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Everything posted by artao

  1. If you don't play KSP in real-time, you aren't playing it properly. .. .. .. while wearing a space-helmet, and only from in-capsule view.
  2. Looking forward to the new version. Hoping changes in KSP allow me to use it. RE: Breaking it up. All I mean is breaking into distinct categories, like fairings, engines, capsules, etc etc .. not removing stuff some people don't want because, as you correctly pointed out, there's no way to make everyone happy doing that. BUT, to have separate component packages sure would make it easier for people to install only what they want, no?
  3. LOVE the craft man! Great design, I hope it works. Question unrelated to yours: This seems like a perfect use for MechJeb's autopilot functions. Either to take the dropped craft into orbit while controlling the lift vehicle to land or vice versa. My question is this: Is MechJeb (or any other plugin) actually capable of doing that? That is, say you choose to control the spacecraft and set MechJeb to auto-land the lifter-plane. CAN MechJeb do that while you have the spacecraft active and are controlling it, or does MechJeb turn off when you've switched away from the craft you want it to control?
  4. Very nice! Enjoyable and informative reading. Thanks much!!!
  5. Well, since I posted this .. and went on IRC and asked about this issue .. .. .. .. .. The whole thing has started working as expected. So ignore this I guess. .. All I had to do was ask about it and *whoomp* the problem seems to have evaporated. I've done nothing different AFAIK, it just started working. .. However, I'm still quite curious about these options that come up when something is targeted.
  6. And what exactly IS this alleged "proper" way to play this game, eh? Where exactly is this "proper" method of playing laid out in detail? And re: "stock version" .. you know, because this alpha software is absolutely feature complete. Why would anyone deign to play it with any mods installed? I suppose if you're not playing 100% stock KSP, your not playing the game "properly"?? And of course any real-world astronaut who doesn't manually fly his spacecraft from the ground to ISS docking is not doing it "properly" either. Because of course flight-computers and auto-pilots have no place on such a technical piece of hardware like a spacecraft. One thing MechJeb is really really good for is determining whether a rocket design actually IS workable. If MechJeb can get it to orbit, then it's possible for someone to do it manually. But if a person can't get their hard-built rocket into orbit, that doesn't necessarily mean it's not flyable. Also, MechJeb (and other add-ons) give much needed data that the stock game doesn't provide. Yet.
  7. Hiya! Did I read this entire thread to see if this question has been addressed? No I did not. Sorry, but 142 pages!!! Did I search this thread? I tried, with no luck. Plenty of results for Ascent Autopilot, but none address this problem I'm having. And there's ZERO results for "Show navball ascent path guidance" .. the wiki also is of no help here. SO!! When I set MechJeb to "Show navball ascent path guidance", it only ever directs me to keep flying straight up, forever and ever. No matter where I set the gravity turn to begin, the guidance reticle never changes. No matter what settings I put anywhere, the guidance reticle never changes. Am I doing something utterly wrong here, or is this a known problem? .. EDIT .. Also, what is this button about "Target etc etc .." that shows up when I have something targeted? How do I use that? Again, the wiki really says nothing about this.
  8. What are the chances of getting NovaPunch split up into smaller packages? Like nats, I'm not particularly interested in the historical bits. Also, I'd kinda like to simply (key word simple) be able to install, say, JUST the fairings, or JUST the engines, or any combination thereof, rather than try to sift through this massive parts-pack to pull out only the parts I am interested in, and then hope I actually got all the bits that each part requires to function properly. As it is, I can't run NovaPunch because I consistently get a game-crash every time when going to the launch pad. I know it's NovaPunch because I use JSGME to install my mods, and it's only when I install NovaPunch that the game crashes.
  9. MechJeb is overpowerd? BWAAAA HA HAA Ha haa ha ha aaahahah ahh. wow, some people eh ... and I suppose the flight computers on any modern spacecraft .. heck pretty much ANY spacecraft period, are also "overpowered" too? MechJeb is merely a flight computer. I sometimes let it do stuff for me, and I sometimes just have it show me data. It's an excellent add-on. IMO it should be incorporated into the game itself.
  10. Hey, thanks for the response. I hope multisat mapping works in the future. Not knowing about the fact that the craft must be focussed to map, I immediately set TWO mapsats going around Kerbal LOL .. I guess I'll send the second one off to Mun, if it has enough fuel left. For now I focus the mapsat, set it to 50x time accel, and jump onto the youtuber or something for awhile. Polar orbit seems the best eh, and high up. I totally understand the concern over processing power required. I hope that can be worked out.
  11. I want to simply make sure I'm not doing something wrong here. So is it correct that this only does mapping while I have the ship equipped with the mapping dish active? If so, what are the possibilities of changing this. I sure would like to be doing other stuff, like building and launching other ships, while my satellites continue mapping whatever body they're orbiting. Having to sit there and watch the satellite do it's mapping is pretty tedious. Still, very cool add-on, and thanks! =]
  12. Is there a thread around here for SubAssembly Loader? I searched and could not find one. Is the creator of this add-on about? It would really really be nice if the requirement for an open node on the root module be removed. Tristavius, I suppose that work-around could work. You don't have problems loading a main spacecraft as the root of a new rocket?
  13. Definitely checking out these command pods. Very nice. One specific command pod I'm interested in having is a roundified command pod, ala Soviet space capsules. It looks like there might be one in the Soviet pack, but I don't really want that whole pack. Kinda .. I dunno.
  14. Hiya guys! Just bought KSP about four days ago, and am LOVING it. Just the sort of game I love. I tried the beta, and that very same day I knew I wanted the full version. Brand new to the forum here too obviously. Glad to be here. ... If things go correctly, you'll soon be seeing me as "artao" instead of "vaughn" .. had some registration issues when I tried as "artao". Trying to get that changed right now.
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