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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Well, some can be more than others. Its general character traits of countries. Some are more vengeful, others are more relaxed.
  2. Definitely for arcade where if your plane gets shot down you can switch to another one. I would just wish that they don't cost golden eagles after the 5th crew.
  3. Granted, you have a headcrab stuck on your head. I wish for my teeth to stop hurting.
  4. Is it me or is PfL progress much faster than before?
  5. Its a British Senior Service Officer, they wouldn't do that. They are too gentlemanly to betray us
  6. The public wouldn't know that, they would just think they're plain bicycle lock keys. And as for anyone who would know about the system and misuse it, "It would be invidious to suggest... that senior Service officers may, in difficult circumstances, act in defiance of their clear orders."" This is a truly British response
  7. Who would steal a bicycle lock key? If you wanted to steal the bike you would just cut the lock and not bother for the keys. Its perfect
  8. We know how to bribe you Chobit Appropriate name for the station. Now we wait in anticipation for information of that threat. But how could you keep the rocket launches for the station secret?
  9. Pretty pretty please could you show us the classified info with sugar lumps and a Toblerone on top? With extra Toblerones?
  10. How tall are Kerbals? Looking at the wreckage, they appear to be 1m tall compared with the engine.
  11. Banned for being a red wolf on Europa. How do you survive the temperature and lack of oxygen?
  12. Banned for receiving a headache after reading my ban for you banning someone who banned you and didn't get banned when you banned him.
  13. Banned for banning someone who banned you and didn't get banned when you banned him
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2007/11_november/15/newsnight.shtml The second to last paragraph is: "However, the Royal Navy argued that its officers could be trusted and: "It would be invidious to suggest... that senior Service officers may, in difficult circumstances, act in defiance of their clear orders.""
  15. You know you don't have to kill everyone Rage...
  16. 40 . Climb the shelves like a mountain climber.
  17. Is it the Bismarck? No? Then is it the Dreadnaught? No? Hmmm, could it be the Yamato by any chance? Granted, it has a major hull breach on it, the entire ships has been sawn in half. I wish for next month to be July rather than June.
  18. I would of thought it would be slow as the extra drag from the bi-wings would of increased drag. I was once 1-shot killed by a AA gun. In one of my first games in a fury biplane, a AA gun must of fired a single shot at me but I didn't notice as the next thing the aircraft panned out to show that your dead then it focused on the AA gun. There was no visible damage to the plane. It must of hit me in the cockpit with a single shot.
  19. Biplanes are extremely agile, with the Chaika being one of the most agile. It was used to good effect in the Spanish civil war and for the Chinese against the Japanese. But how did you keep up with the fighters, they would of been able to outrun you.
  20. Having advertisements on report cards! What will they think of next!
  21. Then is this entire thread a headdesk?
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