring 220t into orbit, just to get them to orbit. It took me around 12 hours to get it to work porerly, but it was fun.
  6. Usualy I aim for 1.3 min and 2.0 max for my first stage and then I just try to never fall unter 1.2.
  7. Well this lifter lifts a Payload of 220t and weights about 2077t total I usualy try to strut as little as possible, but once you reach a certain size, there is only one way to go: More Struts. Or you redesign your craft completly, as I did. Never seen such a system and I did use the small structural hardpoint for this purpose. But I will try it out.
  8. This seems to be a plausible explanation, as the radial attached fuelltank just dropped dead down, as if it was not part of the craft. Well, thats a cute little station. Mine is actualy constructed in orbit aswell, but currently constists out of 12 oragne fuelltanks. Mainly beacause I am to layzy to refuell it every time I refuell one of my interplanetary crafts. And I tend to do everything overkill style. But i like the idea of using the rocket itself as a fueldepod, never occured to me, I just build large lifters to get it into orbit. Also for the curious, my working 220t laucher, with a simple payload for testing attached:
  9. By far not, but it is getting close. Most of these are just guesses, so yea. 1# Minecraft. I have been playing Minecraft since the early Alpha and have sunk Months into this game. Result? IT IS OVER NINE THOUSAND! Well not realy, but a LOT of time. I guess it could be approaching the 1000 hours mark 2# League of Legends. It has been 3 years for me now. Result? I guess a little bit less then Minecraft. now, this is just guesswork 3# World of Tanks. I have been playing this game a lot lately. Until I discovered KSP to be precise. Result? Propaply around 300 hours 4# Skyrim. Skyrim is awsome. I have done EVERY SINGLE QUEST in this game,but it did not take me this long. Around 200 hours. 5# KSP. Finaly. 151 hours played.
  10. No screenshot from me, as I decided to rebuild my 220t lifter from scratch. Works now perfectly, as I reduced the strutcount by ~70%. But if you want to know, my old desing had around 250 struts. And 1200 parts total.
  11. So lately I decided to build a lifterstage for my enormous fueldepo. And it just keept falling apart during the ascend. And I added more Struts. And the I reached a point, where everything keept failing. Fueltanks where just dropping down the instant the pysics loaded or things randomly exploded. So I was wondering, if adding to many struts can actualy bug out the physics and caus structural failiure out of nowhere?
  12. It sure does not look like that, but neither do Mechjeb and Subassebly loader and they still work. So seems to be no problem here. Yea, thats the same reason I use it. Small ships are no problem for me to dock manualy, but the larger they get the harder it is to dock them. And It takes forever, I rather drink some coffe insted of painfully docking my ship for 2 hours....
  13. NERVAs are so good for Orbital operations. If you can tolerate hours of burningtime, Ionengines are better but... I dont´want to burn for 3 Hours till I finaly get my transfer. This is the reason, why my interplanetary Mothership uses 16 NERVAs to propell around 400t of mass. Still takes forever to do anything.
  14. Well except for the better structural integrity of your rocket and the ability to fit within the standart rocketparts. Also I hear somewhere that they have SAS integrated?
  15. As far as my testing goes, the quad dockingport is still less wobbly, but the Clampotron sr. is a big imrovement. And it is by far more easy to dock.
  16. Currently I am just building stuff until The mods I used for my interplanetary Transfership are updated. Then I am going to establish a researchbase aswell as a miningfacility at laythe.
  17. This update is so awsome. Except for some minor clipping issues witt jet engines I had absolutely no problems whatsoever. I even finaly managed to test my Ultra Heavy Ascend Rocket. It has around 1200 Parts and I got around 10 FPS (I consider that enough to fly something around).
  18. Seems to be fully compatible. Had a couple of testruns the last hour and havenot encountered a single failure/bug.
  19. Good thing to know, so the Clamp-o-tron Sr seems to be a bit more wobbly. I did test it out myself right now and as long as you don´t try to dock gigantic parts with huge engines the Clampotron should be enough. For my spacestation it is to wobbly thought.
  20. You have two options with this setup: 1: get something to attach them radial(the Cubic Octagonal Strut) 2: use the same part to attach it unerneath your dockingport PS: the link for the Downmass Tug. You have to scroll a bit to get there.
  21. I usualy try to avoid the larg ASAS module or reenforce it with duct tape, äh, struts. If you can try to use the small one, as it is lighter and stonger. The large one is quite handy for hiding things within it thought.
  22. Kosmos Space Station Parts Pack. They generate 200 Units power, which is a "bit" overkill but hey, they look cool.
  23. Well before I go ahead and deorbit my spacestation to replace the dockingport, I wonder if anyone has tested if the new large dockingport is more stable than the Heavy Duty Docking Port by Temstar? Currently so stable, I get NO wobble at all with this.
  24. I present the eXplorer MK II: This unmanned Rover is the perfect vehicle to reliably explore foreign worlds without endangering Kerbals. It is very durable, extreemly hard to flip and has the ability to unflipp itself. The a frontal light, Thermonuklear Generators and large battery capacity allow short duration operation during night, while the solarpannels allow the eXplorer MK II to operate nonstop during daytime. The RCS System allows for short boosts in acceleration or deceleration. And it also comes equipped with the latest "Sience Stuff©".
  25. I present the eXplorer MK II: Deletet due tu failure[/i This post can be deleted.
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