Hiya! Did I read this entire thread to see if this question has been addressed? No I did not. Sorry, but 142 pages!!! Did I search this thread? I tried, with no luck. Plenty of results for Ascent Autopilot, but none address this problem I'm having. And there's ZERO results for "Show navball ascent path guidance" .. the wiki also is of no help here. SO!! When I set MechJeb to "Show navball ascent path guidance", it only ever directs me to keep flying straight up, forever and ever. No matter where I set the gravity turn to begin, the guidance reticle never changes. No matter what settings I put anywhere, the guidance reticle never changes. Am I doing something utterly wrong here, or is this a known problem? .. EDIT .. Also, what is this button about "Target etc etc .." that shows up when I have something targeted? How do I use that? Again, the wiki really says nothing about this.