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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. *activates EMP* Now may we talk in PEACE
  2. *sigh* Can we not get through a day without someone trying to kill chobit? There is no need for that violence.
  3. I try to have at least 4000 m/s in the launch stages so I can get into orbit and still keep all the fuel for the interplanetary/moon travel.
  4. You would be better of buying and sending Toblerones to Chobit while hiding all the time in a nuclear bunker. Don't forget internet access and electricity!
  5. Trekkette doesn't want to kill us, just force you to watch star trek no matter what. As for Chobit, it depends what mood she's in and what we have done lately
  6. All my soft landings are as a result of crashing into the ground on a strafing run. I also once ripped the wings off my bomber with low level bombings. I actually want to be shot down properly for the fun of it
  7. When I went on holidays I had to guide my mother everywhere and it took 3/4 hours to get there and had to guide all the car trips. At least you could relax, I had to constantly stay alert and guide.
  8. I get 30 fps with minimum graphic settings What about if your plane is terminally damaged such as a broken propeller?
  9. I once had a very long bus trip back from Belgium on a school trip. We got stuck in a service station for about 2/3 hours when the drivers got confused where we were as they needed to swap drivers. It was not fun.
  10. I have just a laptop and it has about 20 fps with fairly low settings. I've done my first airfield/ground capture. Lost but lots of fun Shoot down my first aircrafts properly- I shoot down one before but it just crashed really. A Su-2 in a Hurricane and a He-51 with a Blenheim's turrets. Also set fire to another Blenheim's engine and damaged its wing but the game ended with 3 fighters chasing it. Lots of MMOs nowadays that are "free to play" often require grinding. Its the sad truth.
  11. I'm still building up my collection. Started with Voyager, then to TOS and now just need the last season of TNG. I also have the original movies and the first reboot. And what you do with Rage doesn't have to be shared with us. Just make sure he can still post on the forums ok?
  12. That's annoying, my FPS seems to always be just under 15. I'll try and lower them then.
  13. Its not like we'll tie you up and force you to watch all of the episodes. We're not that psychopathic. We will just constantly bombard you till you cave in
  14. That psychopathy is interesting in itself! And we won't kill you for not knowing much about star trek, just trying to convince you to watch it.
  15. No, don't stop playing Odin! I still need you to shot me down! Does anyone else have problems with aim wobble? When I'm trying to manoeuvre to match the targets manoeuvres the aim sight wobbles so much that only a few shots hit.
  16. This applies to you too chobit: And in Rage's case, misguided.
  17. If star trek has taught us anything, its violence is only the answer against other hostile entities. The people here aren't hostile, just interesting!
  18. Best to cement yourself as a know character so you're less likely to die. Wonder whether you could make a star trek cosplay with cats...
  19. Banned for not thinking of doing that.
  20. So you don't want to be killed by a unknown creature then? Medical or Science departments?
  21. If you tell someone not to do something, they will think of nothing but doing it. I now want to constantly tamper with magic. Edit: Can we dress you up then in things like star trek outfits? Like this:
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