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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Its more a general off topic thread which has been done 2 times before and this is the third. Look at the first post for the first two threads.
  2. Bleeeeaaaat! Bleeeeeaaaattt! Bleeeeaaaattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!
  3. Banned for not telling us where you live.
  4. Wow, sniped after half a hour of waiting Ultimate power equals ultimate corruption. And there wouldn't be ashes left? What are you using?
  5. Granted, all it does is make a beeping noise. I wish for a Spitfire Mk XIV
  6. Banned for summing up my feelings.
  7. Try to get in close to the aircraft before firing, try to shoot when the aircraft is in front and heading in the same direction as you if you can't track and remember that the bullets seem to drop over distance so you would have to compensate for that. Can you make custom battles with just 2 people in? I could give Jedi Master some target practise to shoot at me.
  8. Banned because I am eccentric.
  9. 289 . Our Kerbalnauts have no wants or needs except SRBs for Jeb.
  10. Could you explain the stormtrooper effect?
  11. Banned for understanding the ways of eccentricity.
  12. That would be a event worth watching, the wrath of the fanboys.
  13. So you've gotten it downloaded then? How are you doing?
  14. Banned for a green and blue avatar.
  15. There would be something telling you how much you're downloading per second. Is it at 0? If you want it to go faster you could stop browsing the forums.
  16. This proves that we are the cats servants.
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