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Everything posted by Honeybadga

  1. I'm using it with 0.22 and it seems to work so far.
  2. ´ Indeed, it helped. Will remember your hint about fiddly parts in the future. Thanks for the quick reply and keep up the awesome work. I think I have seen parts like this in this mod. Didn't like the textures though
  3. That new UDK-CO4 "Lean" part is something I've been looking for and it looks very promising but I'm not able to attach it anywhere. The nodes snap to the parent part, but it doesn't lock and stays unattached (transparent red). Tried it with a bunch of different parts.
  4. Hai, I'm fairly new to Kethane and I already love it. However, I have a question: once I land on a deposit and start drilling, am I supposed to be able to suck it dry in one go or can I move into a direction a couple of kilometers and pump up the rest of it? Also Majiir, would you consider giving us the possibility to scan an area that is wider than only one pixel, maybe similar to the ISA mapsat mechanics? Because I think most of you know how tedious it can be to scan an entire moon's or planet's deposits since you have to babysit a probe until it's done. Even with timewarp it takes a while.
  5. Is there a way to prevent smart a.s.s. from using rcs when rcs is on? I'd like mechjeb to maintain the target PAR- attitude without spraying monoprop all over the place and translate manually with rcs.
  6. Ok, I reinstalled mechjeb2 and in the Custom Window Editor where it says 'Click an item to add it to the info window' there are no items at all, no matter which window presets I choose. Please, someone help. Edit: Apparently there is a problem when " is part of a vessel's name.
  7. Hai, I have the following problem. On some of my vessels the premade orbit info, surface info, vessel info and delta-v info windows don't show up in the menu. Neither do any of the windows I made myself earlier. Does this possibly have to do with me renaming my vessels?
  8. Found the link to the debugger on page 1, post 1. Thanks for the advice, will have to try it this way.
  9. Hai, quick question here. Is there a way to fill up my Kethane tanks on the launch pad so I can test if my contraption will work?
  10. I'd suggest making a smaller base to have a smaller footprint. Here are the stock part and your 1.25m radial mount. The stock part plays better when you attach it to another 1.25m wide part. Sorry for the large image.
  11. Another thing. All of the radial mounts weigh 2.5t, even the small 0.625m one. Seems a bit heavy for what it does, clearly too heavy for the two smaller variants. As a reference, the stock 1.25m Radial Attachment point only weighs 0.04t. What do you say?
  12. Something doesn't add up here. With this huge tanker I'm not able to fill up the two big fuel tanks. Not doing any math here, just judging from the looks of it. The two smaller spherical tanks of the station and the four half sphericals of the tanker are monoprop, so ignore.
  13. Hai, love your mod. Here's a suggestion. When I wanna set an alarm at AN/DN, it says 'No AN/DN found on current plan', probably because I don't have a target selected. Could you make it so that when I don't have a target selected, it sets an alarm for the equatorial AN/DN? Keep up the good work.
  14. Indeed, I second this. Please update to 0.20+ (or maybe even expand), it's very useful.
  15. Two quick questions before I send my big ass contraption to the Mun only to find out that it's not working: 1. Will a buffer tank with a drill attached to it send the mined Kethane to a main tank via a fuel line as shown here? 2. Will a drill send the mined Kethane to a tank via a fuel line as shown here? Thanks in advance.
  16. Yeah, that's why a friend of mine made a small java app that sorts the updated parts into my system automatically.
  17. Are you saying there is no way of rearranging parts with the 0.20+ database system? Did Squad put anything on the horizon that will change this? I'm not trying to piss anyone off here, but it has been a real bliss building stuff with my system.
  18. Well, my system has been working perfectly fine. Let me demonstrate this for you. For instance, this is what's inside my GameData/Parts/02_Propulsion folder: This translates ingame into the following: Order instead of chaos. Obviously my system is working fine, all mod parts are working as they are supposed to. I've been flying missions and stuff. Doesn't look like an invalid way to store parts, even mod parts. B9 R3 is the first mod I've encountered, that dictates where the parts are supposed to be stored inside the GameData folder. Please don't take this as a rant. I admire your work, it's just that I'm trying to figure out a way to arrange all those parts in the VAB. If this is not possible with the latest B9 itteration, then I think I'll just rename my Parts folder in 00_Parts or something like that. Your mod adds a metric crapton of (very beautiful) parts and it's a pain to navigate through the list to get to the parts that I use the most, like struts, fuel lines, adapters etc.
  19. Hey, awesome update you made there. However, I have the following problem. When 0.20 came out, I made my own file sorting system in the game data folder as seen here: Now whenever I put the parts folder out of B9_Aerospace, only a small fraction of the B9 parts show up in the VAB. How can I implement the B9 parts into my own part sorting structure? No offense, but I don't wanna have to browse through 4 pages of B9 parts to finally find some struts.
  20. hai, having trouble locking my rover back to my lander. it says 'Connected parts not aligned! Locking impossible.' although the rover is hanging perfectly still below the lander. not working in either docked or undocked mode. tried to fiddle around with it a bit to no avail. do you guys have any tips or workarounds? edit: do you think my design is flawed or are there any known issues with locking not working as reliably as before?
  21. Yeah, except that it looks crappy because then the heatshield is facing upside down. But it'll have to do.
  22. I know the update of awesomness is almost upon us, but I have a small suggestion to make for R3.5-4 if I may. For the neat looking S2 crew tanks I'd like an option to access them, when in EVA, from either the side or the bottom when I implement them in a space plane or any craft that flies horizontally. Maybe one or two discrete additional crew hatches would be a nice addition to give the crew parts a bit more flexibility, so you don't have to climb on the roof to access them. Just a suggestion. What do you think? Can't wait for R3!
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